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Everything posted by xable

  1. Doesn't look like he is going to so yes please Kel.
  2. Hi everyone, It's been brought to my attention that this is infact my update pack and addons bodged together by someone who doesn't know what they are doing, "Dream" posted on my forum asking for help and was quite rude. All this is without my permission. My advise is to leave this well alone and use an alternative, I will update my pack at some point however I've broke my hand and it's in plaster atm so cannot give an eta. @Dream World, please take this down, you didn't ask if you could take my packs, update them and claim them as your own and I don't appreciate you doing so. It's not cool. By all means learn how to make them and build your own like every other pack maker has done, there are plenty of people, including myself that will help you. Regards Darren aka xable