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  1. finaly the 4.5.1 :beerchug: only in this forum we found offline installer that slim version. i think this is better than ori installer that bloatware thanks for making slim for dotnet4.5.1, downloading now :beerchug: see u :welcome:
  2. thanks for new update Mr.Rick :beerchug: will install soon :beerchug:
  3. thanks for update sir, currently i have installed this one. btw, i use this Slim Installer since february 2013 until now. i only use .NET framework 4.5 for install 3DMark 2011 & 2013, nothing more, because the requirement for install 3DMark 2011 must install .NET Framework 4, and then i install .NET framework 4.5, and from February i install Slim .NET Framework this version. i think this is a very great installer! thank u so much Mr. Rick... :beerchug:
  4. my solution, first, tweak with wintoolkit then, tweak with rt7lite Note: if rt7lite first, then wintoolkit, the image will error like that.
  5. sir, would you like to repack for me the .net framework 4.5 without update (.net framework 4.5 only), because i need this for fast install using SetupComplete.cmd for install my win 7 sp1 iso, because the .net framework 4.5 that include updates is too long to install during Setup, so i need without Updates of .net framework 4.5 thnx before