I'd like to first say, sorry for my frustration that I vented on the board. Of coarse, the problem has been solved. I set asside two pata dvd drives (one for a desktop and one for a mobile) to use in just such an event. I also want to extend my sincerest thanks to everyone who has made these tools free and available. All of your hard work and expertise is definitely appreciated. Seriously. Ok, to the questions: Exactly what didn't work - my own failure. I used the WIM splitter to split up the WIM into parts that would fit on a CD. The ISO maker included with Win Toolkit would not work with it because it said that they where "read only" and what to do with my couch. What I expected to happen (and I try not to presume much) was for the ISO maker, after I pointed it at the first of the SWM files, to say "sure, no problemo. Let's make something you can burn on a cd!" What happened instead was the error message saying that SWM files are read only and thus Win Toolkit can't work with them unless you use SWM merger to make them all into one big WIM that won't fit on a CD again. I got this error after I opened the ISO creater and pointed it at the first SWM file. My total method: I shall make screen shots while recreating my attempt in a bit. The alternate tools I used where first: CDburnerXP. Someone in another forum suggested using it because it was able to split disks up into multiple sessions (multi span I think they called it) and be able to burn anything off in ISO format. Well, that didn't work. The software worked as advertised on it's own site, but it can't split a whole file up into parts, it can only span a bunch of smaller files across several disks. Next I used Windows AIK. Got a great little tutorial that showed step by step how to do this from the command prompt. I listed that tutorial in a link in one of my last posts. It could be because I was using some different version than what the guy who wrote the tutorial was using, but all directories on my end and his where in different places and we had completely different exe's in those directories. I searched using a wildcard to see if the executables of WAIK he was using where even on my hard drive anywhere, be that system, hidden, Narnia, etc etc.. I had one of them if I remember correctly. After two all nighters I finally gave up. I don't honestly think the issue is with any software I got from here, elsewhere or any tutorial. I really think the problem is on my end because of my lack of knowledge and experience.