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Everything posted by OnePiece

  1. Ciao YZA_K, Grazie per questo addon Ciao.
  2. all the links you posted do not indicate problems or error ????????????????????, all that is there is as need is perfect, powershell 2 Mb noooo only the link first indicates that a file is missing signature, the windows are logically requires you to install this file or not, but there is error integrates update pack with nLite or RVMi in a cd cleaner winxpsp3, and will be Ok Ciaooo
  3. Ciao YZA_K , Scusa solo adesso vedo questo post, comunque credo non ce nemmeno bisogno dire a te certi frasi che si sano gi
  4. Hello Javv, clr_optimization_v2.0.50727_32 the install or need only dotnet2 -3 -3.5, dotnet1 not install or has to do with this service he should be serivce manual, has left Microsoft also ngen.exe use and type of command /queue ect ect, as if service rin at work full time can take RAM memory ect ect, it is programmed to work in special moments when the PC is loaded with little My English hmmmmmmm , better read in its MSDN.com Ciao.
  5. Hello Javv, in Windows 7 and Manual, I believe to be so even in Vista and XP, for this to do with Stimpy_JD976_DotNetFx_3in1_Addon_v2.2 and not with the Update Pack Ciao.
  6. Ragazzi eco come True AddOn anche Windows PowerShell, ecco il link OnePiece Windows PowerShell 1.0 True AddOn ITA Updated (Maggio 24-2009) Hash MD5 6074DA041337856FCB8A0F83EC3BC032 Filesize: 1.24 MB (1302665 byte) I put here the link of the addon ENU, with my English (and that the reason why not, or open a new topic for this addon) can not give you support as you need, so please do not posted in this topic about this addon, thanks. OnePiece Windows PowerShell 1.0 (KB926139-v2_KB926141) True AddOn ENU Updated (May 24-2009) Hash MD5 D0FB33C7B75D5F73597203C2909EEC1A Filesize: 4.35 MB (4567024 byte)
  7. Ciao Tincho_sk8, hmmmmm stanco e disorientato completamente nemmeno o visto il addon ENU in primo post , senti e pi
  8. OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack
  9. Nuova release http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3590
  10. hello Mimo, and all ok, but not only, or understood how to integrate this addon with HFSLIP, this addon works for what I know with nLite or RVMi, HFSLIP and does not incorporate a script addon not?, or I am wrong I in something. however, to integrate this addon and everything true and other addon, I recommend using nLite or RVMi, applications are smarter and safer and more reliable than any other scritp. what is more better interpret each file .INF that use true addon Ciao.
  11. Hello Mimo, I did not made, but it's Microsoft itself has done, I alone or added to the desktop icon because in winxpsp3 missing if like that way, here's how to save entries_iedi.ini, and integrates with both nLite and with RVMi Off-Topic Comment(Click to Show) ;by OnePiece;############################################################################### ############################################### ;This section contains version information to nLite & RVM_Integrator;# entries_IE8.ini ;# Thank you to NUHI (www.nliteos.com) that with its Nlite Soft i'm inspired myself to create this IE8 AddOn ;# SPECIAL THANKS Nonno Fabio, and huge thanks to Siginet (http://www.siginetsoftware.com), and ricktendo64 (www.ricktendo.com) ;# Huge thanks N1K (http://WinCert.net) host this AddOn ;# Huge thanks to all guys of WinCert Forum and Eng2ITA Forum and RyanVM Forum ;# This file contains a list of all necessary entries to add in the various installation ;# files of Windows for the integration of OnePiece Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP SP3 AddOn. ;############################################################################### ############################################### ;This section contains version info for nLite & RVM_Integrator [general] builddate=2009/05/13 description=OnePiece Internet Explorer 8 for Windows XP SP3 AddOn forcelang=English language=English ServicePack=3 title=OnePiece Internet Explorer 8 version=2009 website=http://www.microsoft.com/windows/products/winfamily/ie/default.mspx Windows=XP [EditFile] I386\IE.INF,IE.Tweaks.AddReg,IE_ARAtIE [iE_ARAtIE] ;Internet Exlorer on your desktop ;;ricktendo64 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop","Text",,"%MSIEXPLORE_DESC% on your desktop" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop","Type",,"group" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop","Bitmap",0x20000,"%%ProgramFiles%%\%LMSIE4%\iexplore.exe,7" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","RegPath",,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","Text",,"Do not show direct access to %MSIEXPLORE_DESC%" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","Type",,"radio" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","CheckedValue",0x10001,1 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","ValueName",,"{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","DefaultValue",0x10001,1 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\HIDEIEICON","HKeyRoot",0x10001,01,00,00,80 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","RegPath",,"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","Text",,"Show direct access to %MSIEXPLORE_DESC%" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","Type",,"radio" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","CheckedValue",0x10001,0 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","ValueName",,"{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","DefaultValue",0x10001,1 HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\InternetExplorerOnDesktop\SHOWIEICON","HKeyRoot",0x10001,01,00,00,80 [Close] Ciao.
  12. http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?sho...ost&p=47525
  13. Hello bilbaro, integrates only update pack, after supplements other addon Ciao. EDIT http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=6125 http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=6124 crossposting ????????????
  14. Hello spebph, use RUN Automatic Nonno Fabio & OnePiece Internet Explorer 7 & 8 Own AddOn Creator INTL http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=5747, and would be Ok if you want you can already integrate ie7 addon, even after the integration of the update pack v2.4.0 (if you do it and recommended RVMi to integrate ie7 addon, after the update pack) Ciao.
  15. OnePiece Windows XP Post-SP3 Update Pack
  16. Nuova release http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=3590
  17. Ciao Tincho_sk8, si lo facio, ma potrai gia farlo anche da te li subito 1 - serve prendere in Plus!\Languages il file Lng_Spanish.ini, dopo rinominarlo in PMsgrlsp.ini 2 - dopo estrarre addon copiare dentro il file PMsgrlsp.ini 3 - in Entries_MsgrPlus.ini, il ;d1,PMsgrlsp.ini in d1,PMsgrlsp.ini, il ;PMsgrlsp.ini = 100,,,,,,,,3,3 in PMsgrlsp.ini = 100,,,,,,,,3,3, il ;rvmtemp\extracted\PMsgrlsp.ini in rvmtemp\extracted\PMsgrlsp.ini 4 - modificare anche le rigge in MsgrPlus.inf, ;Lng_Spanish.ini,PMsgrlsp.ini,,32 in Lng_Spanish.ini,PMsgrlsp.ini,,32, il ;PMsgrlsp.ini=1,,232728 in PMsgrlsp.ini=1,,232728, il LANG = "Italian" in LANG = "Spanish" 5 - archivia il addon con 7-Zip o WinRar e integralo con RVMi o con nLite se trovi problemi, se si lo faccio io ma mi dovrai dare un po di tempo visto che oggi e il giorno dei update e mi dovr
  18. Ragazzi addon gi
  19. Hello Worf, you are sure that these line are ok, for example [DestinationDirs] Wallpaper.CopyFiles = xxxxxx [sourceDisksNames.x86] 1="Worf Files","WIN51",,"i386" [sourceDisksFiles] Wooden_15.jpg = 1 wallpape_14.jpg = 1 ........ ........ for more see here http://www.wincert.net/forum/index.php?showforum=128 Ciao.
  20. Ciao Crises, Non lo so quasi mi sono soppresso che non cerano li, ma se non ci sono nemmeno servano li allora, mi spiego bene, certi file restano di default in %systemroot%\inf, ma una volta eseguito il gpedit.msc, quelli file si copiano tutte in %systemroot%\system32\GroupPolicy\ADM, adesso dove e era il problema, il problema e che il windows desktop search copia il file Search.adm in tutti i due destinazione di sopra, adesso quando e presente in %systemroot%\system32\GroupPolicy\ADM il Search.adm, e si esegue il gpedit.msc, le conf.adm inetres.adm system.adm non si copiano automaticamente come dovranno fare in %systemroot%\system32\GroupPolicy\ADM, invece wmplayer.adm e il wuau.adm si copiano correttamente (perch
  21. Ciao Crises, problema riparato subito ma il problema e non vale riuploadare ancora adesso il apck quando dopo 2 3 giorni uscir
  22. Si si confermo il problema, si ce un problema in WinXp Home hmmmm quelli due file non sono presenti cosi e normale che esce quella tabella visto che dal file .inf parte il comando copiarli cosi e normale che chieda di quelli due file in caso che non li trova hmmmmmm, Grazie ancora Crises per la segnalazione, vedremo adesso metterlo a posto subito la cosa Ciao.
  23. Ciao Crises, Grazie per al segnalazione , si si conosco il problema riguarda al "Migliorato Windows Desktop Search (Grazie ricktendo64) (Risolti problemi riguardo gpedit.msc)", ce un problema non nostro ma di microsoft riguardo Windows Desktop Search, problema che si ripara copiando da noi le file conf.adm inetres.adm system.adm in %systemroot%\system32\GroupPolicy\ADM, cosi abbiamo messo le mani li, dire il vero da un installazione dal CD dovr
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