Mcrip is down
Jfcarbel: Sorry for the vague sentence. You are correct. With KUC, you do first need to build the proper folder of updates by running it on an installed/running win7-sp1 system or VM. I installed a fresh win7 sp1 x64 dvd into a VirtualBox VM (VirtualBox is free). Then, you run KUC through about 7 to 9 cycles using this tutorial, until there are no more updates to remove or add. http://www.windows-update-checker.com/FAQ/Getting%20started%20with%20KUC.htm At that point, you finally have a folder with only those Windows Updates that are compatible and known to work together, and it excludes the ones that cause installation problems. Now, you can use that folder of updates (C:\WU\REPO) with any tool you like; WinToolKit, RT7lite, KUC, etc, to add them to an offline image. KUC shows how to do that here; http://www.windows-update-checker.com/FAQ/How%20to%20integrate%20updates%20into%20a%20DVD%20image.htm but WinToolKit (WTK) is easier (less command lines, just click.) So, in summary; Until WTK is able to download updates once again, the process I use is; A. Build an Updates folder with KUC. B. Integrate them to a DVD and test. C. Use WinToolKit to integrate add-ons and silent installers, etc. As Ricktendo properly points out, even though you could download updates with Win Update Downloader (WUD), and sometimes with McRip inside WTK, it appears that KUC does a much more detailed deep inspection of which updates are incompatible, which can cause trouble with offline integration, and which are superceded and should be removed from the image. So you get what you pay for. KUC is more work, but it worked for me. I did first try using Windows Update Downloader to download all updates and integrate them. It was less work, but the image did not work. IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time (August 2013), KUC does not properly slipstream ie10 into an image, even though KUC shows a checklist selection for doing that. I believe that WTK can integrate ie10. KUC plans to fix that in their next release. But some people, inlcuding me, have tested this process for manually integrating ie10 offline into the image, and it works fine; http://forums.mydigitallife.info/threads/30670-KUC-a-utility-to-check-you-Windows-7-2008-R2-WMS-or-Win-embedded-update-status/page41?p=784971&viewfull=1#post784971 Again, I *think* that WTK can do this more easily. Neal
How to put objects/binaries on the Desktop?
Using WinToolKit for the very first time. What is the process for inserting a simple binary, such as Putty.exe, onto the Windows Desktop? I tried my first image with WinToolKit today and succeeded at integrating add-ons and silent installers. I next wish to add simple binaries that do not require any installer or extra files. Examples are putty SSH and portable tiny apps that are one exe file. Any pointers on how to do that? Cheers, Neal
Mcrip is down
Reporting back success on the two-step process from Post #5 above. Summary: A. Obtained fresh w7 SP1 ISO image. Copied to folder. B. Ran KUC (offline, to the folder above) through about 9 cycles (scans) to get all updates installed to that offline image. C. Tested image in VM. D. Ran wintoolkit on the folder for the above KUC updated image; + added add-ons. + added silent installers. E. Tested OK in VirtualBox VM. Only 5 updates presented in the freshly installed VM, and those are mostly the "Can Not Integrate Offline" updates, and then August Windows Malicious Software Removal tool. So the process is good, but a lot more work with Mcrips servers offline. The question from Post #7 remains; The above process with KUC only patches one WIM Index at a time, such as index #4 for Windows 7 Ultimate. It is very time intensive even for that one WIM. So Post 7 asks if there is a way to extract those updates from the installed windows image in the VM, and feed them to WinToolKit, where all 4 indexes (WIMs) will get the updates applied in one run. Cheers, Neal
Mcrip is down
Ricktendo: Yes, OK. But a question on that... KUC appears to have scanned and updated a single WIM on a Windows 7 SP1 DVD. Those DVDs, as you know, contain indexes 1-4 for home, pro, ultimate, etc. So, it at least "seems" that I would have to mount each WIM index (mount and scan and repeat the scan and update cycle) for each of the 4 WIMs, which is a ton of work. But from my first use of wintoolkit today, it at least seems, by watching the status bar, that it would automatically apply the list of windows updates to each of the 4 WIM (indexes) automatically, *IF* I had the list of updates to point wintoolkit at. So getting creative with thinking; is there some way, from a single image completed with KUC, (such as index 4, windows 7 ultimate), to copy the updates from the installed VM, and then use that folder to feed to WinToolKit, so WTK can automatically update all 4 WIMs? If so, it would save TONS of time. Just looking for the most efficient way, time wise. Neal
Mcrip is down
Does anyone have any information on the situation with the servers? Is Mcrip on vacation, Is it temporary, or is Mcrip offline for good? I am just learning to use wintoolkit today for the first time. What I did previously, is I learned and used KUC, and made a working integrated w7 x64 sp1 plus IE10 DVD. Next, I was learning wintoolkit so I could integrate add-ons and silent installers. So I took my above win 7 image (with updates, made with KUC), and opened it into wintoolkit. I am watching wintoolkit integrate the add-ons, and now I see it is looking at, and building a list of ALL the updates that are already in my image (which is 436 of them since SP1). I guess I will find out in approx 1 hour if this works ok. If it does, until Mcrip is back, perhaps you can first "update" your SP1 fresh image using KUC, and then open that folder (wim) in WinToolKit for add-ons, silent installers, tweaks, etc? I will post back if the above "two stage" method resulted in a working ISO for me. Neal
Win 7 install error "Windows Setup could not configure......"
I think I figured this out. I was having the same problem, and did a lot more googling and studying, and posting. It seems that you can NOT just download ALL windows updates since SP1, dump them into a folder, and integrate them. There are specific updates that are known toxic to offline integration, and also other updates that have newer versions, requiring the original to be uninstalled first. I just last night was able to make my very first working image with almost all updates integrated. Ricktendo and a few others pointed me at KUC, a windows update tool that automates the process of building a repository folder that contains only those updates that will work together for offline integration onto an SP1 image (DISM, RT7lite, Wintoolkit). KUC is located at; http://windows-update-checker.com Basic summary: a. You start with a standard fresh Win 7 SP1 install on a machine, or a VM if you wish. b. You run KUC, using their "getting started guide" : http://windows-update-checker.com/FAQ/Getting%20started%20with%20KUC.htm It looks complicated, but not. You do not need to study and learn all that detail. Just blindly follow the tutorial PRECISELY. It was written when SP1 was much younger and there were fewer new updates. So instead of running it for 3 loops, I actually had to run 9 loops before it was satisfied with all proper updates, and with bad ones removed. What does this "loop" mean? You basically run KUC repeatedly. Each time you run it, it will remove some obsolete updates, download new ones, add some more. You run it again, it adds a few more, adjusts others. When you finally run it and it shows none to remove and no more to add, you are done. c. The result is that the "repo" folder will have all the PROPER and COMPATIBLE updates, and will have excluded known problem updates and incompatible updates. d. You now have a running VM or bare metal machine with a proper set of updates. You ALSO have a repo folder with the proper updates to add to an ISO image. Next, we will make an integrated ISO. e. Take a fresh Win 7 SP1 DVD and copy the files into a folder like C:\Win7DVD Do this with 7zip. WARNING: If I used 7ZIP by double clicking on the windows ISO file, I ran into trouble (duplicate copied files, attempts to overwrite other files, etc). But if I used the START menu, and right clicked START AS ADMINISTRATOR, and then inside 7zip navigated to the ISO image and extracted it with defaults, then it worked fine when I integrated everything back into a new DVD. f. Finally, use this other tutorial at KUC's site; http://www.windows-update-checker.com/FAQ/How%20to%20integrate%20updates%20into%20a%20DVD%20image.htm to do the ACTUAL integration of your new repo updates into your offline dvd image and burn a new dvd or iso. This is the ONLY process that worked for me. All the others failed. And I had tried DISM, RT7 and WinToolKit. The key point, even if you use something other than KUC, is that you MUST find a way to build a folder of updates that are compatible with each other, compatible with offline updates of an install image, and exclude the known problem updates. I also want to thank Ricktendo (these forums) and KUC's author for their rapid replies and support while I was learning this process yesterday. Neal
[Question] Update Packs and Everything Related
I am new to this, and trying to learn how to do one thing correctly; Integrate windows updates (all since SP1 was released) into a stock image of win7-x64-SP1. I still can't seem to find a simple one page description, or even a long document, that describes clearly what to do. My learning steps have been as follows; A. Google; Discover update downloader. Download ALL windows updates since SP1 into a folder. B. Discover DISM. Use 7zip to extract a stock W7SP1 ISO image into a folder. Mount the install.wim file. Use dism to apply all the updates. Save, Commit. Use cdimage to burn ISO for testing. Find out it will not work or install (bad or corrupted updates). C. Google some more, find forum threads talking about wintoolkit, use wintoolkit to add all the updates in the folder, still will not work. Google again, find out that many updates make others obsolete, others need removal, can't integrate certain updates offline, etc. D. Google and find KUC. KUC is said to be the answer. So I get KUC, read the Getting Started Tutorial in the FAQ section, and have a working VM of Windows 7 SP1 with all updates in what KUC thinks are a good order. THE QUESTION: What to do next? There does not seem to be any further docuementation anywhere about what you do after running KUC, in order to PROPERLY integrate updates into a Win7SP1 image. It looks to me (studying the KUC directory C:\WU) that KUC places all the updates into three folders; REPO, NORMAL, LDR. Once KUC is run several times and finally reaches a state where there are 0 to ADD and 0 to REMOVE, are those three folders containing ONLY the proper updates that will integrate OK into my image? Do I use DISM to integrate all three folders to an INSTALL.WIM file? Or, do I use some other toolkit to take a snapshot of this installed and updated VM and somehow make it back into an installable ISO? Are there any links to an article or docs that talk accurately about what next? That is the key piece of tutorial that seems missing in all of these web artricles. If trying to integrate updates into an SP1 ISO, where and how do you end up with a list or a folder of proper compatible updates that you can just point at DISM or wintoolkit or some other tool? This knowledge seems close to impossible to find with Google. Sincere Thanks, Neal
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