Everything posted by trash491
.NET 4.0 et 4.6.x: ajouter le langpack Fr aux installateurs de ricktendo
My fault, I didn't notice the extension. Yes, I obviously meant v4. Thank you very much.
.NET 4.0 et 4.6.x: ajouter le langpack Fr aux installateurs de ricktendo
Are the sfx and cfg files from your 4.7 script still valid with latest update from ricktendo (2015-10-30)?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Yes, I'm using latest version. Maybe I forgot to update that cache, I can't rember that.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Thanks for the clarification. Very interesting threads indeed. From what I've read, I think it's better to place the updates in the RunOnce section manually.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
What about KB3035126 and KB3035132, then? Win Toolkit automatically places them in the RunOnce section, but they aren't on the top of the list with the others. Are they offline-integrable?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Ok, Round #2 Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64 First of all, I unchecked the "Move known Problem Updates to Silent Installers" option, to prevent Win Toolkit from doing strange tricks (it was moving updates KB3035126 and KB3035132 to the "RunOnce" section; as far as I know, those can be integrated offline without any issue). In the "Updates" section, I placed all the files from these categories: Updates (except for 5 updates which I manually had to put in the "RunOnce" section, read below) [175] Updates (Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise Editions ONLY) [3] Remote Desktop Protocol 8.1 (optional) [9] Additional Updates (optional) [6] IE11 setup + KB3093983 [2] TOTAL: 195 files In the "RunOnce" section, I manually placed those five updates mentioned before, plus .net framework 4.6 and MRT dummy file. In the last position, the script to hide W10-related updates. Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB2603229-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3020369-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3042058-x64.msu Windows6.1-KB3046269-x64.msu dotNetFx46_It.exe ic-MRT-leurre-SFX-Win-32-64-2015-10.exe W10.exe TOTAL: 8 files Integration went smooth. From the logs, I cant'see no DISM errors. Installation was ok, too. Only, the RunOnce installer took a very long time, but it's a virtual machine, who knows. RESULTS: Success! WU asks ZERO updates (except for KB3095649, of course, which was released after this list). My opinion: currently, only KB3042058 filename is prefixed with a "z". To avoid ambiguity, and to improve the lists' usability, all the "online-only" updates should be prefixed with a "z". For October 2015 lists, those should be KB2533552, KB2603229, KB3020369, KB3042058, KB3046269. Just wanted to share my feedback.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Is this a known issue? Because I have done many integrations before, and I never had this problem. Anyway, reading WinToolkit logs, i found this: Name: KB2533552Path: C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msuResult:Microsoft Windows [Versione 6.1.7601]Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti riservati.C:\win7\toolkit>chcp 65001C:\win7\toolkit>Set SEE_MASK_NOZONECHECKS=1C:\win7\toolkit>"C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe" /Image:"C:\WinToolkit_Mount_AF8AF0EE2C05CDCB6B33AC75A00D4191" /Add-Package /PackagePath:"C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu" /ScratchDir:"C:\Windows\WinToolkit_Temp\ScratchDir_3EBC1B59195AFC2EA391D3558A8D9113" /EnglishDeployment Image Servicing and Management toolVersion: 6.1.7600.16385Image Version: 6.1.7600.16385Processing 1 of 1 - C:\win7\updates\Windows6.1-KB2533552-x64.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.For more information, review the log file.Error: 0x800f082eError: 0x800f082eDISM failed. No operation was performed.For more information, review the log file.The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.logC:\win7\toolkit>exit
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
First of all, thanks for your answer, and thanks for the effort you put in this work. I really appreciate that. I didn't download any file from the "Additional Updates" category, because I thought they were related to components (IIS and Telnet, for example) which are disabled by default in a clean, untouched install. I believe KB3078667 and KB3080079 should both be moved to the "Updates" category, since they're asked by WU in a default install, regardless of the user-activated components. Understood. I am 100% sure that KB2533552 has been integrated in the image. I really don't know what could have gone wrong. I use to make tests on the same virtual machine, using the same image, with your lists from the last months, and this wasn't happening. =/
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
I'm testing October list with win7 professional x64 on a virtual machine. I integrated all the common updates + pro/ult/ent only updates + rdp 8.1 updates + ie11 and its update Win Toolkit automatically moved some updates into Silent installer + SFX section. I manually added the only one update with the "z" prefix, plus .net framework 4.6 by ricktendo, plus MRT by icare, and the W10-updtaes hiding script from the first post in the last position. Integration and installation went ok, the W10 script has successfully hidden 13 updates, BUT... WU is asking for 4 updates, 2 important and 2 optional: 3078667 976932 (a 9.1 MB chunk of SP1 - why?) 3080079 3095649 How is that? I've been using these lists along with Win Toolkit for years, and I've always managed to get 0 updates asked by WU. I've also repeated the WHOLE process one more time to make sure I did not make any mistake. Same result.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Here's a list of this month's updates. I compared the list of superseded updates (from microsoft update catalog) for every KB with your january list: KB3004361 KB3004375 KB3013455 supersedes KB3002885 KB3023562 KB3029944 supersedes KB3013126 KB3031432 supersedes KB3023266 KB2952664 KB3004394 KB3020338 KB3021917 KB3021952 supersedes KB3008923 KB3034196 requested after reboot
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
A little feedback: I've just tested the x64 list (Dec 18th) along with .net framework by ricktendo and MRT by icare on two real machines, and they're working like a charm. No updates proposed by WU. Thanks to rhahgleuhargh for these amazing time-savers. Thanks to all the thread contributors, like Thiersee and mooms. You guys rock. Happy new year!
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Oh, I see now. Thanks for the clarification. P.S. Buon anno anche a te
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Using WinToolkit latest version (, two updates from the list (KB2533552 and KB2603229) are automatically moved to the RunOnce section and flagged as "Not Needed". Is that ok?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Is this new KB3011780 a fix for the problem Thiersee has mentioned above?
[Slim] .NET Framework 4.6.1 Full x86/x64 (2-27-2016)
Do you mean this one?
Automatic driver installer
Ok, thank you for your answers. [OFFTOPIC] Your tool is great, keep up the good work!
[14 Juin 2014] Updates Packs GDR Windows 7 SP1
Hello mooms, in your first post, both the IE11 links (x86 and x64) point to the same page, where you can only get the x86 version. I think you should use this link instead.
Automatic driver installer
Thanks Legolash2o, I've just one question left, more of a curiosity really: is this feature inspired by / related to / built from the SAD2 script?
Automatic driver installer
I'd like to get more informations about this feature, since I didn't find anything in the guides section. If I understood correctly, when a "drivers" folder is found in the root of the install drive (or any other drive), the script is launched. It will install only the drivers in that folder that are actually needed by the system. Is it correct? 1) May I ask how is that achieved? Does it have something to do with the SAD2 script? 2) It sounds like a big improvement over integrating the drivers directly in the image. I mean: no integration time, no conflicts, less bloated image, and only the needed drivers will be actually installed. 3. Is there any particular reason to still integrate drivers straight into the image? Except very special cases like usb3 drivers integrated to install windows from a usb3 port and take advantage of its speed.
[14 Juin 2014] Updates Packs GDR Windows 7 SP1
Thank you very much for your help, mooms! I'm going to create my own dummy-mrt.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Thanks for your help, rhahgleuhargh. Now I have all the elements I needed to create my own fully-updated Windows 7 image. I'll test it soon and report feedback here.
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
If I integrate your UL as it is, there should be 1 important update available, the MRT: is it correct? Thanks for your patience, I'm kinda new to this world.
[14 Juin 2014] Updates Packs GDR Windows 7 SP1
Thanks for your answer. Just a few doubts: 1) in the download section there are a lot of different packages (one for each compression method, if I got it right). Which one should I use? Once downloaded, should I just rename it to mrt.sfx, or do I have to edit it? 2) mrt.txt should contain the config text you wrote, right? 3) is system32 the destination folder for both x86 and x64 systems? Sorry for the stupid questions, I'm kinda new to this world. I'm trying to learn something. Thanks for your help.
[14 Juin 2014] Updates Packs GDR Windows 7 SP1
Excuse me mooms, once created this "dummy MRT" exe file, how can I make an installer that puts it in the right folder, like yours?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Thanks for your answer, everything is clear now. Just a few more doubts: Exactly, what do you mean by "optional"? Are they requested by WU, or not? And, what about this month MRT (KB890830)? Why it is not in the list?