Everything posted by PeterWC
[Solved] Alphawaves' Downloader and Last Modified dates
Actually, what we need is Modified date as release date, so that we can sort by that column in Explorer when selecting updates to Add to Win Toolkit. Created and Accessed dates can just default to current date. And Win Toolkit should use Created date for the "Downloaded (YYYY/MM/DD)" column. (Using Last Modified there will be redundant since that date will already be reflected in the "Date (YYYY/MM/DD)" column.) Using Modified date as release date, and Created and Accessed dates as current date, mimics how Explorer handles file copies across local volumes. Modified date is always preserved (unless the file is actually modified), Created and Accessed dates reflect when the file was copied. (Accessed can subsequently change if the default NTFS behavior is in force.) This will go a long way towards getting updates applied in roughly the original release order, without having to maintain internal lists within Win Toolkit. In fact, this feature in Windows Update Downloader ("WUD", not WHD) is the only reason I'm still hanging onto that legacy app. I'm anxious to get on with using your port of WHD. You've put a lot of work into it and it fits nicely into Win Toolkit. Thanks for your patience, and I do appreciate you hearing me out on this. (Peter)
[Solved] Alphawaves' Downloader and Last Modified dates
Wow! Thanks for the speedy update... But i'm a bit confused about making all three timestamps the same... this will make the "Downloaded (YYYY/MM/DD)" column always reflect the release date, not the download date, no matter which timestamp that column reads. Seems to me that you need to let Created timestamp reflect actual downloaded date/time, and read that for the "Downloaded (YYYY/MM/DD)" column. Otherwise there will be no use for that column.... Unless it's keeping track of download timestamps somewhere else?
[Solved] Alphawaves' Downloader and Last Modified dates
P.S. RicaNeaga Updates are apparently no longer being maintained? At least not at the MEGA page that the button in Win Toolkit points to. There's nothing newer than 2014-01-22 at that page. Note name for first file in list there: "NOT GOING TO UPDATE THESE ARCHIVES ANYMORE - PLEASE USE WHD APP - LINK FOR IT INSIDE.txt" File contains an old link to Alphawaves' Windows Hotfix Downloader @ MDL. (didn't bother putting this in a separate post as I'm not interested in the Bug Bounty, thanks)
[Solved] Alphawaves' Downloader and Last Modified dates
I see that the "Alphawave's Downloader" feature in Win Toolkit is (trying to) use the update's release date for the downloaded file's timestamp. Thanks very much for that! I just used Win Toolkit v1.4.36.2 to download all 433 "New Updates [Recommended]". Checking the results for Last Modified date in Windows Explorer: All of the updates in the Security subfolder reflect the download timestamp (not the release date)Most of the updates in the General subfolder reflect the download timestampA few of the updates in the Hotfix subfolder reflect the download timestampAlso, in the "Downloaded" tab of the Downloader, for those files that (incorrectly) show the download timestamp in Explorer, the "Downloaded" column accurately reflects the download date. But for files that correctly show the release date in Explorer, the "Downloaded" column also shows the release date, which is a bit misleading. Perhaps this column can instead show the Created date? (but still keep the "Downloaded" label...) Looking deeper, I see that some (but not all) of the files that do show release date in the Last Modified timestamp have other timestamps that don't look right. For instance, Windows6.1-KB2800095-x64.msu (in the Hotfix subfolder): Created: Friday, February 28, 2014, 1:36:10 AM <--- ??? Modified: Wednesday, January 29, 2014, 12:11:13 AM <--- actual release date Accessed: Friday, February 28, 2014, 1:36:10 AM <--- ??? Are these Created and Accessed timestamps actually taken from the source file? If so, then my previous suggestion to use the Created date may not be of any use. Perhaps you can set just the Modified date, and let the filesystem handle the Created and Accessed date? Minor nit: This feature uses functionality provided by the user "Alphawaves" @ MDL. So it should be labeled "Alphawaves' Downloader" (note the relocated apostrophe). Thanks! (Peter)
Just got the notice that the new Win Toolkit version was available, and so are you Lego. Great news! May I throw in my two cents for an update downloader that you might use for inspiration? In my case I only need GDR updates and I use Windows Updates Downloader for this purpose: http://www.windowsupdatesdownloader.com/ http://www.msfn.org/board/forum/147-windows-updates-downloader/ WUD uses .ulz "Update Lists", which are compressed XML specs that download update .msu files (and .exes etc. for Optional updates) directly from Microsoft.com. New Update Lists are typically available about a week and a half after Patch Tuesday. WUD also sets the Last Modified date on downloaded files to the date advertised on Microsoft's servers. Since updates are not necessarily released in numerical order, and re-releases break such order anyway, and there are actually several different numerical sequences being used by MS, it makes more sense (to me at least) to sort updates by Last Modified date (which is what I do when I add them to the Updates + Languages tab in Win Toolkit). Note also that the current version of WUD has a minor bug with parsing Update Lists for Windows releases that include a Service Pack. In this case the program Option to use "Product as subfolder" does not work correctly. The current workaround is to edit Update Lists manually, or just not use the option (it's not enabled by default). More on that bug here: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/155318-no-status-colour-for-already-downloaded-updates/ Thanks again for Win Toolkit, it definitely is the current tool of choice for integrating Windows updates. (Peter)