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hamzaaan reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4Version 3.1
Updated 7za to version 1805. Updated the icon of the sfx module from WinRAR 5.60. Added a theme in the Themes folder (the previous default theme of WinRAR). If you copy the file rar.reg in the setup folder, the old default theme will be applied. Rewritten the creation of the sfx config file: now the parameters are dynamically created when corresponding options are used (previously all parameters where added even if not used). If you embed theme(s) and create an AddOn, the sfx in the SVCPACK AddOn will be copied in a temp folder then executed at RunOnce (this way you can remove the install media after the install is finished). You can now install WinRAR 32 bits on a 64 bits Windows. -
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4With this maker you can create switchless installers (and RVMi/nLite AddOn), with your own license file, in the language of your choice, and with themes & others customization.
- Download and extract this archive:
SHA-1: 1EDCDD7AF14DBC8E034B10B9F68BEF2E94B09B60
Size: 181 KB
Password: mooms
- Download a copy of the WinRAR installer(s) in your language: https://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
You can grab both x86 & x64 versions to make an universal installer, the sfx will take care to install the correct version.
- Place the installer(s) in the setup folder. (keep the original names)
- Optional: put a valid WinRAR license file (rarreg.key) in the setup folder
- Optional: put the theme(s) you want to add in the themes folder, then copy the themes folder in the setup folder.
Do not extract or rename the themes.
Themes can be downloaded here: https://www.rarlab.com/themes.htm
- Optional: If you want to add custom prefs to your WinRAR install (like enabling a theme you have added),
you can edit the file rar.reg accordingly and place it in the setup folder.
- Optional: If you want to create an AddOn for RVMi/nLite, edit the script and change the value to "set addon=1"
Note that starting with version 6.10, WinRAR is not compatible anymore with Windows XP.
- Run WinRAR_SFX_Maker.cmd
The switchless installer and AddOn are created in the output folder.
7-zip must be installed.
As long as the WinRAR installer routine is not modified this maker will work, so keep it, it will be useful again when WinRAR will be updated.
(Read this thread for an in depth explanation of the capability of this maker)
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Hi,
No sorry, I don't use Chrome, it's a spyware from Google.
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Here is a batch that will download Firefox in the language & version of your choice and create custom switchless installer.
Available options:
Choose Firefox language Choose Firefox version or use latest (stable, beta, esr, dev, nightly) available Make Firefox the default browser Add custom profile with extensions & customizations (a sample profile is provided) Keep or delete Desktop icon Create nLite/RVMi AddOn Make x86, x64, or AIO installer.
How-to use:
- Extract the content of the archive in a work folder. - Run Firefox_SFX_Maker.cmd - You can skip one or more questions, see the readme file.
The created SFX installers are made in the output folder.
SHA-1: 2bb1a9eec6a000683acb24428a7ab9b80ecb3472
Size: 10.5 MB
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 5.2 is out
What's new:
Corrected a bug with other versions than stable Reverted to 7za v9.22 to achieve better compression Showing the Download URL when downloading the setup Updated Decentraleyes extension
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerHere is a new beta version for Java 9:
You have to download the Java 9 setup(s) from here (x64) | mirror x64 | mirror x64 | mirror x86 (serving x64 ATM) | mirror x86 .
Copy it/them in the "JRE_setups" folder then launch "_JAVA_Multi_Maker.cmd".
Download function may return when Java 9 will be on the official download page.
Tested on Windows 7 & 10 x64, everything works as intended.
The script have been modified a lot, hence the bump in version number:
Removed the GUI option. Added a new question (to make install passive or silent). Removed any language other than English and French. Because Java GUIDs are constantly changing, uninstallation is now done with WMIC. More switches (see ReadMe), you can now keep previous Java 8 versions (previous Java 9 will always be removed).
Please test and report how it works for you.
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in CCleaner SFX Maker 3.7.1Major update:
- The script is now able to download both Slim & Standard versions (it will always try to download Slim first ).
- Added an option to keep the Desktop icon (deleted by default, see Readme).
- nLite/RVMi AddOn will not be created by default anymore (see Readme).
- If the script can't download any versions, it will ask you to put the setup in "ccsetup" folder (offline mode).
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in CCleaner SFX Maker 3.7.1How to use:
Run CCleaner_Maker.cmd and the maker will download the slim installer (or Standard if Slim is not found) of CCleaner and create a silent installer with commands to install it in the language of the operating system (and an AddOn for RVMi/nLite if you want) in the output folder:
Features of the installer & AddOn:
- Stock installer repacked with commands to make it silent.
- AddOn compatible with nLite and RVMi.
- SFX compatible with WinToolkit and RVMi.
- Compatible from XP to 10 32/64 bits.
- Detect your language and configure CCleaner automatically.
- You can choose to keep or delete Desktop Icon (see Readme).
- Automatically delete all autoupdate/autostart & data sharing "features" (can be configured)
If you put the file "ccleaner.reg" in the ccsetup folder, it will be run automatically by the setup.
Currently it disable the check of newer version of CCleaner and disable autostart and system monitoring.
You can add any tweaks you want.
Because the slim installer is available a week or two after the release of a new CCleaner version, the script will first try to download Slim, then if it's not available, it will try to download Standard version instead.
You can also manually download the (slim or standard) installer and put it in ccsetup folder, when the script will ask for.
Size: 2.17 MB
SHA-1: ee713e98c6d5f08c1a9a7a663a1bdf8ab54243cb
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in UltraISO SFX & AddOn MakerUpdated the maker, now the making of the AddOn is optionnal.
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in UltraISO SFX & AddOn MakerI've replaced the AddOn and the SFX by a maker.
UltraISO needs to be registered and you should use the retail installer, not the one found in public download, see the readme in the archive.
See the embedded Readme file for detailed instructions.
MD5: 3849d173d5593df6f505dddb99bb40f6
SHA-1: 4715557ff6c0fd2fb4344f18581ffaa6588b2507
Size: 644 KB
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4Update:
Updated 7za and the sfx module. The setups are no longer renamed, the config file is now dynamically generated. The Binary folder has been renamed to setup, so it's clearer. Themes are now to be placed in the Themes folder. The AddOn is no longer created by default. It is still possible to create it if desired. Added error and success messages. In-depth review of the script. Removed the executable, the script is open source and I prefer. -
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in WinRAR SFX Maker 3.4You're welcome alfreire.
V2.2 of the maker: added the possibility to import a reg file with customs prefs (thanks to alfreire for the idea).
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Oups, en effet, une petite erreur s'était glissée dans une modification de dernière minute, la version 5.1 corrige le problème.
Merci pour le retour hamzaaan.
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 5.0
Il est dorénavant possible de télécharger la dernière esr, dev, ou nightly Modification des questions Optimisation du script. Màj du profil inclus Màj de 7zip et du module SFX L'icône du SFX correspond à celle de la version choisie Note: si vous incluez un profil dans la version dev, il ne sera pas utilisé.
hamzaaan reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7Description:
The .NET Framework is a popular development platform for building apps for Windows, Windows Store, Windows Phone, Windows Server, and Windows Azure. The .NET Framework platform includes the C# and Visual Basic programming languages, the common language runtime, and an extensive class library. read more.
Info: The .NET package will be slipstreamed as pre-installed
OS: Windows 7 SP1
- The addon will conflict with some Windows Updates (.NET 3.5 Family), so leave the addon's integration to the last.
- Add main addon first before LangPack addon, to get ASP.NET service localization properly.
- To function properly, .NET 4.7.x require D3DCompiler_47.dll component, which is found in either the current "Monthly Quality Rollup" or "update KB4019990". It is recommended to integrate it first, or you can install it later.
.NET 4.8:
.NET 4.7.2:
Languages Codes Reference:
hamzaaan reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7Reworked .NET 4.7 addon:
- Implemented a workaround for auto MOFs compiling, no script required (thanks to @MSMG)
- NativeImages are now generated after OS installation, this allows to have fresh images that suits the OS features, and reduce the addone size)
hamzaaan reacted to abbodi1406 in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7added .NET 4.7
removed .NET 4.6.2
updated .NET 4.6.1
hamzaaan reacted to naifle in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7NET Framework 4.7
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5Version 4.1 is out.
What's new:
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerVersion 3.3 is out.
hamzaaan got a reaction from mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Firefox SFX Maker 5.5I've finally found the time to work on this, so version 4 is out,.
@NaJeEb303 @hamzaaan your wish is fulfilled:
What's new:
You can now make AIO (x86 & x64) SFX. The setups are uncompressed then recompressed together for better compression (smaller file size). wget is replaced by aria2 (can use multiple connections, much faster)
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Java Multi MakerThis is a script to repack JRE (Java Runtimes) setups into a silent 7zip SFX installer.
Current version (for Java 8u73 and newer) (could work on XP if you use a custom build of aria2)
MD5: 7716dddd8c576f0d002e6ddeb43d1ac6
SHA-1: 495cf642bf73571bca97179e63ab28c88ca2f5f1
Size: 3.79 MB
How to use:
- Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path.
- Run the batch file.
- Choose the version you want to use.
The script will download the newest JRE automatically. If there is a problem with the download (or if you don't have access to Internet), you can also put the desired version(s) in the same folder than the script, it will always use the greater version found in the folder.
- To avoid errors, the SFX will uninstall any previous Java version(s) newer than JRE 6.0 Update 22 before installing the new one(s).
nLite/RVMi Addons are no longer created
- It's highly recommended to NOT install Java web plugins, they are plagued with many vulnerabilities, but using Java locally is rather safe.
- You can use the uninstall tool for Java to remove (very) old versions.
Available switches:
GUI version:
-ai - Silent install with Web plugins
-ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins
noGUI version:
no switch - Silent install without Web plugins
-ai - Silent install with Web plugins
Beta version for Java 9/10 (obsolete)
MD5: 203c7e514414c932ff847d3d8dac5fa4
SHA-1: 93fc856e026fc42298ebc8e76bba338f21c1704a
Size: 800KB
How to use:
You have to download the Java 9/10 setup(s) from here (x64) | mirror x64 | mirror x64 | mirror x86 .
- Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path.
- Copy the setup(s) in the "JRE_setups" folder
- Launch "_JAVA_Multi_Maker.cmd".
Available switches:
No switch (default) - Silent install without Web plugins. Remove any previous Java version(s).
-ai - Silent install with Web plugins. Remove any previous Java version(s).
-ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins. Remove only previous Java 9 version(s).
-ai2 - Silent install with Web plugins. Remove only previous Java 9 version(s).
Tested on Windows 7 & 10 x64, everything works as intended.
Please test and report how it works for you.
Old version (for Java 8u20 up to 8u72) (works on XP)
MD5: d89eec93311acedd842c6378ed630734
Size: 1.29 MB
Old version (for Java 6, 7 and 8 before 8u20)
MD5: 8d592f99c2b25e2c4404203af0b4d082
Size: 373 KB
How to use:
- Extract the archive in a work folder with no space in the path.
- Download the x86 and/or x64 Offline setup of Java 6/7/8 and put it in the same folder.
- Run the batch file.
The maker will perform an admin install of Java and repack them inside a 7zip SFX.
- The install is passive by default, use a switch if you want silent install.
- To avoid errors, the SFX will uninstall any previous Java version(s) newer than JRE 6.0 Update 22 before installing the new one(s).
- Update check and Java quick starter are disabled (JQS doesn't exist in x64 anyway).
- It's highly recommended to NOT install Java web plugins, they are plagued with many vulnerabilities, but using Java locally is rather safe.
- You can use the uninstall tool for Java to remove (very) old versions.
Available switches:
-ai - Silent install with Web plugins
-ai1 - Silent install without Web plugins
hamzaaan reacted to mooms in Flash et Shockwave sfx & addon makerMAJ: ajout du plugin PPAPI.
hamzaaan reacted to icare in Flash et Shockwave sfx & addon makerBonjour hamzaaan,
le lien n'est effectivement pas bon.
C'est le lien du deuxième post de ce topic qu'il faut utiliser. Il renvoie au forum international et permet d'obtenir le maker à jour pour Flash (Plugin et ActiveX) mais pas pour Shockwave.