.NET 4.0 et 4.6.x: ajouter le langpack Fr aux installateurs de ricktendo
My fault, I didn't notice the extension. Yes, I obviously meant v4. Thank you very much.
.NET 4.0 et 4.6.x: ajouter le langpack Fr aux installateurs de ricktendo
Are the sfx and cfg files from your 4.7 script still valid with latest update from ricktendo (2015-10-30)?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Yes, I'm using latest version. Maybe I forgot to update that cache, I can't rember that.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Thanks for the clarification. Very interesting threads indeed. From what I've read, I think it's better to place the updates in the RunOnce section manually.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
What about KB3035126 and KB3035132, then? Win Toolkit automatically places them in the RunOnce section, but they aren't on the top of the list with the others. Are they offline-integrable?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Ok, Round #2 Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64 First of all, I unchecked the "Move known Problem Updates to Silent Installers" option, to prevent Win Toolkit from doing strange tricks (it was moving updates KB3035126 and KB3035132 to the "RunOnce" section; as far as I know, those can be integrated offline without any issue). In the "Updates" section, I placed all the files from these categories: Updates (except for 5 updates which I manually had to put in the "RunOnce" section, read below) [175] Updates (Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise Editions ONLY) [3] Remote Desktop Protocol 8.1 (optional) [9] Additional Updates (optional) [6] IE11 setup + KB3093983 [2] TOTAL: 195 files In the "RunOnce" section, I manually placed those five updates mentioned before, plus .net framework 4.6 and MRT dummy file. In the last position, the script to hide W10-related updates. Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3042058-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3046269-x64.msu dotNetFx46_It.exe ic-MRT-leurre-SFX-Win-32-64-2015-10.exe W10.exe TOTAL: 8 files Integration went smooth. From the logs, I cant'see no DISM errors. Installation was ok, too. Only, the RunOnce installer took a very long time, but it's a virtual machine, who knows. RESULTS: Success! WU asks ZERO updates (except for KB3095649, of course, which was released after this list). My opinion: currently, only KB3042058 filename is prefixed with a "z". To avoid ambiguity, and to improve the lists' usability, all the "online-only" updates should be prefixed with a "z". For October 2015 lists, those should be KB2533552, KB2603229, KB3020369, KB3042058, KB3046269. Just wanted to share my feedback.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Is this a known issue? Because I have done many integrations before, and I never had this problem. Anyway, reading WinToolkit logs, i found this: Name: KB2533552Path: C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msuResult:Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.C:\win7\toolkit>chcp 65001C:\win7\toolkit>Set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS=1C:\win7\toolkit>"C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe" /Image:"C:\WinToolkit_Mount_AF8AF0EE2C05CDCB6B33AC75A00D4191" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu" /ScratchDir:"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_3EBC1B59195AFC2EA391D3558A8D9113" /EnglishDeployment Image Servicing and Management toolVersion: 6.1.7600.16385Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385Processing 1 of 1 - C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.For more information, review the log file.Error: 0x800f082eError: 0x800f082eDISM failed. No operation was performed.For more information, review the log file.The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.logC:\win7\toolkit>exit
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
First of all, thanks for your answer, and thanks for the effort you put in this work. I really appreciate that. I didn't download any file from the "Additional Updates" category, because I thought they were related to components (IIS and Telnet, for example) which are disabled by default in a clean, untouched install. I believe KB3078667 and KB3080079 should both be moved to the "Updates" category, since they're asked by WU in a default install, regardless of the user-activated components. Understood. I am 100% sure that KB2533552 has been integrated in the image. I really don't know what could have gone wrong. I use to make tests on the same virtual machine, using the same image, with your lists from the last months, and this wasn't happening. =/
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
I'm testing October list with win7 professional x64 on a virtual machine. I integrated all the common updates + pro/ult/ent only updates + rdp 8.1 updates + ie11 and its update Win Toolkit automatically moved some updates into Silent installer + SFX section. I manually added the only one update with the "z" prefix, plus .net framework 4.6 by ricktendo, plus MRT by icare, and the W10-updtaes hiding script from the first post in the last position. Integration and installation went ok, the W10 script has successfully hidden 13 updates, BUT... WU is asking for 4 updates, 2 important and 2 optional: 3078667 976932 (a 9.1 MB chunk of SP1 - why?) 3080079 3095649 How is that? I've been using these lists along with Win Toolkit for years, and I've always managed to get 0 updates asked by WU. I've also repeated the WHOLE process one more time to make sure I did not make any mistake. Same result.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Here's a list of this month's updates. I compared the list of superseded updates (from microsoft update catalog) for every KB with your january list: KB3004361 KB3004375 KB3013455 supersedes KB3002885 KB3023562 KB3029944 supersedes KB3013126 KB3031432 supersedes KB3023266 KB2952664 KB3004394 KB3020338 KB3021917 KB3021952 supersedes KB3008923 KB3034196 requested after reboot
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
A little feedback: I've just tested the x64 list (Dec 18th) along with .net framework by ricktendo and MRT by icare on two real machines, and they're working like a charm. No updates proposed by WU. Thanks to rhahgleuhargh for these amazing time-savers. Thanks to all the thread contributors, like Thiersee and mooms. You guys rock. Happy new year!
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Oh, I see now. Thanks for the clarification. P.S. Buon anno anche a te
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Using WinToolkit latest version (, two updates from the list (KB2533552 and KB2603229) are automatically moved to the RunOnce section and flagged as "Not Needed". Is that ok?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Is this new KB3011780 a fix for the problem Thiersee has mentioned above?
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Do you mean this one?
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