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    Classic Microsoft Games for Embedded OSes (Thin PC), and Windows 8 and 8.1 SKUs.

    Version: 2.0
    Addon Release Date: version 1.0: July 27, 2012; version 2.0: April 21, 2014.
    Shortcut created in: Metro (App) screen, Games Explorer, Start menu/Games
    Uninstallable: Yes
    Author(s): Wiwi-maX / MAXtoriX;
    I'm just that one which collect everything in one universal workable package and create an addon(s)**, but all other credits goes to:
    AsciiWolf - from www.win2008r2workstation.com for patching Windows 7 Games Files.
    Samuka - from www.betaarchive.com for patching Windows 7 Games Files.
    *Reaper* -  from WinCert and WinMatrix for patched Vista Ultimate: Extras (without custom levels in Tinker).
    m.rheenen82 - from members.chello.nl/m.rheenen82 for Tinker Custom Levels.
    Bubbabyte and others - from www.neowin.net for Tinker Custom Levels.

    Games from:

    Windows XP
    - Pinball

    Vista Ultimate: Extras
    - Hold 'Em
    - InkBall
    - Tinker with Tinker Editor (with included collection of extra custom levels)

    Windows 7
    - Chess Titans
    - FreeCell
    - Hearts
    - Internet Backgammon
    - Internet Checkers
    - Internet Spades
    - Mahjong Titans
    - Minesweeper
    - Purple Place
    - Solitaire
    - Spider Solitaire

    Metro screen

    Star Menu -> All Programs -> Games (with StartIsBack+ installed)

    **There are two packages adapted for integration in 32 and 64-bit image. In both packages binaries are same, and they are only 32-bit.
    Download (x86)
    Size: 164MB
    MD5: 99e7af9079b5100a018a01cc3cabf5ba
    SHA-1: 55c414e758443591329f5b2cf1c72498b5e65510
    Download (x64)
    Size: 164 MB
    MD5: d3ad145462c791a4176fd5891e145565
    SHA-1: 4f9ffebdfdf401f8605df8eb5f864ec957e1d422OS Supported:
    Both: x86-32 and 64-bit
    - Windows 7 Embedded Family (also Thin PC);
    - Windows 8.x Family (Beta builds: 8102 DP, 8250 CP, 8400 RP; Final builds: 9200 Win8 RTM, 9600 Win8.1 RTM /w Update 1).

    Update: Maybe you will also like to see:
    Microsoft Games: 2nd Pack (HyperBowl, Labyrinth, Sudoku, Carioca Rummy)