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NaJeEb303 reacted to geodasoft in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs By ricktendoThe .NET Framework is a development platform for building apps for web, Windows, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Microsoft Azure. It consists of the common language runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework class library, which includes a broad range of functionality and support for many industry standards.
The .NET Framework provides many services, including memory management, type and memory safety, security, networking, and application deployment. It provides easy-to-use data structures and APIs that abstract the lower-level Windows operating system. You can use a variety of programming languages with the .NET Framework, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic.
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 released
Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 is a new version of Microsoft's .Net Framework. The new version is integrated in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update release; if you run older versions of Windows, you may download and install the new version to update the framework to the latest version.
Microsoft released updates for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 as well as Windows 7 versions 1607, 1703 and 1709.
Windows users and administrators may download a web installer or offline installer. The Web Installer is just a small-sized installer which downloads the .Net Framework 4.7.2 from Microsoft servers during installation; the offline installer is a bigger download but it does not require an Internet connection during installation.
thank you By ricktendo
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 Full x86/x64 Incl. Language Packs (ara chs cht csy dan deu ell esn fin fra heb hun ita jap kor nld nor plk ptb ptg rus sve trk)
Filename: dotNetFx472_Slim_x86_x64_Intl.exe
Size: 82.2
MD5: 75ac285970bcf59838a6facd6866f48d
Download version 4.7.2 for Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4Update:
Updated 7za and the sfx module. The setups are no longer renamed, the config file is now dynamically generated. The Binary folder has been renamed to setup, so it's clearer. Themes are now to be placed in the Themes folder. The AddOn is no longer created by default. It is still possible to create it if desired. Added error and success messages. In-depth review of the script. Removed the executable, the script is open source and I prefer. -
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Notepad2-Mod 4.2.25 r998Updated to r998
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Notepad2-Mod 4.2.25 r998Notepad2-mod is a fork of Notepad2, a fast and lightweight yet powerful text editor.
List of the additions from Notepad2:
Code folding Support for bookmarks Option to mark all occurrences of a word Word auto-completion Syntax highlighting support for AutoHotkey,
AutoIt3, AviSynth, Bash, CMake, Inno Setup, LaTeX, Lua, Markdown, NSIS,
Ruby, Tcl and YAML scripts Improved support for NFO ANSI art Support for replacing Windows Notepad using a clean, unintrusive registry-based method Other various minor changes and tweaks
- Compatible from Windows XP to Windows 10.
- Automatically install x86 or x64 version.
- Automatically replace Notepad (can be reverted)
Size: 1.41 MB
MD5: d429fb0c2fec7fa2e7cf8e8d9b9284e4
SHA-1: 4d8410d776cecbe3eb75edce1ddc3013f39dbe54
NaJeEb303 reacted to VandIT in HashTab
Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle 32/64-Bit Version Components:
ExeProperties SKTimeStamp VersInfoEx
Größe: 3,49 MB
MD5: A0D7B79A5A3F849DEC1A94F5330FF90A
Download | HashTab
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Notepad2-Mod 4.2.25 r998Thanks, updated to r991.
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Why ? What specific configuration is needed with VLC ?
You can always use "generic" SFX maker:
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 4.1 is out.
What's new:
NaJeEb303 got a reaction from mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Thankss...
Always great work :-)
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5That's very easy to change: in the bin folder, open all the *.cfg files with notepad and remove the line Delete="%CommonDesktop%\\Mozilla Firefox.lnk"
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Notepad2-Mod 4.2.25 r998Updated to r985
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Here is a batch that will download Firefox in the language & version of your choice and create custom switchless installer.
Available options:
Choose Firefox language Choose Firefox version or use latest (stable, beta, esr, dev, nightly) available Make Firefox the default browser Add custom profile with extensions & customizations (a sample profile is provided) Keep or delete Desktop icon Create nLite/RVMi AddOn Make x86, x64, or AIO installer.
How-to use:
- Extract the content of the archive in a work folder. - Run Firefox_SFX_Maker.cmd - You can skip one or more questions, see the readme file.
The created SFX installers are made in the output folder.
SHA-1: 2bb1a9eec6a000683acb24428a7ab9b80ecb3472
Size: 10.5 MB
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5I've finally found the time to work on this, so version 4 is out,.
@NaJeEb303 @hamzaaan your wish is fulfilled:
What's new:
You can now make AIO (x86 & x64) SFX. The setups are uncompressed then recompressed together for better compression (smaller file size). wget is replaced by aria2 (can use multiple connections, much faster)
NaJeEb303 reacted to mooms in Notepad2-Mod 4.2.25 r998Updated to r980
NaJeEb303 got a reaction from ricktendo in [Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)Suggestion*
Remove the hashes from the OP as the archive already include it now, so there wont be confusion !
NaJeEb303 got a reaction from alfreire in [Repak] Adobe Reader XI Lite 11.0.10 (de en es fr hu it pl ptb ru tr)Version 11.0.10 out !
NaJeEb303 got a reaction from alfreire in [Repak] VMware Workstation Lite 12.1.0-3272444VMware Workstation 11.0.0 Build 2305329
Released !!
NaJeEb303 got a reaction from alfreire in [Tweaked] Skype (Multilanguage)Skype is available...!!