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    alnaloty reacted to VandIT in Inno Setup Bundle 6.2.2   
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    alnaloty reacted to Thiersee in WinToolkit version /   
    Hi volks,
    the german user unantastbar on win-unattended.de continues the development of WinToolkit version and has released the first new version, after Liam changed the program-code to open.
    In this version there are some changes for Windows 10, but some for Windows 7 too (have look at pictures)
    to move some KBs (not integrable off-line) to "Silent Installers" 

    and KB4490628 to "Prerequisites"

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    alnaloty reacted to alfreire in KM-Player [Repack]... ;-)   
    KM-Player [Repack]... ;-)
    Installer only Eng/Spa... MultiLanguage... You can associate types of archives from Preferences...
    https://mega.nz/#!7wI0TACT!Qjm9Gv02S40dGYjosl4cQnzKwYglKJ3HIzmh2QZIEh8Regards... ;-)

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    alnaloty reacted to VandIT in MediaInfo Lite 22.12   
    MediaInfo Lite
    Repack created with Inno Setup Bundle
    Größe: 4,46 MB
    MD5: 37A5801E303D68CB89695E3E07C8AD29
    Download | MediaInfo Lite
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    alnaloty reacted to ricktendo in [Repak] Universal Extractor   
    Universal Extractor
    Features: Includes updates and program improvements by gora, SendTo shortcut is on by default, Quick Launch only offered to Vista or bellow
    Size: 7.55 MB
    Website: http://legroom.net/software/uniextract
    Gora: http://gora.7zsfx.info/addons
    ComponentList = 'docs - Documentation and licensing information | lang - Language files for internationalization support | kgb - Support for KGB files | pea - Support for Pea files | sit - Support for StuffIt files';TaskList = 'associate - Enable Explorer context menu integration | associate\files - Add UniExtract Files... to context menu | associate\here - Add UniExtract Here to context menu | associate\subdir - Add UniExtract to Subdir to context menu | associate\force - Force association with all supported archive formats | modifypath - Add Universal Extractor to your system path | sendtoicon - Create a SendTo icon | desktopicon - Create a Desktop icon | quicklaunchicon - Create a Quick Launch icon';ParameterList = '/APPENDEXT - Enables using TrID to identify and append file extensions to unknown files | /NOHISTORY - Disables archive and directory history functionality | /NOREMOVEDUPE - Duplicate files extracted by InstallExplorer will not be removed | /NOREMOVETEMP - Temporary files extracted by WUN will not be removed | /NOWARNEXECUTE - Do not display warning prompt before executing files for extraction | /NOUPDATE - Disables automatic update functionality';
  6. Like
    alnaloty reacted to mooms in [Request] Repak K-Lite Codec Pack Full   
    Silent install maker for KL Codecs/QT Alternative/Real Alternative packages
    size:799 KB (818.994 bytes)
    How it works?
    After extraction of 7z package, run KLite_silent_install_maker.exe and browse to yours codec package.
    Follow MakeUnattended steps then wait finish message.
    maker_No_shell_mediainfo.exe - modified maker that remove shell extension added by media info. (HKCR\*\shell\MediaInfo)