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  1. YEEEEY ! Back on the track ! Any news about Windows 10 compatibility ?
  2. After I installed the hungarian version there is a DLL error: MSVCP100.dll is missing. Any idea ? Thanks! Solution: You have to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package x86 version. (cuz Acrobat Reader32.exe..) you can download here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/confirmation.aspx?id=8328
  3. Ok, i just testing it right now ^^ Thanks a lot ! I'll reply soon! (but i don't understand what about the other .exes, maybe beacuse they are just updates for dotNet 4.5 ?!)
  4. Hi all ! I have successfully used Wintoolkit several times before, its a great program, but now i stucked a bit. :S Please help me, if you have a minute I'm sure its only a minute for You guys I want to install the dotnet 4.5 updates silently. Every settings, and modifications are fine, but the silent install window (after windows installation) never comes up. The settings.ini for these Silent installs / updates: And the directory tree on the pendrive is: I attached the runonce log file. http://www.pigikft.hu/WinToolkit_RunOnce_Log.log Any ideas ? Cheers !