- Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
why did altf4 get banned?
Hey fellas can anybody point me to logon screens other than the altf4's
[AddOn] Gnu Unix Utilities AddOn 0.1.0 (ENU, FRA)
Thank you Kal.Now i can work with my balls, they were tarred from my previous Debian Installments. It's a must have in any of my CD Builds. GZip is just awesum. TC
[Closed] XPtsp General discusions
do not rename README.HTM > READMESP.HTM.This file is missing when you try to read version notes (Setup.exe->Perform Additional Tasks->Read the Versions Notes) for Service Pack 3 line 48 MD AutoPlay >nul XCOPY /S /Y "%xtra%\AutoPlay" "AutoPlay" >nul if exist README.HTM ren README.HTM READMESP.HTM >nul Thanks Btw TC.
[AddOn] Kal's Sweet Utils AddOn v0.1.0 (ENU, FRA)
I'll try this anyway. Hope my computer speak fijian after this..............LOL
[Addon] Nero Burning ROM
Sweet i might have to be a moron and mention warez on this bugger.....LOL
[Attention] Concerning all my (Kel) addons...
dudes wtf. Does this mean i have to make unpleasant mods to your newer addons should i choose to build a xp cd image?
[Tool]XPtsp v.x batch addon
[Warning] Don't you ever try this on w2k3.It just F***** my installation, and another free coaster courtesy of my cd burner mind you. ty bober XP eye candy just got better.
[Tool]XPtsp v.x batch addon
does this tool work for Windows Server 2003
[FGCBA] WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker
Fix for broken links or is it i just can't find the Download button :blink: http://www.mediafire.com/?djsjxmw2bzt ( this ONE refers to YumeYao addon maker ,a modified version of ricks WinRAR 3.7+ Auto Addon Maker)
Prod Key not working after adding SP3 to XPCD
WTH?!?! We don't need you here anymore...
SP3 V'ISO post-install?
Good idea ,but you missed something called "System Restore" .just might undo (so screwed) the whole modification, What IF after you reboot those changes/patches you made messed up your installation(didn't clean up properly).On the other hand SFC might just might nag the user to death, whining about replacements. Something tells me this is the way to go RyanVM>nLite>WMP11 Slipstreamer>Driver Pack 8.05>V'Iso 8.3=AWESOME
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Totally get ready for awesomeness Perhaps this Name V'Iso 8.3
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Hi, This XP To Vista icon patch application is a very cool tool. One gripe though "The file for video transitions and effects is missing" box popped up when i executed windows movie maker . I passed it through dependency walker and Movie Maker seems to be looking for this library DWMAPI.DLL.This dll is missing or probably in the wrong place. I have no eye dear what the problem is.
Hello Elements
wrong again it used to be cool place before the sel levels started rising
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