[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Hi The WUD package links in the OT are 0 bytes and do not work. Can you fix them ? Many thanks
icare [14 Jan 2020] SFX Microsoft
Thank you very much. Glad to learn this. Yes it's the convenience rollup. Where can I read more about deep-cleaning?
icare [14 Jan 2020] SFX Microsoft
Bonjour I have a question: Can I completely remove .Net 3.5 with WinToolkit when I am including your package ? I have tried the GDR package from this forum without removing .Net 3.5 and I still have 2 updates for Net 3.5.1 showing up in Windows Update after the installation. Merci & désolé for not writing in French.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Hi. In my Installation IE11 has not been installed. When going to the list of included updates IE11 package is not shown, only its updates. Do I have to manually add it somewhere, after choosing the root folder for all updates to be included?
[Repack] Java SE Runtime Environment 8.0.1210.13 [Revision 1]
Perfect. Worked. Thank you very much.
[Repack] Java SE Runtime Environment 8.0.1210.13 [Revision 1]
Hi alan_fox Seems to be a very nice package. One question though: I used the following switches /ai2 /sfxlang:1031 NOSTARTMENU=0 WEB_ANALYTICS=0 After installing the package it displayed a Windows Installer window explaining the usage of parameters like /norestart etc. Is this because I dind't set the /gm2 switch? Do I miss something or did I someting wrong? Or could that message be from the next installer (i doubt it) called through WinToolkit (Silverlight64 silent package from this repack forum)?
[14 Juin 2014] Updates Packs GDR Windows 7 SP1
Salut Merci beaucoup pour les pacquets! Mais MEGA ne me laisse pas charger la version du 23.05. Ca commence mais après reste sur 4% pour le x64 et sur 53% pour le complément RunOnce.
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