Everything posted by DEViANCE
Help with NOD32 2.7 Update
Good good, then i will post it when i manage to get it how i want it ;-) EDIT: i missed five changed files, problem solved
Help with NOD32 2.7 Update
Yep learning fast, i made a few addons now but this one im stuck with.. i won't give up though.. it all works just until you click update it thinks you have old files.. i see some other engine files that may also be altered after update.. i will try copying new versions of them also... thanks again. Also I wonder is it ok to post here apps with updated virus sigs?? It would still be a trial app (no more update) but if i updated the app once a month it is as good as paying for it.. Is that classed as warez???
Help with NOD32 2.7 Update
Ok this app is starting to annoy me now lol... Above example worked fine, files were copied fine BUT on reboot it resets the build, date, version back to the old ones... Do you know this app NOD32 v2.7?? Ir must be stored elsewhere also or i need to do something else.. im stuck and confused. Thanks for all your help ;-)
[AddOn] Internet Download Manager 6.15b9
Thanks for the update -) Downloading..
Help with NOD32 2.7 Update
Ok thanks to ricks tutorial i have built a silent installer for my copy of nod32. It all works fine but i wanted it to be update on the first install, I have managed to copy the new update files after install, its all updated but still thinks its not till you click update in the nod32 menu... Im guessing it because these entries need to be in registry: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESET\NOD\CurrentVersion\Info] "Build"="0x00002c76 (11382)" "CurrentVersion"="2711 (20071207)" "Date"="0x060c07d7 (101451735)" Im using this config file: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /silentmode /noreboot" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy updfiles \"%ProgramFiles%\\Eset\\updfiles\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd regedit /S NOD32.reg" ;!@InstallEnd@! But its not inserting the registry entries, can anyone tell me where im going wrong?? Sorry im new to making installers/addons.
[Tutorial] Making A 7-Zip Switchless Installer
Nice one, this code worked fine: ;!@Install@!UTF-8! GUIMode="2" RunProgram="setup.exe /s" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd /c xcopy FolderName \"%ProgramFiles%\\FolderName\" /s /e /i /y /h /r /k" ;!@InstallEnd@! I have now finished my first silent install and nlite addon now, thanks for your help ;-) EDIT: can you please show me an example of how to add reg entries: RunProgram="hidcon:cmd Register Entry" I need to convert file this to the above format as it don't seem to work as a file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Eset\Nod\CurrentVersion\Info] "Build"="0x00002c76 (11382)" "CurrentVersion"="2711 (20071207)" "Date"="0x060c07d7 (101451735)" The Build, and CurrentVersion need adding, the date needs updating. Sorry for all the questions. EDIT: think i got it now: RunProgram="hidcon:cmd REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Eset\Nod\CurrentVersion\Info /v Build /t REG_DWORD d/ 0x00002c76 (11382)" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Eset\Nod\CurrentVersion\Info /v CurrentVersion /t REG_SZ d/ 2711 (20071207)" RunProgram="hidcon:cmd REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\Eset\Nod\CurrentVersion\Info /v Date /t REG_DWORD d/ 0x060c07d7 (101451735) /f" EDIT: sigh.. it don't seem to work if i do it from .reg file or config.txt... if i run the reg file or commands in windows it works.. why won't it work in the install?? What am i doing wrong?
[Tutorial] Making A 7-Zip Switchless Installer
Thanks for the link and example! I tried that and it all worked well apart from ther are two files in the update folder "lastupd.var" ad "upd.var" its copying all the other files but those two are not getting over writen. could you kindly tell me how to delete/overwrite the two files, thanks ;-)
[Release] Windows XP Post SP3 UpdatePack 1.0.9
Does that malicious Removal tool run often when installed?? Its hard to explain how i done my cd, i only came here a few days ago and have used different packs to you guys.. but in the end the only thing stopping my cd being 100% upto date was cos i didn't know how to make it into an addon.. so i put it in via $oem$ method but im guessing im missing reg keys??
[Tutorial] Making A 7-Zip Switchless Installer
This works great for me but i have a question, say i wanted to copy a file/folder from the bin directory to the install directory of the app after i had run the install.. how would i do that?? For example i have some updated NOD32 files i want to add after running the install (replacing out of date ones) so i don't have to download them again.
[Editable] Vista Firefox (April 16-08)
Nice work, thanks yet again ;-)
[svcpack] VMware Tools AddOn
Thanks rick, im finding myself using a lot of your addons, nice work ;-)
[AddOn] nLite AddOn Maker v1.2.4
Thanks for fast reply ;-) And nice work.
[svcpack] VMware Tools AddOn
Hi, thanks for the share but the link to "VMware Tools for v6.0.0.45731" is down.
[AddOn] nLite AddOn Maker v1.2.4
Just what I need... maybe im missing something but where is the download link for the addon??