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  1. Rick, thx for response. Redid the registration. No improvement. So I uninstalled Alky and Sidebar (and redownloaded both progs). Rebooted. Verified IE7 default browser. Reinstalled wireless fix. Reboot. Installed Alky. Reboot. Installed Sidebar. Still gadget probs. Redid registration. Still probs. Not sure what to do at this point short of attempting install as addon vice manual.
  2. Rick, sidebar was working perfectly in my XP Pro virtualbox guest (vista host). I did the manual install on new XP Pro hard drive. Everything installed fine. Alky and wireless fix in place. IE7 is default browser. The CPU meters are white boxes and the recycle image is just an outline. I did a full sidebar uninstall/install, no change. ps..also tried the "%ProgramFiles%\Windows Sidebar\sidebar.exe" /RegServer command...no joy maybe same issue as simo? suggestions???
  3. Thx Rick, appreciate your effort to upload the tskill file. Did the trick. After manual install, white box problem gone. XP life is good!
  4. Rick, Nlite install as addon, worked fine (mostly). Couldn't get the CPU meters to work (white box) and transparency was an issue. Anyway, noticed you had an update (manual), so decided to try it. Attempt to uninstall via control panel caused this (change/repair caused same response): Suggestions?