Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath changed their profile photo
Windows 10 - DISM
https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=0053f5d45a736673&id=53F5D45A736673%21246last Dism 10.0.9942.0
Win Toolkit
problem i try download the new version and show always download the and not the
- 210 reviews
Default Themes win 8.1
How can i make Default Themes in win 8.1 if is possible :/
Change the bootscreen on Windows 7
only i know is who change/install new bootscreen after first log in ..now about installation windows 7 i don't know
Problem With Wim Register Editon
Problem With Wim Register Editon
When i make mount on register Edition all is fine good then i make some change non important for destroy the register or something something Easy Then i try unmount and here is the results :
I can't integrate update win 8.1
Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath replied to Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath's post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 8thnx very much for information !!!!and when i can report one problem on wintoolkit i try find on site but nothing :/
I can't integrate update win 8.1
Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath replied to Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath's post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 8okey thnx for information i hope work..last question dism =imagex right?
I can't integrate update win 8.1
Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath replied to Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath's post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 8adk is package for everything.you mean copy the wintoolkit on folder adk folder dism and with option of wintoolkit choose the dism of win 8.1 adk?
I can't integrate update win 8.1
Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath replied to Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath's post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 8need download adk for win 8.1 and install it on win 7 for work???like waik win 8.1 mode on win 7 that maybe work ? i use win 7 and and use the waik of win 7
I can't integrate update win 8.1
i try alot version of wintoolkit but nothing i can't intergrate update win 8.1
How change Modified Date Time
Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath replied to Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath's post in a topic in Microsoft Windows 7
- [Solved] Messagebox "error" while installation after using tweak
same error again on me open regedit with wintoolkit when open go software/microsoft/windows nt/runonce and delete -ms silent patch done!- [Solved] Messagebox "error" while installation after using tweak
wait guys i tell you when you go delete the -ms from regedit..- How change Modified Date Time
plzzz help i search for alot hours nothing i find - [Solved] Messagebox "error" while installation after using tweak