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  1. Milk-Chan started following OnePiece
  2. mouradbenhelli32 started following OnePiece
  3. FAMM started following OnePiece
  4. Robert FarkaČ™ started following OnePiece
  5. Use AddOn Creator INTL to create IE8 True AddOn with last update
  6. OnePiece replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows XP
    See in google drive link in my signature
  7. for example you can also save the Flash.sfx Ciao.
  8. Hi mooms, I've seen in your Flash_Silent_Install_Maker (anyway is already everything Ok there) that uses BL_FV to take the version of the file, and I remembered that years ago when I used the cmd file (to creating True Addon), I used this way ehhh, always thinking of including fewer files in the source or doing everything from the cmd file :FLASHPLAYER IF /I EXIST "%TARGETDIR%" RD /S /Q "%TARGETDIR%" MD "%TARGETDIR%" CD /D "%TARGETDIR%" "%TEMP%\7z.exe" x -y "%WORKFILE%" > .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strPath = "%TARGETDIR%\AFPVerFN.txt" >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set strFile = fso.CreateTextFile(strPath, True) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set f = fso.GetFolder("%TARGETDIR%") >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Set fc = f.Files >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO For Each fs In fc >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO If fso.GetExtensionName(fs) = "ocx" then >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO strFile.WriteLine(fso.GetFileVersion(fs)) >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO End if >> .\AFPOCXVer.vbs ECHO Next AFPOCXVer.vbs DEL /F/Q *.vbs IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.exe"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" IF EXIST "*.*" FOR /F "USEBACKQ DELIMS==" %%I IN (`DIR /A-D /OGN /B "%TARGETDIR%\*.ocx"`) DO ECHO %%~nxI >> "AFPVerFN.txt" setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (AFPVerFN.txt) do ( set /a AFPVer+=1 set AFPVerFN!AFPVer!=%%a) set AFPVerFN ::== setLocal DisableDelayedExpansion set AFPVer=%AFPVerFN1% SET AFPEXEN=%AFPVerFN2: =% SET AFPOCXN=%AFPVerFN3: =% ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect ::ect ect ect nothing special, thought to post it maybe you're interested Ciao.
  9. hmmm try C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe C:\Windows\system32\shell32.dll,PrepareDiscForBurnRunDll %Drive%:\ Ciao.
  10. OnePiece replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows 10
    Aggiornato, aggiunto DLL Registry Export Ciao a tutti.
  11. OnePiece replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows 10
    Aggiornato, aggiunto GUI UPX e il 7-Zip SFX Tool Ciao a tutti.
  12. OnePiece replied to OnePiece's post in a topic in Windows 10
    Aggiornato, aggiunto GUI Oscdimg Ciao a tutti.
  13. OnePiece posted a post in a topic in Windows 10
    Ragazzi ecco il nuovo Tool che comprende CabTool (supporta pienamente unicode mod), Reg2Inf, GOscdimg e il Grant Admin Full Control (Permissions and Ownership) che e 4 volte piu veloce del subinacl.exe & SetAcl.exe DXTool BETA x64 Update (2 Settembre 2017) Update (2 Settembre 2017) Update (2 Settembre 2017) Update (2 Settembre 2017) Update (2 Settembre 2017) Update (2 Settembre 2017) Hash MD5 5933E3965452379338D726CDA0678A5B Filesize: 275 KB (281600 bytes) DXTool BETA x86 Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Aggiornato (2 Settembre 2017) Hash MD5 C4ACDE86764DC2D2ED765AB0330AE5E4 Filesize: 246 KB (252416 bytes) aggiungo CabTool e Hash Tool, che vuole dire supporta il DXTool.exe /RTI file.reg DXTool.exe /CT FilePath DXTool.exe /MD5 FilePath DXTool.exe /SHA1 FilePath DXTool.exe /SAOD FilePath DXTool.exe /GOscdimg FolderPath DXTool.exe /GUPX FilePath DXTool.exe /7ZSplit FilePath DXTool.exe /DRE FilePath.dll per di piu guardate il topic del vechio DXTool Ciao a tutti.
  14. Already updated Added the Grant Admin Full Control, who works really very very fast Ciao a tutti.
  15. Hi dhchangan, Ignore that, see here However, always check\see in WinXP_CD\I386\PRODSPEC.INI to see the version of the windows ; ;Note to user: DO NOT ALTER OR DELETE THIS FILE. ; [SMS Inventory Identification] Version=1.0 [Product Specification] Product=Windows XP Professional Version=5.0 Localization=Simplified Chinese ServicePackNumber=0 BitVersion=40 [Version] DriverVer=07/01/2001,5.1.2600.0 Ciao.