Microsoft Visual B/C++ Redistributable x86/x64
Thanks you for this. Is it needed that much things installed as programs? I mean, I have 4 installed for the 2012, 2013 and 2015: x32 x34 minimum and additional. They surely spam the control panel, couldnt you join the "minimum routine" with the "additional runtime"?.
[Enero] Update Pack Latino v2.0.6
Hola, dos preguntas. Todavia estan en alguna parte los addons que apagaban windows search y silverlight? Es posible reemplazar algun archivo del updatepack? He intentado descomprimirlo, reemplazar el archivo, comprmirlo de nuevo e integrar esto, pero la instalacion acaba corrupta y el sistema igual, imposible de usar. gracias
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
use jdownloader to downlaod from ricktendo.info. The downloads always stops at halfway and you cant resume it. jdownloader can reconect.
Update pack for windows 8.1?
I have been searching for an update pack for Windows 8.1 but I just found two (I think) and they are only german. I installed one, the WinFuture one, but I just clicked blindly until it started to load and I just dont like this. I would like that it could be integrated on the DVD image too. Im searching for something like simplix.
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Cant install it on a brand new windows 8.1, it says that net framework is already installed. Its probably the version 4 but I want to overwrite it with the latest version and hotfixes. How can I do it?
Repack installer request?
I have the same problem with all the files hosted on your domain. You should fix the download thing with your domain or remove these mirrors, otherwise you are wasting bandwith to supply half downloads that dont work... About the framework 4.5.3, there wasnt another mirror.
Repack installer request?
Could you make a repack for unlocker, jdownloader 2, and vc c++ redist files (x86 and x64)? Also, is it possible to add to the daemon tools repack shell extensions like mount image and dismount? One more thing. At least for me, I had to download the net framework 5.4.3 repack with jdownloader because the download always stoped halfway with firefox. Many thanks
Post-sp1 updatepack for Windows 7?
I was looking for something like this, thanks you very much. If anyone is interested I found the Simplix update pack too.
Post-sp1 updatepack for Windows 7?
Hi, Im looking for a post sp1 updatepack for windows 7 x64 but I dindt found anyone. I know that there are a lots of them for windows xp but not for 7. Why is this? Thanks
- Cómo usar WinToolKit + recomendaciones
[Addon] Unlocker 1.9.1 [Espa
No funciona el link
Installation failed
I forgot to say that although I removed all of these components the image of the DVD grew from 2.9GB to 3.4GB and the windows installation was even slower than the retail.
Installation failed
My windows 7 x64 sp1 consumes 1gb of ram just after installing it so I decided to make a lite version with Win Toolkit. The first problem I have is that it needed five complete hours to do all the job. My pc is a Phenom 2 x4 3,2GHz, 4GB of RAM and a SATA 2 HDD (I mean, no SSD). I integrated 126 updates (almost all post sp1) removed a lot of components that I never need it (57), selected almost all form vLite tab, selected "tweaked" on services tab and did 87 tweaks. The mayor problem I have is that after the windows 7 almost finish his job it shows this error and if you click "accept" just restarts again and again: http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/706/20604044.png English: The computer restarted suddenly or an error ocurred. Windows installation cannot continue. For installing Windows click "Accept" for restart the computer and restart the installation. I atached the presets file generated. 2013-03-01_11-07-57.ini
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