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Everything posted by rollcage

  1. Thanks ... I love this software.. and I Think it is the must have on every pc.. that is why this one is a must be added to my cd that I install on all the pcs.
  2. rollcage replied to cro-man's post in a topic in Software Field
    @cro-man Nice find bro ... we eager to try this out ... hope this works out fine ..
  3. rollcage replied to noob's post in a topic in Software Field
    I too agree ... its ok to see 324K in task manager .. cool but practically its working somewhere else then. if its not showing memory footage at firefox.exe then its using something else as simple as that. so in the end overall its the same. :tired:
  4. No prob mate .. That tells us that you are human Dude .. can you tell me whats the diff betweenSP3 RC1 and SP3 RC Refresh 2 release on 18Jan2008? I am just curious to know this regards
  5. Man.. again an error ... Kindly see this pic WindowsMediaPlayer error ... So slipstreaming WMP11 doesnt work .. I have to use WMP11_addon.cab .. but that will put a installer at t13 .. IE also not showing .. and also other Addons .. ,,, I added these addons .. but many of them not showing up
  6. oh man... Yes you understand, that means it happended with you too.man.. It felt so bad .. all work go in smoke. sidebar, Internet Explorer, TrueTranspareny, CDL Bonus, almost everything screwdup. Thanks for pointing that out. So .. now it too late so may be tomoro now, I will try this method 1. Copy i386 folder from CD - WinXP SP3 Corporate 2. Run nlite, - remove components, tweaks, add addons including IE 7 - onepiece_1.9.2_enu 3. Slipstream WMP11.exe using WMP11 Slipstreamer-v0.96 4. Run V'ISO b7.1 5. Run nlite Again and make save ISO 6. Test using VMware Workstation 6 Lite Best Regards .. I really appreciate it brother
  7. ok so .. we nolonger need to install this on every OS installed in VMware, It will automatically gets install by default.
  8. What exactly does VMware tools do? can you plz tell, and have you tried the VMware 6 Lite .. its just 20MB
  9. ok let me try what you said now bcoz many addons arent working, sidebar, dont install any more I am getting fedup .. oh man So, Let me try adding WMP11 in last.. try what you just said.
  10. I found that Integrating IE and WMP11 is creating problem. I want to slipstream those not put a installer to run at sometime. also, can you tell whats the use of RVM Integrator and when to use WMI?
  11. Ya ... this one is also included as default wallpaper in your VistaVG Ultimate theme for XP
  12. As usual ... amazing ... You are awesome Dude ... VISTA (VIShal gupTA) VG ki Jai Ho .. VG ki jai ho ...
  13. But I cant find which one
  14. there are many actually ... just try the official site .. and see which one is updated there are plenty of them which are updated since SideBar addon last updated by Rick. e.g., http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...6b-0b4e9b42deba http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...50-0198348432a9 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...9c-c068c52110ab http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...a6-da24c092f7a4 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...95-01ac1a861826 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...p;bt=1&pl=1 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...p;bt=1&pl=1 http://gallery.live.com/liveItemDetail.asp...p;bt=1&pl=1
  15. oh thats the reason I was not able to add ok. thankyou man .. . now I was installing the updated iso with VMware, then got this strange error .. Can you tell whats this is.
  16. Now there are two problems I cant add a registry entry bcoz I want that to make the shut down menu like this. earlier I installed this Hotfix KB893056-x86 the registry entry is this (now I Just need to apply the Reg Tweak because WindowsXP-KB893056-x86 is already added in SP3. Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System] [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Shutdown] "ShowHibernateButton"=dword:00000001 "HibernateAsButton"=dword:00000001 2. Vista DriveIntegrator is not working.
  17. @bjfrog ya thx for doing that, I didnt reply bcoz I was actually working it out again n again.. then installing using the VMware to install again & again 1. For WMP 11, > Now what I do is .. use the WMP11.exe from the addon, extract it and manually integrate using WMP11 Slipstreamer. 2. Internet Explorer ... using IE7_onepiece_1.9.2_enu using nlite only.. << Earlier both of these were put as insallers not integrated> So they acting as silent installer nothing else. Now my steps are:- step 1. Integrate WMP11.exe 2. Use nilte to remove components, addons, tweaks and unattend install. 3. Use V'iso 7.1 to Vitalise the i386 folder. (note my cd is already SP3 integrated) My full ini file is this [Main] Env = 1.4.1 - 2.0.50727.42.Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3, v.3264 Target = Windows XP Professional SP3 - 5.1.2600.3264 - English (United States) [Tasks] Remove Components Unattended Setup Integrate Drivers Hotfixes and Update Packs Tweaks Options [Components] ;# Applications # Accessibility Options Briefcase Charmap ClipBook Viewer Internet Games NT Backup Screensavers Wordpad ;# Drivers # Display Adapters (old) Logitech WingMan Microsoft SideWinder Serial Pen Tablet Sony Jog Dial Tape drives Toshiba DVD decoder card ;# Keyboards # Albanian keyboard Arabic (101) keyboard Arabic (102) AZERTY keyboard Arabic (102) keyboard Armenian Eastern keyboard Armenian Western keyboard Azeri Cyrillic keyboard Azeri Latin keyboard Belarusian keyboard Belgian (Comma) keyboard Belgian (Period) keyboard Belgian French keyboard Bengali (Inscript) keyboard Bengali keyboard Bosnian Cyrillic keyboard Bosnian keyboard Bulgarian (Latin) keyboard Bulgarian keyboard Canadian French (Legacy) keyboard Canadian French keyboard Canadian Multilingual Standard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - Microsoft Pinyin IME 3.0 keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - NeiMa keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - QuanPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ShuangPin keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - US Keyboard keyboard Chinese (Simplified) - ZhengMa keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Alphanumeric keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Array keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Big5 Code keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - DaYi keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New ChangJie keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - New Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Phonetic keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Quick keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - Unicode keyboard Chinese (Traditional) - US Keyboard keyboard Croatian keyboard Czech (QWERTY) keyboard Czech keyboard Czech Programmers keyboard Danish keyboard Devanagari - INSCRIPT keyboard Divehi Phonetic keyboard Divehi Typewriter keyboard Dutch keyboard Estonian keyboard Faeroese keyboard Farsi keyboard Finnish keyboard Finnish with Sami keyboard French keyboard FYRO Macedonian keyboard Gaelic keyboard Georgian keyboard German (IBM) keyboard German keyboard Greek (220) keyboard Greek (220) Latin keyboard Greek (319) keyboard Greek (319) Latin keyboard Greek keyboard Greek Latin keyboard Greek Polytonic keyboard Gujarati keyboard Hebrew keyboard Hindi Traditional keyboard Hungarian 101-key keyboard Hungarian keyboard Icelandic keyboard Inuktitut Latin keyboard Irish keyboard Italian (142) keyboard Italian keyboard Japanese Input System (MS-IME2002) keyboard Japanese keyboard Kannada keyboard Kazakh keyboard Korean Input System (IME 2000) keyboard Korean keyboard Kyrgyz Cyrillic keyboard Latin American keyboard Latvian (QWERTY) keyboard Latvian keyboard Lithuanian IBM keyboard Lithuanian keyboard Luxembourgish keyboard Malayalam keyboard Maltese 47-key keyboard Maltese 48-key keyboard Maori keyboard Marathi keyboard Mongolian Cyrillic keyboard Nepali keyboard Norwegian keyboard Norwegian with Sami keyboard Pashto keyboard Polish (214) keyboard Polish (Programmers) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT) keyboard Portuguese (Brazilian ABNT2) keyboard Portuguese keyboard Punjabi keyboard Romanian keyboard Russian (Typewriter) keyboard Russian keyboard Sami Extended Finland-Sweden keyboard Sami Extended Norway keyboard Serbian (Cyrillic) keyboard Serbian (Latin) keyboard Slovak (QWERTY) keyboard Slovak keyboard Slovenian keyboard Spanish keyboard Spanish Variation keyboard Swedish keyboard Swedish with Sami keyboard Swiss French keyboard Swiss German keyboard Syriac keyboard Syriac Phonetic keyboard Tamil keyboard Tatar keyboard Telugu keyboard Thai Kedmanee (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Kedmanee keyboard Thai Pattachote (non-ShiftLock) keyboard Thai Pattachote keyboard Turkish F keyboard Turkish Q keyboard Ukrainian keyboard United Kingdom Extended keyboard United Kingdom keyboard United States-Dvorak for left hand keyboard United States-Dvorak for right hand keyboard United States-Dvorak keyboard United States-International keyboard Urdu keyboard US English Table for IBM Arabic 238_L keyboard Uzbek Cyrillic keyboard Vietnamese keyboard ;# Languages # ;Arabic Arabic (Algeria) Arabic (Bahrain) Arabic (Egypt) Arabic (Iraq) Arabic (Jordan) Arabic (Kuwait) Arabic (Lebanon) Arabic (Libya) Arabic (Morocco) Arabic (Oman) Arabic (Qatar) Arabic (Saudi Arabia) Arabic (Syria) Arabic (Tunisia) Arabic (U.A.E.) Arabic (Yemen) Divehi (Maldives) Pashto Syriac (Syria) Urdu ;Armenian Armenian ;Baltic Estonian Latvian Lithuanian ;Central Europe Albanian Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Croatian Croatian (Bosnia and Herzegovina) Czech Hungarian Polish Romanian Serbian (Latin) Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Slovak Slovenian ;Cyrillic Azeri (Cyrillic) Belarusian Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Bulgarian FYRO Macedonian Kazakh Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan) Mongolian (Mongolia) Russian Serbian (Cyrillic) Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina) Tatar Ukrainian Uzbek (Cyrillic) ;Georgian Georgian ;Greek Greek ;Hebrew Hebrew ;Indic Bengali (India) Gujarati (India) Kannada (India) Konkani Malayalam (India) Marathi Nepali (Nepal) Punjabi (India) Tamil Telugu (India) ;Japanese Japanese ;Korean Korean ;Simplified Chinese Chinese (PRC) Chinese (Singapore) ;Thai Farsi Thai ;Traditional Chinese Chinese (Hong Kong S.A.R.) Chinese (Macau S.A.R.) Chinese (Taiwan) ;Turkic Azeri (Latin) Turkish Uzbek (Latin) ;Vietnamese Vietnamese ;Western Europe and United States Afrikaans Basque Catalan Danish Dutch (Belgium) Dutch (Netherlands) English (Australia) English (Belize) English (Canada) English (Caribbean) English (Ireland) English (Jamaica) English (New Zealand) English (Philippines) English (South Africa) English (Trinidad) English (Zimbabwe) Faeroese Filipino Finnish French (Belgium) French (Canada) French (France) French (Luxembourg) French (Monaco) French (Switzerland) Frisian Galician (Spain) German (Austria) German (Germany) German (Liechtenstein) German (Luxembourg) German (Switzerland) Icelandic Indonesian Inuktitut (Latin) Irish Italian (Italy) Italian (Switzerland) Luxembourgish Malay (Brunei Darussalam) Malay (Malaysia) Maltese Maori Mapudungun Mohawk Northern Sotho Norwegian (Bokmal) Norwegian (Nynorsk) Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Quechua (Bolivia) Quechua (Ecuador) Quechua (Peru) Romansh Sami, Inari (Finland) Sami, Lule (Norway) Sami, Lule (Sweden) Sami, Northern (Finland) Sami, Northern (Norway) Sami, Northern (Sweden) Sami, Skolt (Finland) Sami, Southern (Norway) Sami, Southern (Sweden) Spanish (Argentina) Spanish (Bolivia) Spanish (Chile) Spanish (Colombia) Spanish (Costa Rica) Spanish (Dominican Republic) Spanish (Ecuador) Spanish (El Salvador) Spanish (Guatemala) Spanish (Honduras) Spanish (International Sort) Spanish (Mexico) Spanish (Nicaragua) Spanish (Panama) Spanish (Paraguay) Spanish (Peru) Spanish (Puerto Rico) Spanish (Traditional Sort) Spanish (Uruguay) Spanish (Venezuela) Swahili Swedish Swedish (Finland) Tswana Welsh Xhosa Zulu ;# Multimedia # Images and Backgrounds Luna desktop theme Media Center Mouse Cursors Music Samples Tablet PC ;# Network # MSN Explorer Windows Messenger ;# Operating System Options # Color Schemes DR Watson Extra Fonts Manual Install and Upgrade Out of Box Experience (OOBE) Search Assistant Service Pack Messages Tour ;# Services # Beep Driver Indexing Service System Restore Service ;# Compatibility # Compat01 Compat02 Compat04 Compat08 Compat09 Compat11 Compat14 Compat16 [KeepFiles] msconfig.exe [RemoveFiles] clock.avi yahoo.bmp swtchbrd.bmp [Options] BlackSetupBack DisableFreereq DisableMinMem ProfilesDir = "%SystemDrive%\Documents and Settings" TargetPath = "WINDOWS" temp_dir = %SystemDrive%\Temp NoKeepCp RemoveMUI CleanBiosInfo AdvTweaks [Patches] TcpIp = 16777215 UsbPoll = 1000 DoUxTheme DoSFC [Services2] Alerter,4 ALG,3 AppMgmt,4 BITS,3 ClipSrv,3 EventSystem,3 COMSysApp,3 Browser,3 TrkWks,3 MSDTC,3 ERSvc,3 FastUserSwitchingCompatibility,3 helpsvc,3 HTTPFilter,3 dmserver,3 dmadmin,3 Messenger,3 SwPrv,3 NetLogon,3 mnmsrvc,3 napagent,3 NetDDE,3 NetDDEdsdm,3 NLA,3 xmlprov,3 NtLmSsp,3 SysmonLog,3 WmdmPmSN,3 RSVP,3 RasAuto,3 RasMan,3 RDSessMgr,3 RpcLocator,3 RemoteRegistry,3 RemoteAccess,3 seclogon,3 SamSs,3 wscsvc,3 LanmanServer,3 ScardSvr,3 SSDPSRV,3 Schedule,4 TlntSvr,3 TermService,3 upnphost,3 VSS,3 WebClient,3 SharedAccess,3 StiSvc,3 MSIServer,3 Wmi,3 W32Time,3 WZCSVC,3 WmiApSrv,3 [Tweaks] Boot and Shutdown-Auto-End tasks immediately Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung applications immediately Boot and Shutdown-Auto-Kill hung services immediately Boot and Shutdown-Disable automatic restart on System Failure Boot and Shutdown-Do not Parse Autoexec.bat Boot and Shutdown-Setup Prefetch-Cache-Boot prefetching enabled Boot and Shutdown-Status Messages-Default Desktop-Desktop icons size-48 Desktop-Internet Explorer icon-Hide Desktop-My Computer icon-Show Desktop-My Documents icon-Hide Desktop-My Network Places icon-Hide Desktop-Recycle Bin icon-Show Explorer-Associate additional file types with Notepad Explorer-Classic Control Panel Explorer-Disable Beep on errors Explorer-Disable Prefix: Shortcut to Explorer-Launch folder windows in a seperate process Explorer-Show Drive Letters in front of Drive Names Explorer-Show Statusbar in all windows Explorer-Show the full path in the Address Bar Internet Explorer-Disable Download Complete notification Internet Explorer-Disable Market Place bookmark Internet Explorer-Disable Media Player 6.4 created bookmarks Internet Explorer-Disable Outlook Express link creation Internet Explorer-Disable Password-Caching Internet Explorer-Disable sound when popup is blocked Internet Explorer-Enable Google URL-Search Internet Explorer-Keep IE URL-History for-0 Days Internet Explorer-Set Homepage-www.google.com Internet Explorer-Set IE-Cache limit to-20 MB Internet Explorer-Set Internet Explorer to accept 10 connects at a time Internet Explorer-Set popup-blocker to high My Computer-Add Control Panel My Computer-Add Control Panel to Context Menu My Computer-Add Device Manager to Context Menu My Computer-Add Folder Options My Computer-Add Services to Context Menu My Computer-Add Software to Context Menu My Computer-Remove Manage from Context Menu My Computer-Remove Search from Context Menu My Computer-Remove Shared Documents Network-Disable automatic search for network folders and printers Network-Disable DNS failure cache Network-Remote Desktop-Disable Network-Set TCP/IP Priority to 1 Performance-Disable Last accessed Timestamp on files Performance-Disable Optimize harddisk when idle Performance-Disable paging of kernel and core-os Performance-Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links Performance-Do not cache thumbnails Performance-Run 16-bit Windows applications in a separate process Performance-Speed-up Access to AVI Media Files Privacy-Disable Driver Update Internet prompt Privacy-Disable Error Reporting Privacy-Disable File MRU-List Privacy-Disable Tracking of most used programs Privacy-Remove Alexa Security-Disable Antivirus notification Security-Disable DCOM Security-Disable Firewall notification Security-Disable Screensaver Security-Disable Web Open With prompt Start Menu-Add Administrative Tools menu Start Menu-Control Panel-Display as a link Start Menu-Disable and remove Documents list from the Start Menu Start Menu-Disable Highlight newly installed programs Start Menu-Do not use Personalized Menus Start Menu-Expand Network Connections Start Menu-Reduce popup delay Start Menu-Remove Search For People from Search Start Menu-Remove Search the Internet from Search Start Menu-Remove Windows Catalog shortcut Start Menu-Show IE Favorites Start Menu-Use small icons in Start Panel Taskbar-Disable Group similar Taskbar buttons Taskbar-Disable Language-Bar Taskbar-Lock the Taskbar-Yes Visual Effects-Active window tracking-Disable Visual Effects-Active window tracking speed-Zero delay Visual Effects-Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing-Enable Visual Effects-Combo box animation-Disable Visual Effects-Cursor shadow-Disable Visual Effects-Display mouse pointer trails-Disable Visual Effects-Fade out selection-Disable Visual Effects-Keyboard shortcut underline-Disable Visual Effects-Menu animation-Disable Visual Effects-Menu shadows-Disable Visual Effects-Show translucent selection rectangle-Disable Visual Effects-Show window contents while dragging-Enable Visual Effects-Slide taskbar buttons-Enable Visual Effects-Smooth edges of screen fonts-ClearType Visual Effects-Smooth-scroll list boxes-Disable Visual Effects-Tooltip animation-Disable Visual Effects-Use a background image for each folder type-Enable Visual Effects-Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop-Enable Windows Media Player-Accept Privacy Statement Windows Media Player-Disable auto-add music to library Windows Media Player-Disable automatic codec download Windows Media Player-Disable automatic saving of DRM-type music files Windows Media Player-Disable license backup prompt Windows Media Player-Disable metadata retrieval Windows Media Player-Disable MRU Windows Media Player-Disable scripting commands Windows Media Player-Disable silent acqusition Windows Media Player-Disable starting with Media Guide Windows Media Player-Enhanced privacy settings Windows Media Player-No visualization Windows Media Player-Optimize fullscreen mode behavior Windows Media Player-Zoom video to windowsize [Unattended] DisableOem ComputerType = Default AutoLogon = Keanu FirewallOff OOBEOff CustomLocales DisableSRestore MaximumDataStorePercentOfDisk = 12 RestorePointLife = 30 DesktopTheme = VistaVG|Black48|Large Fonts AutoUpdates = 4 AutoUDay = 5 AutoUHour = 15 ProgFilesPath = "\Program Files" [DesktopThemes] F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\Themes & transformation packs\Themes\VistaVG_Ultimate_by_Vishal_Gupta\VistaVG Ultimate\Theme\VistaVG Ultimate.theme F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\Themes & transformation packs\Themes\Royale Theme for Win XP\Royale Theme for Win XP\Resources\Themes\Royale.Theme [NetAdapter1] connname = "" macaddress = "" ipaddress = "" subnetmask = "" defaultgateway = "" dnsserver1 = "" dnsserver2 = "" winsserver = "" netbiossetting = "0" ipxnetworknumber = "00000000" ipxnetworkframetype = "0xFF" [GuiRunOnce] [Drivers] F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\D\mt.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\H\HPQ006.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\I\1\HECI3030.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\I\2\imbdrv.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\I\xp\3100ESB.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\N\nf4pcie.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_CPU_wnt5_x86-32_7041\D\CPU\AmdAway.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\IntelAMT\iamt.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\IOATDMA\ioatdma.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\PRO100\e100a325.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\PRO1000\e1000325.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\PROSETDX\ANSM2KXP.INF,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\I\PROXGB\ixe5132.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\R1\netrtlx.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\R2\net8150.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\R3\Netrtle.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_LAN_wnt5_x86-32_7121\D\L\R4\netrtp5.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\S\CR2\Win2k_xp\Ctljystk.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\S\R1\Alcxau.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\S\R2\HDA.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Sound_A_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\S\R3\HDAATI.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_WLAN_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\W\AtT\net5211.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_WLAN_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\W\BR\bcmwl5.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_WLAN_wnt5_x86-32_712\D\W\Br4\bcmwl5.inf,0 F:\(K) Utilities\UTILITIES\DriverPack.net - 29DEc2007\DP_Chipset_wnt5_x86-32_7101\D\C\V\xp\VIAAGP1.INF,0 [Hotfixes] HotfixingReports F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\Arcade Pack 5[1].10.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\Azureus_2.5.0.4.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\CPU-Z 1.42.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\CursorsAIO_Addon_1.9.rar F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\dotnetfx-allin1\ENTRIES_dotnetaio.INI F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\Foobar 0.9.5.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\Icy Radio 0.5.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\K-Lite Codec Pack Mega 3.6.5.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\mpTrim 2.13.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\IE7_onepiece_1.9.2_enu.7z F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\PostSP3UpdatePack1.0.9.7z F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\TrueTransparency_071207.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\TweakUI_v2.10_CPL_addon_build2.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VistaFirefox2.0.0.11_AddOn_71204.rar F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VistaRocketDock1.3.5.rar F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VistaSoundsReplacement_AddOn_70909.7z F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\Vista UserAccountPicture Replace_Addon.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VLC 0.8.6d.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\LiveMessBETA9.0.1407.1107_Builder.7z F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\WindowsSidebarSP3_AlkyXP1.0_AddOn.7z F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VistaGamezMain_Addon_v2.rar F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\VistaGamezP3_Addon_v2.cab F:\(K) Utilities\nLite\Addons\WinRAR3.7Plus_AddOn.cab
  18. How do I add registry entry tweak in my i386 folder?
  19. looks good but any more updates dude ... ? there are many new gadget version releassed since then
  20. thank you so much ... OnePiece_IE7AddOn_1.9.2_ENU work fine
  21. Now its working when I started from default to new settings. Kel_VistaDriveIndicator_v2.2 is not working with me, So I saved that on iso will install this after first boot. Tell me one thing friends .. Shall I install the V'ISO B_7.1 after all the tweaks ? or Before applying all the tweaks and removing the components?
  22. Nicework ... can u post a few screenshots plz/
  23. I applied Viso_B7.1 ... is that creating a problem that installation freezes?
  24. ok let me try that out but it worked fine on other cds.
  25. hm ok strange thing .. I feel its some addon that is creating problem