- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
realy amnesia??? am i wrong???
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
yeah i am 100% agree with RUD because it is not easy to find out other customization.So,Please bober try to update your first with the passage of time.
Set as a picture as background in cd
No one is interested in my question??? Guys plz help me.
How to change default cursor for xp setup
Hi.ricktendo64 first of all i couldn't understand your point "all .cur". then i patched user32.dll but my setup hangs at registering files and sends a message access valuation address in user32.dll. where i am wrong. thnks for gudiness.
Change blue color of xp setup screen
Hi.Orbit can you help me in this matter??
Change blue color of xp setup screen
Thanks Dave3737 Can you tell me that which line should be hacked and now i am using XN res editor.Is it correct
How to change default cursor for xp setup
Hello everybody. I want to change default cursor for xp gui mod setup. How can i do it????
[Addon] Bootscreens for xp sp3 v5.1.2600.5657
hi orbit30 I want to add your boot screens in my xp sp3 5512 cd. which one is for mine???
[Release] Universal Extractor 1.6.1
Yes I am also having problems to download this one.Please put it on anywhere else.
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
Hi bober I have an XP SP2 source and sp3 file from Microsoft. Now first i integrate sp3 over sp2 source and then slipstream xpsp3 onepeice aio upate pack. Then i use nlite for customizations and finally an ISO. Can you help me that after which stage should i use your xp theme patcher
Set as a picture as background in cd
Friends. I have a question that how can i set an image as background in cd??? I have set picture as background with "desktop.ini" but burning with nlite removes it? Where i am wrong??Please help me.
Polite request to addon makers....
Oj thanks to all. cclO.Farah Khan is my love and i am 100% working fo him.Are you muslim?Please PM me.
Polite request to addon makers....
Hello everybody. I have a request to addon makers that you should add info in your addon post that this addon is compatible with nlite or RVMi. Thanks in advance
Change blue color of xp setup screen
hello Bober. I mean when we insert cd and press any key, then loading files blue screen where "Windows setup" is written upside????
Muhammad Jamshed
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