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    Mig60 reacted to niTe_RiDeR_Pr0 in ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 [RePacked by Ruben Alamina]   
    ImgBurn v2.5.8.0 - RePack [by Ruben Alamina]
    About: This repack wasn't made by me, it was made by Ruben Alamina (his forum name is ajua) (See his page here). I am just sharing with you guys. Also, this is an msi, so it doesnt contain any crapware. Credits & Thanks to Ruben Alamika @ajua.
    About ImgBurn: ImgBurn is a lightweight & powerful CD Images / CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray burning application that everyone should have in their toolkit!
    Command-line Switches
    Download: http://rubenalamina.mx/download/137/ (Note: This link always points out to the latest version, even if this topic isn't updated)
    File Size: 3.29MB

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    Réupload des ULs.
    Changelog :
    IE 11 Updates : suppression de KB3021952
    Win10 Updates : suppression du script .vbs dans l'UL, car le téléchargement direct par WUD du lien Dropbox ne fonctionne pas, c'est pourquoi le fichier final ressort avec une grande taille (en fait c'est la cible du lien htlm, renommée en vbs par WUD).
    Le script .vbs est donc remis dans le premier post comme avant, ce qui sera plus simple !
    I deleted the .vbs script link in the ULs (direct DL from WUD via Dropbox is not supported, so the downloaded file induced errors), the script is placed in first post again.
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    Mig60 reacted to jgp in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)   
    Thanks mig60 for the link.
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    Mig60 reacted to ricktendo in [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)   
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64
    Slim Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ar cs da de el es fi fr he hu it ja ko nl no pl pt-BR pt-PT ru sv tr zh-Hans zh-Hant)

    Some tools and resources for (re)creating your own slim (intl) installer