Everything posted by OnePiece
- [Tool] Update Pack & AddOn Creator INTL!
- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX True AddOn (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)
- OnePiece Windows Server 2003 Post-SP2 Update Pack
- [Tool] Update Pack & AddOn Creator INTL!
Video Corso C/C++ ITA
- Microsoft & Windows Update True AddOn ITA
Strumento di rimozione malware True AddOn (Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)
Ragazzi ecco un script da creare sempre automaticamente il Strumento di rimozione malware True AddOn Allora serve aprire NotePad dopo copiare questi line dentro, dopo installare in sistema ultimo windows-kb890830-v*.exe (quello che volte fare il AddOn), dopo aprire il registro e andare in "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RemovalTools\MRT" e prendere il Numero del ultima versione, dopo aggiornare il variabile MRTVersion=xxxxxxxx, dopo salvare il file come "Create_OnePiece_Malicious_Software_Removal_Tool_True_AddOn.cmd" come si capisce questo script non necessita aggiornarsi pi
- Microsoft & Windows Update True AddOn ITA
Microsoft & Windows Update True AddOn ITA
Ciao azertyuiop123, Benvenuto in Wincert usando il Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator http://www.wincert.n...kaddon-creator/ potrai creare anche altro, o dire bene il Update Pack FULL ect ect comunque in questo caso quello che serve fare e scaricare ultimo windowsupdateagent*.exe, piu le altri *cab, ecco esempio http://download.windowsupdate.com/windowsupdate/redist/standalone/7.4.7600.243/windowsupdateagent30-x86.exehttp://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/muweb.cabhttp://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/mucltui.cabhttp://download.windowsupdate.com/v9/microsoftupdate/a/selfupdate/WSUS3/x86/Other/mucltui_fr.cabhttp://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/ClientControl/en/x86/MuCatalogWebControl.cab?1197661333312dopo procedi come vedi qui dimenticato rinominare il v7.6.7600.226 in v7.4.7600.243, sia nel Nome del AddOn sia nel entires.ini + MU.inf (MU_VERSION = "7.4.7600.xxx") ect ect, vedi da te li mettere sempre ultima versione ect ectper ogni altra cosa o se qualche cosa non e ancora chiara o altro ect ect chiedi ancora Ciao.
- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX True AddOn (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven/8/NEXT)
- Microsoft.NET Framework 4 True AddOn (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven)
- OnePiece's Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack Italian
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
- [Tool] DX's Universal UpdatePack/Addon Creator
windows 8 consumer preview
Hi ccl0, yes, I understand, normal, or heard it, but I told them that the start8 in my opinion not doing something better than those defined by default used by windows apologize again for my English Ciao.
windows 8 consumer preview
Hi ccl0, whom and to the point ? and the same thing if I send mause right at the top click search ?, In this case I do not need the start8 ? http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/windowsexperience/archive/2012/03/08/getting-around-in-windows-8.aspx Ciao.
- Microsoft.NET Framework 4 True AddOn (per Windows XP/2003/Vista/Seven)
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
In windows 7 does not need to install WAIK, anyway I think I'll update soon the WinNT6.x True Integrator to solve a thing about Windows 8, I'll see if can enable the use of WinNT6.x True Integrator in Windows Vista, (only for interage addon), only have to give me some time sorry again for my English, as it enters Nonno Fabio, explain everything, as well Ciao.
[Tool] DX WinNT6.x True Integrator for Vista/7/8/8.1/10 32/64bit
The WinNT6.x True Integrator works only on the Windows 7, Windows Vista and unfortunately almost obsolete, as we have seen also Dism in Windows 8 does not support more Windows Vista (strange but True Ehhhh), it is seen that for Microsoft Windows Vista and almost equal to the Windows XP ehhhhhhhh so need to install Windows 7 in VM, and update them Windows Vista Sorry for my English Ciao. . PS: I strongly suggest try using the Windows 8 ;) but needs to do so to be sure about older drivers ect ect
[Addon] .NET 4.0 framework TRUE addon
download Create Netfx LP.cab, after extract Create Netfx LP.cab, after delete the Wget.exe, after copying into the dotNetFx40LP_Full_x86*.exe http://www.microsoft...8D-0DF2D76E24A8 after execute Create_Netfx_LP.cmd OnePiece Create Netfx Language Pack SvcPack AddOn Aggiornato (Giugno 1 2013) Aggiornato (Giugno 1 2013) Aggiornato (Giugno 1 2013) Aggiornato (Giugno 1 2013) Hash MD5 0647D8303E2C9174D290CB6EE9B37E2 Filesize: 737 KB (755069 byte) or create a Dir\Folder NetFxLangPack_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack, download from here http://www.wincert.n...6x64-2-29-2012/ (need to use theSilent SFX alternative v1.3, ask Rick for more info's) the silent installer (example dotNetFx40_Full_LangPack_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe) and copy it into NetFxLangPack_SvcPack_AddOn\SvcPack, after acreating enties.ini, open notepad and copy them into this line ;This section contains version info for RyanVM Integrator & nLite & WinNT6.x True Integrator[general]builddate=2012/03/04description=NET Framework 4 mark the next generation of developer tools from Microsoftlanguage=EnglishServicePack=SP3title=Microsoft .NET Framework 4version=2012website=http://www.microsoft.com/net/Windows=XP;;Optional;;;processorArchitecture=x86ReleaseType=SvcPack AddOnCustomizedby=ricktendo64Copyright=MicrosoftCompany=MicrosoftInstallPackageName=dotNetFx40_Full_LangPack_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exeLastUpdateTime=2012-03-04T00:11:22Z[EditFile]I386\SVCPACK.INF,SetupHotfixesToRun,AddProgram[AddProgram]dotNetFx40_Full_LangPack_x86_x64_SlimSetup.exe /ainsave the file as NetFxLangPack_SvcPack_AddOn\entries.inicreate NetFxLangPack_SvcPack_AddOn.cab using DXTool http://www.wincert.n...9-tool-dx-tool/ or Other programs Ciao.
Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack En-US FINAL
Update Pack updates the WMP11, I think this maybe the problem (in "Windows N" WMP is not present), serves to remove the WMP11 from Update Pack and try again, When will enter Nonno Fabio online explain more better OnePiece_Update_Pack_WMP11_REMOVE.exe Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Hash MD5 E8C5238F1A87E15D1869BFAB815C39F1 Filesize: 296 KB (303935 bytes) OnePiece_Update_Pack_IE_REMOVE.exe Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Update (03 March 2012) Hash MD5 2583173F8BE4F7A1137949C2EA867204 Filesize: 352 KB (360615 bytes) Sorry for my English Ciao
- OnePiece's Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack Italian
- Windows 8 Consumer Preview
- DX WinNT6.x True Integrator (Updates & AddOns)
Windows 8 Consumer Preview
Ragazzi il Windows 8 Consumer Preview sembra che non esegue un installazione Classica come altri WinNT6.x, non lo so se e temporaneo o si e fato cosi solo per questi release (BETA) oppure Microsoft a deciso cambiare qualche cosa nella struttura del Setup, quello che voglio dire e che Microsoft sembra di avere disabilitato esecuzione del SysPrep durante windwos setup, cosi tutti i AddOn True\SvcPack AddOn che si integrano con WinNT6.x True Integrator in Windows 8 Consumer Preview non si configurano completamente durante windows setup, finch