Boot Windows 7 from VHD - an amazing concept, Here's how to do it
Thx for info, now I can play with Windows 7 on my hardware and left virtual machine that I ran on vmware workstation.
[AddOn] V Y S T A L - Reloaded v1.2.0.1 a2
Rick, download link doesn't work.. :icon_question:
[Finalists] December 2006
Nice desktop N1K! You have my vote... :thumb_yello:
Happy Birthday N1K
Happy birthday stari! :cake: :beerchug:
Royale Noir: Secret XP theme uncovered
Great, I didn't know for this theme... tnx ricktendo64! :thumbsup:
- Insurance
- Can you do like this
Paypal is available in Croatia
No, I didn't find the date when we can receive funds... maybe we should contact PayPal about this info. :ermm:
Happy birthday Wolf
Happy birthday Wolfy! :yay: :cake: :beerchug:
Paypal is available in Croatia
Yes, this is a great news to all of us from Croatia. But still check the following link and you can see that we can only send money. :sigh: https://www.paypal.com/row/cgi-bin/webscr?c...ignup-countries
[Request] Need new logo
Thanks WolfX2 for your hard work, but I decided to have new logo that was created by one of my friends from hockeyarena. You can see his work at top of this topic.
[Request] Need new logo
Great, I can't wait to see it.. Tnx!
[Request] Need new logo
Not bad WolfX2! I like it! :clap: Just wondering.. is it possible to arrange my team name as burning text? Thanks, JaCro
[Request] Need new logo
Hi WolfX2, I need a new logo for my hockey team at Hockeyarena.net. Logo shouldn't exeed a total of 400x200 and 50KB. I need text of my team on it: HC Bull's Hell The pictures and colors are your decision... Surprise me. My current logo:
[How To] Creating Advanced Water
You're amazing WolfX2! Great tutorial... :beerchug:
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