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    spinalgr got a reaction from 大†Shinegumi†大 in Winamp 5 Full 5.9.2 Build 10042 Install Silent   
    can you update o latest version ?
  2. Like
    can you make a new release with the latest update from here ?
  3. Like
    is it possible to make a setup only in English language plz ?
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    spinalgr reacted to mooms in SumatraPDF 3.1.2 & 3.5.2   
    I have restored 3.2 dual version, here is the link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/q9ory0dbgbd139n/SFX_SumatraPDF_3.2_Dual.exe/file
  5. Like
    delicious RUNTIMES !!
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    spinalgr got a reaction from 大†Shinegumi†大 in Google Chrome 108.0.5359.125 Dual x86x64 Silent   
    how to integrate it into win7 installer ?
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    spinalgr got a reaction from roshan in Office 2013 AIO maker   
    I need a program that can combines the different versions of Ms Office 2013 (Standard,Pro Plus , etc) into a single one .
    i.e I want to make an AIO  installation disc.