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  1. Thanks
    kanyos got a reaction from SunLion in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    Source: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win.exe
    Released: 2017-03-15
    About: VirtualBox allows users to run nearly any operating system on a single machine and to freely switch between OS instances running simultaneously.
    Homepage: VirtualBox
    Tools used:
    - [Modded] InstEd (LZX21) by ricktendo for remove unwanted files/prog inside installer
    - gBurner 3.5 for remove unwanted drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    - dotNET45sfxMaker by ricktendo for making this installer with 7zSD_LZMA2.sfx
    - [Repack] Resource Hacker 4.2.5 by Vandit for replace setup icon and renaming installer properties
    - VBox Web Service
    - VBox Python support
    - UserManual.pdf
    - Translation files, except En, Fr, Ru
    - Drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso & ExtensionPacks, except Windows & Linux drivers
    integrated vbox-sha1.cer & VBoxCertUtil.exe with command -v add-trusted-publisher vbox-sha1.cer to get full silent install mode without popups when vbox installing network driver & USB driver [thanks to alfeire].
    integrated Extension Pack
    Silent Install command: /ai /gm2
    File: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Size: 70,3 MB
    MD5: F0BEE738E4E37BC55E1B638EF9A84794
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mtfert94mx7yjbd/VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Btw, Thanks to ricktendo for great tools :thumbsup:
  2. Thanks
    kanyos got a reaction from SunLion in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    updated version 5.1.18
  3. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from EmmaParker123 in [Repack] Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway   
    updated v3.95.353 Pro Giveaway Version
  4. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    updated version 5.1.18
  5. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] MSI Afterburner   
    no, only old version of vcredist installer
  6. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] MSI Afterburner   
    updated/ Re-upload
  7. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from geodasoft in [Repack] HWiNFO 5.38   
    HWiNFO is a professional hardware information and diagnostic tools supporting latest components, industry technologies and standards.
    Homepage: HWiNFO
    Repack Features:
    - Edited HWiNFO32.INI & HWiNFO64.INI for disable AutoUpdate--> AutoUpdate=0
    - included UninsDeleteKey for cleanup:
    File: hw32_538_setup.exe
    MD5: E6884FB30442A0D7C867BFC11393286A
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nlxrrnk392sj17g/hw32_538_setup.exe
    File: hw64_538_setup.exe
    MD5: F67EFDC69ED853508BC7A079CCB7881C
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wq3eh2eizkdc5sv/hw64_538_setup.exe
  8. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from alfreire in [Repack] SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2016.03.22.20 SP1   
    updated version 2016.03.22.20 SP1
  9. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from alfreire in [Repack] SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2016.03.22.20 SP1   
    Source: sandra_.exe
    Released: 02/24/2016
    PreRequisites: Visual C++ 2015 Redist, KB2999226, .NET Framework 4 for .NET benchmarking
    About: Benchmarking and Dagnostics for PC
    Homepage: Sandra
    - NDP452-Web.exe aka .NET Framework 4.5.2 Web Installer
    - ControlPanel icon shortcut
    - Language files & Registry of language files
    - replaced vcredist installer with vcredist installer repacked for smaller size
    - disable Download and update news from internet feeds
    - disable Tips, News, Offers on start-up
    Includes uninsdeletekey & uninsdeletevalue for clean uninstallation:
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers /v "TdrDelay"
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SANDRA
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EventLog\Application\SandraAgentSrv
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EventLog\Application\SandraTheSrv
    File: sandra_setup.exe
    Size: 98,3MB
    MD5: 2F5EFF48CA08D99FA68FF5CC95B82255
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?11t2igeuqfljn31
  10. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from alfreire in [Modded] DriverPack Solution 16.2 + PhysX   
    - wrong parameter for PhysX 9.15
    - rebuild Settings.js
  11. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from alfreire in [Modded] DriverPack Solution 16.2 + PhysX   
    Source: drp16.2.zip
    Released: 09-Feb-2016
    Homepage: DRP
    About: Designed to simplify the driver installation and updating process to a couple of clicks.
    - autorun.ini
    - DrvUpdater.exe
    - Translation files
    - Programs list inside Settings.js, except PhysX
    - replaced old CPU-Z with latest version
    - rebuild Backuper\Packer without Adware
    - Disable Restore Point inside config.js --> restorePoint = false;
    - Disable Automatic Update inside config.js --> autoUpdate = false;
    - PhysX AiO installer [Inno Setup] inside Soft folder
    File: drp16.2_mod+physx.zip
    Size: 57,6MB
    MD5: 99185C997FA261D078766CD419D6E26A
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?2fpafvo7c6eomvc
  12. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from mimik in [Modded] DriverPack Solution 16.2 + PhysX   
    Source: drp16.2.zip
    Released: 09-Feb-2016
    Homepage: DRP
    About: Designed to simplify the driver installation and updating process to a couple of clicks.
    - autorun.ini
    - DrvUpdater.exe
    - Translation files
    - Programs list inside Settings.js, except PhysX
    - replaced old CPU-Z with latest version
    - rebuild Backuper\Packer without Adware
    - Disable Restore Point inside config.js --> restorePoint = false;
    - Disable Automatic Update inside config.js --> autoUpdate = false;
    - PhysX AiO installer [Inno Setup] inside Soft folder
    File: drp16.2_mod+physx.zip
    Size: 57,6MB
    MD5: 99185C997FA261D078766CD419D6E26A
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?2fpafvo7c6eomvc
  13. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Reducer in [Repack] MSI Afterburner   
    updated/ Re-upload
  14. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from roedel in [Repack] Free Alarm Clock   
    Source: FreeAlarmClockSetup.exe
    Released: January 19th, 2015
    About: A free, full-featured and user-friendly alarm clock.
    - CsBringWindow.exe
    - Sripts: shellexec postinstall UninstallRun to site link
    - Translation files
    File: FreeAlarmClock-Setup.exe
    Size: 2,31MB
    MD5: 2C942663AB5947723CD202E7BEC36B49BC687DA0
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?nwicvb6xni235c5
  15. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from roedel in [Repack] Free Alarm Clock   
  16. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Dziubek in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    updated 5.0.14
  17. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] HWiNFO 5.38   
    Updated v5.12
  18. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] Wise JetSearch 2.26.131   
    Source: WJSSetup.exe
    Released: January, 2016
    About: Quick search your local file/imgages/videos/music, Removal and FAT drive supported.

    - Translation files
    - WiseJethelp.exe
    - removetask.exe
    - CSTask.exe

    - integrated config.ini for disable AutoUpdate & CheckNews

    File: WJS-Setup.exe
    MD5: 70CB18A8783CD00AE62BF824B85D23962B242398
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?4buer34s4p3b0s3
  19. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] Wise Auto Shutdown 1.51.78   
    Source: WASSetup.exe
    Released: 2015-09-16
    About: Schedule Your PC to Shut Down, Reboot, Log Off Or Sleep

    - Languages
    - removetask.exe
    - CSTask.exe

    - integrated config.ini for disable AutoUpdate & CheckNews

    File: WASSetupRepack.exe
    MD5: 834C7220FBBDAF629CCEA590E5C25DEE
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/c7kpofng0s8sqvs/WASSetupRepack.exe
  20. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway   
    updated Pro Giveaway Version
  21. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] Wise Care 365 3.95.353 Pro Giveaway   
    Source: WiseCare365_SharewareOnSale.exe
    Released: January, 2016
    About: Wise Care 365 is a bundle of important registry, disk, and other system utilities for your PC.
    - Assistance application: Assisant.exe
    - WiseTray.exe
    - Translation files
    - WiseBootAssistant service
    - Avatar images
    - Scripts: shellexec postinstall uninstallrun to site link
    - All prog images + prog list inside tools folder, because it's only downloader
    1) Integrated config.ini & config_tray.ini for tweaks
    2) Integrated CheckupExclude.lst for exclusion of Custom Checkup:
       - Check for availability for Windows Update service [unchecked]
       - Check for availability for Windows Home/Private Firewall [unchecked]
       - Check for availability for Windows Public Firewall [unchecked]
    3) Integrated Types.lst for Advanced Cleaner:
       - *.old
       - *.log
       - *.bak
    uninsdeletekey for cleaning of unistallation
    Integrated Wise Memory Optimizer 3.42.93
    File: WiseCare365_SharewareOnSale_Setup.exe
    Size: 5.09MB
    MD5: A336FB31EA0D06AF5DF42885BCA1E908
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/download/wy9e89zrc4b3prd/WiseCare365_SharewareOnSale_Setup.exe
    Thanks to sharewareonsale for Giveaway of Pro Version
  22. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2016.03.22.20 SP1   
    updated version 2016 RTMa 22.15
  23. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] SiSoftware Sandra Lite 2016.03.22.20 SP1   
    Source: sandra_.exe
    Released: 02/24/2016
    PreRequisites: Visual C++ 2015 Redist, KB2999226, .NET Framework 4 for .NET benchmarking
    About: Benchmarking and Dagnostics for PC
    Homepage: Sandra
    - NDP452-Web.exe aka .NET Framework 4.5.2 Web Installer
    - ControlPanel icon shortcut
    - Language files & Registry of language files
    - replaced vcredist installer with vcredist installer repacked for smaller size
    - disable Download and update news from internet feeds
    - disable Tips, News, Offers on start-up
    Includes uninsdeletekey & uninsdeletevalue for clean uninstallation:
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers /v "TdrDelay"
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\SANDRA
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EventLog\Application\SandraAgentSrv
    - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\EventLog\Application\SandraTheSrv
    File: sandra_setup.exe
    Size: 98,3MB
    MD5: 2F5EFF48CA08D99FA68FF5CC95B82255
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?11t2igeuqfljn31
  24. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Ali Sahandi in [Repack] VirtualBox 5.1.18 + ExtensionPacks   
    Source: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win.exe
    Released: 2017-03-15
    About: VirtualBox allows users to run nearly any operating system on a single machine and to freely switch between OS instances running simultaneously.
    Homepage: VirtualBox
    Tools used:
    - [Modded] InstEd (LZX21) by ricktendo for remove unwanted files/prog inside installer
    - gBurner 3.5 for remove unwanted drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
    - dotNET45sfxMaker by ricktendo for making this installer with 7zSD_LZMA2.sfx
    - [Repack] Resource Hacker 4.2.5 by Vandit for replace setup icon and renaming installer properties
    - VBox Web Service
    - VBox Python support
    - UserManual.pdf
    - Translation files, except En, Fr, Ru
    - Drivers inside VBoxGuestAdditions.iso & ExtensionPacks, except Windows & Linux drivers
    integrated vbox-sha1.cer & VBoxCertUtil.exe with command -v add-trusted-publisher vbox-sha1.cer to get full silent install mode without popups when vbox installing network driver & USB driver [thanks to alfeire].
    integrated Extension Pack
    Silent Install command: /ai /gm2
    File: VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Size: 70,3 MB
    MD5: F0BEE738E4E37BC55E1B638EF9A84794
    Download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/mtfert94mx7yjbd/VirtualBox-5.1.18-114002-Win-Setup.exe
    Btw, Thanks to ricktendo for great tools :thumbsup:
  25. Like
    kanyos got a reaction from Docthal in [Repack] Free Alarm Clock   
    Source: FreeAlarmClockSetup.exe
    Released: January 19th, 2015
    About: A free, full-featured and user-friendly alarm clock.
    - CsBringWindow.exe
    - Sripts: shellexec postinstall UninstallRun to site link
    - Translation files
    File: FreeAlarmClock-Setup.exe
    Size: 2,31MB
    MD5: 2C942663AB5947723CD202E7BEC36B49BC687DA0
    Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?nwicvb6xni235c5