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Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath

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    Tolios Giorgos WhiteDeath got a reaction from Venerot in Windows 10 - DISM   
    https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=0053f5d45a736673&id=53F5D45A736673%21246last Dism  10.0.9942.0 
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    Hey guys. The paperwork has been handed in so i will be programming for a while, starting today. Whoop whoop!
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    v2.0.0.24 released
    64bit mode The program should work in 64bit mode when ran on an 64 bit OS.
    Update Installer completed Driver Installer completed Removed 'Test Area' on main screen.  
    Too many changes in en-US.xaml to list (can't remember them).
  4. Like
    The latest version can be downloaded from here: http://testing.wintoolkit.co.uk
    The tool itself is not finished yet.
    Tools worked on so far and their completion:
    Main Menu: 100% EXE to MSP Converter: 100% Language Pack Converter: 100% MSU to CAB Converter: 100% USB Boot Preparation: 98% ISO Maker: 98% WIM Manager: 30%