It happens again, showing in a pop up: "something went very wrong with your image and it can no longer be worked on".
Hi: What is wrong here? WTK shows an error during compilation. Logs attached. Last Sessions.zip Gadgets_DonB-PC.ini Settings.txt Silent Installs_DonB-PC.ini Updates_DonB-PC.ini
WinToolKit2.x: Read SoftwareDist Contents
Read SoftwareDistributionList and have WinToolKit grap the needed updates from WTK FileList and checkmark them for inclusion into ISO.
Update Manager (/Retriever/Checker)?
Liam: I also wish to have an 'Update Reader' or Importer in WintoolKit version 2: 1. Retry failed update integration 2. Import 'Update List' from Users PC [softwareDistribution] to read Installed Updates and get them from your WinToolKit Updates (auto-checkmark what it finds and download it) for incorporating into an updated Windows DVD. Thanks, db_cert
- UpdateLists info
WinToolKit Not Working: Takes FOREVER 2hrs+
https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=f1c69e25e0d2390a See Pics. This takes a LONG Time. Over 3 Hours. It shows loading Registry then it processes too long. Help. I don't want to ditch this program as it has HUGE promiss. I am trying to do a Repair Install. My Win7 Pro x64 DVD shows the version of Windows is newer than the one i wish to install. Thanks, db_cert
WinToolKit Not Working: Takes FOREVER 2hrs+
I cant upload shots; filesize 150K Give email address or something to attach files? 1. Photo shows: Loading Registry [WinToolKit AIO] Stqatus Barand some black x or ! in Updates Integation List? Thanks, Don
WinToolKit Not Working: Hangs Says something Wrong
Why do you run WinToolkit within VMWare Player? I run WinToolKit in VMWare because it is a generally cleaner OS environment than my Host OS (which has problems with some missing files and manifests in c:\windows\winsxs). Also I would need a screenshot as you haven't really specified what it hangs on or what you just did before it hangs I use a virgin OEM version of Win7x64 with updates provided by WH Downloader 0.10 with all Windows 7 x64 downloads for Home Users - nothing else. I start the Integration, it progesses then balks with a Warning Box saying something went wrong and there was no point to continue. This happens when a Language Pack is integrated). Only use English US here. Please answer the question on what the colored checkboxes mean, also. Thanks for helping, Don
WinToolKit Not Working: Hangs Says something Wrong
SAME error: Hangs Logs.7z
- UpdateLists info
WinToolKit Not Working: Hangs Says something Wrong
I run WinToolKit in VMware Player 7 and have used WHDownloader to get all updates. When I setup all updates, gadgets, themes and Silent Installers all is okay...no load errors. During AIO use I have some updates with Green and Yellow Checkmarks, one is Black Using Portable Version and Win7 x64 +SP1 OS. X.Last Sessions.zipLogs.zipSettings.zip Third Try, No luck. Thanks for some help. Sincerely, Db_certdism.7z
Meaning: Checkmark Colors and fixes?
What is meant by the different colors of the checkmarks and X next to the AIO Updates Integrator? I get mostly Green ones, some Yellow and a few X marks during a run. WTK: OS: Win7x64 I also have an OEM version with SP1 Integrated. Will it harm my WTK run if I reintegrate the same prior updates as SP1 has? Would you please make an UPDATE List file for Win7x64SP1? Thanks, Don.
UpdateLists info
What do the the different color checkmarks mean? Green, Yellow? I get some (x) BASIC->Updates List My config: fGadgets=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\Win 7 Desktop Stuff\Desktop Gadgets fSilents=C:\_DON SOFTWARE_\_DON INTERNET_\INTERNET1\BROWSER PLUGINS\ORACLE JAVA fThemes=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\Win 7 Desktop Stuff\Desktop Theme Packs fUpdates=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\Windows 7 SP1 x64 ENU sMountTemp=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\WinToolkit_Mount sAddRunOnce=True sAICommands=True sAVScan=True sAIOSave=True sUpdFilter=True sAIOTIME=03m:14s sPreventSleep=True sCheckForUpdates=True sDLogging=True sDISMUpdate=True sFreeRAM=True sLastDir=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\Windows 7 SP1 x64 ENU sLastWIM=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\GRMCPRXFREO_EN_DVD\SOURCES\install.wim sPLastWIM=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\GRMCPRXFREO_EN_DVD\SOURCES\install.wim|N/A|N/A|N/A|N/A sDeleteMount=True smCheck=False sAIOPM=True sQuickMerge=True sFormSize=|frmUpdRetriever:803*400|frmAllInOne:1720*940|frmWIMManager:790*350 smVerify=False sSolDownload=C:\Program Files (x86)\WinToolkit\Updates\ sTransparency=100 sTransparencyAll=False sWinToolkitDISM=Normal sWinToolkitExt=Normal sWinToolkitPRI=Normal sUploadLogs=True sMountLog=True sShowWelcome=False sRegistryLog=False Thanks, Db_cert
- UpdateLists info
- UpdateLists info
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