Everything posted by John_95
Update list GDR pour Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64
Salut gillesg, j'adore le travail de ta mise à jour de l'ulz. Pourriez-vous mettre à jour le mettre à jour pour Février. Je vous ne pouvez pas tout de suite pourriez-vous me pointer dans la direction de faire ces fichiers moi-même
Update list GDR pour Windows 8.1 Update 1 x64
Pouvez-vous s'il vous plaît faire un Windows 8.1 pour Janvier ou Février 2017. Votre travail est très apprécié. Désolé si j'ai tapé quelque chose de mal. Je parle un peu français. Merci beaucoup pour votre travail. J'ai utilisé le traducteur Google.
WinToolkit v2.x Development
I down't know but there a iso burner for c# http://isocs.codeplex.com/
Updates not been integrated
you can only use one program or else things fail.
Updates not been integrated
there a small list of updates that kill the update integration process. I have a small list for you.i have made and silent install with all of the updates. files.txt https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B6hChKqw0MURWmNacDRWVXRfeUk/view?usp=sharing
Wintoolkit crashed by start (Win7 x86 + x64 try)
Crashes for on win 7 ultimate x64 here are some error files WER8879.tmp.appcompat.txt WER71EC.tmp.WERInternalMetadata.xml
FREE / HOME / PRO Editions
Maybe you could have different prices per periods £5 per month, £10 per 3 months, £15 per year, and £20 for lifetime. that way someone who need to use your program once or twice doesn't have to pay so much.
Win7 ISO with SP1 U (Media Refresh) not available anymore
There is a way around it. If you can still find an iso. It doesn't matter what edition. All you have to do is change the ei.cfg file.
- msi installer
msi installer
Hello everyone I have a small question regarding the run-once installer. I have a few installers the are msi based. The installer is for google chrome host and toolbar. I was wondering if I have to put the full command line into the run-once silent install switch area. exp. msiexec.exe /i G:\WinToolkit_Apps\Example.msi /quiet /norestart or do is just use the switch. /quiet /norestart Thank you in advance John_95
Silent installers
ok thank you for looking into if I really like you program
Silent installers
can you get the win toolkit silent installer to recognize program installers like silver light and net framework or other installers from third parties. using this site for most of the silent installer http://unattended.sourceforge.net/installers.php
I don't know why but it won't let me send me money to you Legolash2o or the wincert forums. There is something wrong with paypay. Is there another way of donating.
Windows updates
I went back to the update list site a couple hours after I posted here. It turns out the the person that created the list made a typo in the lists. Now everything works. Does anyone know how to get updates for vista sp2 I know there are a lot so no one is making any lists. PS thx Thiersee John_95
Windows updates
I get my update list from Windows Update List and is was wondering how to add the update url to toolkit to download them. The program i usually use doesn't want Stopped working. I don't how to get any updates. Could some one show me how to get updates for post sp1 of win 7 or help me create a list that I can download. much thanks in advance. John_95
Trying to integrate updates into windows 8.1
I does't integrate updates I've been running the program for a while. I have the windows 8.1 adk installed. Trying to get windows 8.1 to windows 8.1 update 1 Here's a screen shot of what i'm doing. https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=8C0CFD3B4530A0E1&id=8C0CFD3B4530A0E1%211019&v=3
update never integrates
it works for me now the file was corrupted I just had to redownload it Sorry for posting for my mistake
update never integrates
this update never integrates and should be put in the silent installer the update is kb2912390
[Solved] Runonce Installer Bug (Restart installation after finishing)
maybe your need to redo it from scratch. I had the same problem. What it did was re-download anew windows iso and re did all of the integrating with an new preset. after that it worked
[Solved] emmabled lock down manger
Sorry. I was my fault not he program i just noticed the update it is Kb2959936. sorry. This is not bug and cam be deleted
[Solved] emmabled lock down manger
i don't know its a windows 7 built in program that disabled by default on 2 builds i did it was enabled. more info here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj980221(v=winembedded.81).aspx
[Solved] emmabled lock down manger
lockdowm manager get turned on with the latest test build. I doesn't turn on using the stable release.
Feedback: General
I like the main one with the scroll bar
Feedback: General
looks great
Windows Presentation Foundation [GUI]
just downloaded. it's great keep up the good work