Everything posted by erpster9
Important announcement: ISO Downloader blocked by Microsoft
about 4 years later sometime in March 2023, all these links to these Win7 ISO downloads w/ telemetry updates included are now broken and generate 404 not found errors. so it seems Microsoft has pulled these W7 ISOs off their download site in 2023
What is the difference between windows 7 and windows 7 August 2018?
I've just learned from abbodi that MS has recently removed the August 2018 Windows 7 ISO downloads. so the links to them are now broken and produce 404 file not found errors in late March 2023 (yup, Windows ISO Downloader can't download them anymore) another "stake knife" driven onto the heart of Win7
Win11 update uninstalled Internet Explorer & broke ISO downloader
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/lifecycle/faq/internet-explorer-microsoft-edge https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/internet-explorer-11-desktop-app-retirement-faq/ba-p/2366549 the Windows ISO Downloader creator needs to be aware of these
Win7 (2018)
it depends on how the Win7 COA key was activated if it activates via online/internet, you're good to go. if it fails internet activation with an error, call Microsoft and activate by phone https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/reinstallation-of-a-windows-7-oem-coa/0dbdc16b-6355-4c79-be91-ddd2f140248d https://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/18715-activate-windows-7-phone.html
Please update Windows ISO Downloader
not yet. and the Windows ISO Downloader tool currently does not have the newly released Windows 11 2022 Update (aka 22H2) ISO 22621.382 downloads mentioned, which Microsoft posted on Tuesday September 20. both the tool and the server need to be updated for the 22H2 build 22621 release of Win11 would also be great if the Windows 10 and Windows 11 downloads were placed on "separate" sections in the next version of Windows ISO Downloader (one for Windows 10 and another for Windows 11 and not having both of them in the same section as they're already too many Win10/Win11 ISO downloads to be all shown in one screen)
Please update Windows ISO Downloader
IE11 EOL in mid-June 2022 applies only for certain Win10 editions. IE11 on Win10 LTSC, Server and IE11 on Win7/8.x not affected by EOL announcement as noted in the IE retirement FAQ as IE11 for Win7/8.x got new updates in July 2022 (KB5015805) & August 2022 (KB5016618) unrelated news but recently the Fido tool from Rufus USB app can no longer download Windows ISOs from Microsoft as reported by Neowin the Heidoc.net Windows ISO downloader 8.46 tool can still download Win10/Win11 & Win8.1 ISOs though edit - apparently it was a temporary problem that lasted almost a day and the devs for Rufus/Fido have quickly fixed the problem
OP should try the windows iso downloader tool from another computer to see if the problem occurs there too
Windows 11, november version???
the november 2021 refresh versions of the Win11 ISOs contain build 22000.318 instead of the somewhat buggy 22000.194 build released in early October 2021 (I suspected the refreshed ISOs perhaps to correct/resolve the expired certificates problem with some built-in Win11 apps)
How to create any version of Windows 10 iso with Media creation tool
new link to get MediaCreationTool.bat
Windows Update Agent 7.8.9200.16924
a follow up on this - the KB2999323 update includes WUA v7.8.9200.17185 so the older KB2887535 WUA v7.8.9200.16924 update is no longer needed as KB2999323 & KB3013767 updates replace KB2887535 & KB2996851
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 - Multiple Different BSODs
what kind of computer are you using, Trudeau? post specs of your PC if possible (if you're still getting BSODs when running Win7 in normal mode, try booting into Safe Mode)
I need original Windows 7 Pro with SP1 64bits ISO file.
we discourage the use of such 3rd party activation tools so you're on your own for that one. maybe ask around if someone has an unused Win7 pro key or buy one online somewhere
How you generate Windows 7 Links.
it depends on what edition of Win7 you are installing what edition are you installing? Home Premium, Professional or Ultimate yes OEM keys also work when running Win7 setup but again it depends on the edition you're too late - MS had removed the Win7 ISO downloads earlier this August; can't download the W7 ISOs from MS anymore saw this in another forum
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
no Win11 ISO downloads until final release in late October 2021. although there were W11 insider preview ISOs (w/ build 22000.132) that were made available from MS several days ago in late August I had a feeling this day would come when MS would eventually remove the Win7 ISO downloads from their web site once Win7 went EOL Good thing I already downloaded the W7 ISOs several years ago while Win7 was still supported by MS
the repair-install procedure from an ISO
that's what happens when Microsoft got rid of their QA team several years ago. the quality of updates for most Win10 versions have gone down some (the March 2021 updates caused blue screen errors for some & have also caused several printing issues and had to release some out-of-band updates to clean up their mess)
Which ISO should I use to repair, and/or do a repair-install?
speaking of the upcoming 21H1 release Jan, Microsoft has recently announced that they're getting ready to release it soon there are also 21H1 preview ISOs (with build 19043.928) available from MS for Windows Insiders as noted by MS (the current Windows ISO downloader tool does not download these updated 21H1 ISOs though)
Why can't Windows 7 download?
you can only download the Win7 ISOs from MS on the 1st day of each month only (aka. April 1, May 1, June 1, etc) on all other days, the Win7 ISOs are not available for download due to severe restrictions by MS next chance for you is May 1
Feature request: please add: all Visual C++ runtimes, all .NET framesworks & DirectX
double-click on the file(s) - that's how I was able to download the Visual C++ stuff on my end plus the download links are not shown
Win10 ISO downloads for ARM platform are not publicly available as Jan mentioned that months ago. however, they are only available to Insiders (need an MS Insider account to get them; normal/casual users won't have access to them)
Version 8-43-149 insta-crashes just after run, version v8-42-148 runs fine.
yes. I'm also on Nsaneforums as well since there's also a Windows/Office ISO downloader thread
Windows 10 Home/Pro
plus the ability to delay or defer feature updates or upgrades in Win10 Pro Win10 Home starting with the 1903 release only had ability to pause updates but not have the option to defer big feature updates
Version 8-43-149 insta-crashes just after run, version v8-42-148 runs fine.
try the newly released 8.44 version, Final Aeon
Windows 7 pt-br unavailable
come back on OCT 1st and try to download the pt-br win7 iso then, SimPos many win7 iso downloads only work on 1st day of each month (ex. 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, etc.)
Win 7 / Office 2010: Monthly Download Days starting October 1 (experimental)
you were several days late, LOoper. next chance to download a pt-br win7 sp1 iso would be THU Oct. 1.
Windows 10 ISO's wont download at all M$ Servers?
you're welcome. MS wanted to release v2004 ASAP with the newest build though it currently has several issues/problems that MS has yet to fix let's see if MS will release a set of 2004 "V2" ISOs later this year like they did with 1903