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Everything posted by TRSyntax
haha. sometimes i wonder how i find my own bed at night. these small things slips right pass me. i would have turned gray if it wheren't for your suggestions. thanks again for another time saver now editing my posts won't be such a drag.
Bphlpt.. :worthy: indeed i am, i'm just not that good at spotting stuff like that. and most other forums i'm on does not have that option. i think.... :g: i guess i'm one of those people. at least when i'm trying to post long posts. having to work in that tiny input window is a drag hehe. thanks for showing me the (now very obvious) bbc switch. you made my day!
the editor here is crazy. tried pasting that code like 10 times :\ but it's correct now. i'll just NEVER edit it again EDIT: i just edited it again... and again... and then another time *edit monkey*
from this post i decided to make a command line batch with some useful features: - installation and portable mode - easy creation from command shell (batch directory in system PATH) - adds entries to context menus (extract config from exe and add compiling batch to directory) - sfx module selection (silent, dialogs or custom) - bit selection - multiple runprogram modes: > "file.ext /switches" > "config.txt" in target folder > "!template" from ini file - automatic utf-8 encoding - customizable settings in ini file - predefined config.txt environment - upx compression - silent and verbose run - md5 file creation - it's all batch! help file explains more specific features and usage changes might still happen download the installers created with the batch edit: added it to wincert downloads
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
TRSyntax replied to TRSyntax's topic in Switchless installers
fixed the issues. the new version should have it all covered. have not tried the x86 version but i don't see why it shouldn't work. -
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
TRSyntax replied to TRSyntax's topic in Switchless installers
hah! yeah i guess that line killed all my reasons for arguing and it seems there is more to your toolkit that what my first impression told me! i first installed the toolkit after the installation of imdisk so i missed out on a couple of things like the unified uninstaller. but that is what im looking for im giving up on this project now and will have a admin delete the thread in fact. i keep bumping in to the same problem trying to install the two sys services. they just wont install! the problem even occurs in the standard imdisk setup as well as the toolkit. so i have to do something with my system. might take this up again on a later date as i have created a service for imdisk that mounts images on startup and is being managed by batch scripts. propably going to try putting that in a package at some time. thanks for your time and clarifications! ^^, -
NICE! :prop: works alot better than 7z sfx maker which i used untill now for some reason. this method doesn't break my cmd scripts and also allow greater compression! :thumbsup_anim:
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
TRSyntax replied to TRSyntax's topic in Switchless installers
First, what i meant by two installations is two keys added in [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\] registry directory. and also, if your ToolKit installs the driver with rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection + installs your ToolKit alongside by other means, that is, i.m.o, TWO installs, whereas having setupapi install it all from the same inf file is ONE install. personal preference maybe. secondly, having to set a GLOBAL environment variable or a LOCAL one in a batch script for that matter, IS much less user-friendly than using a command line switch. in this section (switchless installers) of the forum, having to deal with feeding variables to memory to accomplish a silent install is much more troublesome than by the means of a switch. moslty because most of if not all of the switchless installers are packed in sfx archives. and i checked, imdiskinst.exe from olof does not have a -y switch. it generates a prompt to confirm installation. i'm ushure of this extractor your mentioning. have i missed something? yes that is true, but this switchless installer is for slipstreaming with windows installation and there can't possibly be a former install of imdisk located in system. besides as the user is not logged in while theese installs run, i'm unsure if that a reboot request would even occur. this is new to me!! thank you for that information so without the driver folder there it opens the configuration.. i know that, and love the concept could you explain a little more in depth what this does? and lastly, if you could tell me what exactly your "setup.exe /u" switch does? it only manages the unninstallment of the toolkit right? because, again, i want for this version of Imdisk + Toolkit to be ONE installer \ uninstaller -
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
TRSyntax replied to TRSyntax's topic in Switchless installers
the error occured since because the folder extracted from the sfx is called imdiskx64, not imdisk i guess i was a little dizzy by the time i started writing the sfx temlates. i'll have them fixed in a minute. as for the IMDISK_SILENT_SETUP env variable olof mentions, he only made it possible to set that varible by other means so that people could create scripts that could in theory make the silent switch in his batch work. but out of the box there is no option to make it totaly silent. just read the rest of point 13. in my version there is no messageboxes and no interaction from imdisk toolkit. and also in this release there isn't two seperate installations for the driver and the toolkit, i made one installer / uninstaller that manages both. the toolkit files are just ported into system alongside the driver via an inf install. less crap in registry and only the necessary files in the installers. the toolkit doesn't have a silent feature for setup btw, only for extraction EDIT: Fixed that issue only to find a new one. i will have it fixed when i have slept. been up for 30 hours and can't accomplish anything right now. check back in say 12-15 hours and it'll be fixed / updated with some extra candy gdnight -
hmm. i have the same problem in a vm :\ didn't expect that.. the windows i'm running all of this on is a slimmed down windows 7 image. removed all the "safe" parts with wintoolkit. and messed with the services as well. there might be some backend process needed for something of this thats causing the error.. i didn't think that would be an issue when testing it in a virtual machine but who kows.. i've had som issues with other programs as well but most of them are network related. i'm working on a new build and will post back when i'm trying this again on a more stable os
hehe. no problem. i would think you mods have seen your fair share of license ignoring people, but i can promise i'm not one of them. any copy righted piece of code on the www will never be abused by this guy. and there will be no "official" SDX.OS warez release from me, only guides and helping software to accomplish what i have figured out. in time.. haha thanks for the (now a bit more) warming welcomes. i'll see to that the releases keeps comming. have 20+ freeware apps and portable enjoyments for that first ramdisk i posted. they will come in time cheers!
You aren't meaning to release or distribute it. WinCert has a very strong anti warez policy and you will be banned for it. i'm only going to release the "walk through" when i said 'WORKING ON' and 'MY OWN' i never meant releasing anything at all (don't know how you concluded with that). i'm fully aware of what i'm allowed to and not. no worries all i'm going to release is my own software which is all released under GPL and freeware allowed to be distributed. i'm not going to make wincert look bad so you don't have to talk about banning me. thanks for the welcome
ImDisk + ToolKit Download EDIT: did some cleanup and added GUIMode="2" to sfx config. recreated all my silent installers with $FX-CreatoR
hi i didn't see this thread till now. but this is me! i spend most of my time in front of my computer. i thought i had the genius idea of automating the install of windows, and then i found wincert. haha. i have thousands of ideas in my head mosly regarding windows general user interface and simplifing everything that has an extension.. :\ i'm currently working on my own "windows distro" or windows "service hack" if you like a never ending project i first started on in 06 or so in good ol' windows xp hehe. now it's windows 7 for the win and i think i'm a long way from done, so you'll all see me here quite often. when sdx.os finally is done i'll start the blog i was thinking about a couple of years ago and maybe tell all the things i waste my time on ^^, good plan. keep up with me and i'll stay for a long time bwahhaah. cheers!
that didn't work. tried several roots to be shure but with no luck. but since im the only one who is experiencing this it must be my config. i'll try it in a vm tomorrow
i ended up creating a batch that prints the the info to an xml from an ini config easy to change info between computers where small chages is needed. the standard print is Edit: maybe it wasn't such a great idea writing this by hand. tried installing with it and got three different errors :S one of them was a unclosed node but now i'm downloading WAIK just to figure out the other two.. 1.7gb download :S if anyone can find the waldos please tell me Edit2: - first one was the comment node at the start of the script. the first node in autounnatend.xml has to be the xml declaration. duh - the second was not adding a windows image (wim) inforamation in the xml. my template came from WinToolKit so i thought that was in there here is the new and working answer file: (without the wim image info) <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><unattend xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:unattend"> <servicing></servicing> <settings pass="windowsPE"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core-WinPE" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SetupUILanguage> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> </SetupUILanguage> <InputLocale>0414:00000414</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UserLocale>nb-NO</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <UserData> <ImageInstall> <OSImage> <InstallTo> <DiskID></DiskID> <PartitionID></PartitionID> </InstallTo> </OSImage> </ImageInstall> <AcceptEula>true</AcceptEula> <FullName>Profess0r1011000</FullName> <Organization>SDX Corp</Organization> <ProductKey> <Key>XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX</Key> <WillShowUI>OnError</WillShowUI> </ProductKey> </UserData> </component> </settings> <settings pass="specialize"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Security-SPP-UX" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <SkipAutoActivation>true</SkipAutoActivation> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-UnattendedJoin" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <Identification> <JoinWorkgroup>SlackGroup</JoinWorkgroup> </Identification> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>0414:00000414</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UserLocale>nb-NO</UserLocale> </component> </settings> <settings pass="oobeSystem"> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-International-Core" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <InputLocale>0414:00000414</InputLocale> <SystemLocale>en-US</SystemLocale> <UILanguage>en-US</UILanguage> <UserLocale>nb-NO</UserLocale> </component> <component name="Microsoft-Windows-Shell-Setup" processorArchitecture="amd64" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" xmlns:wcm="http://schemas.microsoft.com/WMIConfig/2002/State" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"> <TimeZone>Romance Standard Time</TimeZone> <ProductKey>XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX</ProductKey> <ComputerName>SDX</ComputerName> <RegisteredOwner>Profess0r1011000</RegisteredOwner> <RegisteredOrganization>SDX Corp</RegisteredOrganization> <OOBE> <HideEULAPage>true</HideEULAPage> <HideWirelessSetupInOOBE>true</HideWirelessSetupInOOBE> <NetworkLocation>Other</NetworkLocation> <ProtectYourPC>3</ProtectYourPC> </OOBE> <OEMInformation> <HelpCustomized>false</HelpCustomized> <Manufacturer>SDX.OS</Manufacturer> <Model>x64 v3.01 b325</Model> <Logo>C:\Windows\OEM\Logo.bmp</Logo> <SupportHours>24/7</SupportHours> <SupportPhone>123-456-7890</SupportPhone> <SupportURL>http://www.sdxos.com</SupportURL> </OEMInformation> <UserAccounts> <AdministratorPassword> <Value>QQBkAG0AaQBuAGkAcwB0AHIAYQB0AG8AcgBQAGEAcwBzAHcAbwByAGQA</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </AdministratorPassword> <LocalAccounts> <LocalAccount wcm:action="add"> <Password> <Value>UABhAHMAcwB3AG8AcgBkAA==</Value> <PlainText>false</PlainText> </Password> <DisplayName>installer account</DisplayName> <Name>SDX.temp</Name> <Group>Administrators;Power Users</Group> </LocalAccount> </LocalAccounts> </UserAccounts> </component> </settings><cpi:offlineImage cpi:source="wim:x:/$dx.cd/mount/sources/install.wim#Windows 7 ULTIMATE" xmlns:cpi="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:cpi" /></unattend>
do you need the x86 parts when running a windows x64 setup? in my case the wim image contains only win7 sp1 ultra x64 Edit: never mind that. after looking at sevral examples my question was explained
great work
hi, i get this error when i start the batch: no idea what to to do about it. the file is there but its not really created since it's taking 0kb. if i cancel the setup continiues but only the x64 installer is included in the aio setup.
[AIO] Microsoft Visual B/C++/F#/J# Redistributable x86/x64
TRSyntax replied to ricktendo's topic in Installer Repacks
aha! so i can't add this as a silent install in wintoolkit. i got four error dialogs (2005 and 2008 both builds). but it will work if i install it after first logon? huge time saver anyways thanks rick -
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.8 for Windows 7
TRSyntax replied to abbodi1406's topic in Win Toolkit Addons
great!! with the rollup coudn't say for shure if ricktendo's slim installer was updated.. so i'll install this. you should make a slim version of this as ricktendo has done 200 megs is so tempting