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  1. got this error when i integrated notepad with nlite. i tested it twice and still got the same error
  2. firefox 3.0 is out. can you make editable firefox 3?
  3. is this the latest version of vista rainbar? Vista Rainbar V4.2 http://gavatx.deviantart.com/art/Vista-Rainbar-V4-81263212 btw thx for share n don't forget to update this thread if there is new update
  4. great.. thx for share can i use sidebar gadget in vista rainbar?
  5. hi kels.. i want to request : can you add this menu into one link..? umm maybe u can name it "Kel's Uberpack" so the right click menu didn't take too long, and prevent children to click that link (FCGBA, Expander, modifyPEit, change attribute, clipname, etc...)
  6. GPU-Z v0.2.1 is out
  7. thx kels.. this addon works perfectly with SP3 build 5512
  8. chaox2 replied to Scrat's post in a topic in Graphics Showcase
    Themes : Bricopack Vista Inspirate 2 + V'ISO modified wallpaper : Calandras_Home_by_Deinha1974.jpg rolex sidebar : http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs27/f/2008/109..._by_rodfdez.zip black calendar : http://fc02.deviantart.com/fs19/f/2007/265...y_rapha2.gadget foobar skin : http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs21/f/2007/252...assekongo83.rar almost all theme and picture downloaded from devianart.com
  9. i think the problem isn't from dotnetaio where did u download dotnetaio from?
  10. chaox2 replied to Scrat's post in a topic in Graphics Showcase
    I'm first!! Pertamaxx...!! (in Indonesian Language)
  11. hi onepiece... i like this update pack addon do you have english version for this update pack?
  12. i clicked this shortcut.. and that problem occured
  13. is this a bugs? everytime i opened notepad shortcut. look at this picture but it's not happening when i opened notepad2
  14. http://www.turboupload.com/download/mHYFyq...H/Inspirat2.rar