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mehdi.n reacted to Legolash2o in Guide: Creating addonsRequirements: 7zip
I recommend using InstallWatch as it records what new registry entries there is and also which files have been modified.
Every .WA needs a tasks.txt file within it so W7T knows what to do with it, an example is below:
Make a folder i.e. D:\Addon
Step 1: Tasks.txt
Name=Mozilla Firefox
Description=Open Source internet browser.
Mozilla Firefox::Program Files
Mozilla Firefox.lnk::Users\Public\Desktop
Mozilla Firefox.lnk::ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
This is the name of the program or addon
Your name or the maker of the addon
The version of the program/addon you are making
Which version of the program you are making their are only 3 choices
x86 - These addon will work on both x86 and x64 images, if it is integrated into x64 it will put the files in folders like "Program Files (x86)" or "SysWOW64".
x86! - x86 only
x64 - x64 only
Build (Optional)
This will only let you install the addon on certain versions of windows i.e. 7068. This is useful for patches like Themes.
Build=7000! *Build 7000 only
Build=7000 *Build 7000 or newer
Website (Optional)
When the addon is double clicked in the list, it will open the website specified
Step 2: Copying Folders
Mozilla Firefox::Program Files
This is easy...
name of folder::where to put it
Mozilla Firefox will be copied into Program Files folder.
Put Mozilla Firefox folder in your root addon folder (D:\Addon)
Step 3: Copying Files
Mozilla Firefox.lnk::Users\Public\Desktop
Mozilla Firefox.lnk::ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Put Mozilla Firefox.lnk in your root addon folder (D:\Addon)
Also easy....
name of file including extension (.exe, .lnk, whatever):: folder to put it in
Firefox links will be copied to both Desktop and Start Menu
Step 3: Registry Entries
Just simply copy the exported .reg file into the root folder of the addon (D:\Addon)
Note: You may want to clean the registry file and remove entries like your name, serial codes, temp stuff like MuiCache and sometimes there is a really long entry and i mean long, remove that too!
Normal Registry File
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Example"="This is an example string"
Delete Key (Note they hyphen (-) before HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Example"="This is an example string"
Delete Value (Note the hyphen (-) after the equals sign(=))
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"Example"="This is an example string"
Step 4: Creating the addon file (.WA)
Using the example above you should have something similar to...
D:\Addon\Mozilla Firefox\ (with firefox files within it)
D:\Addon\Mozilla Firefox.lnk (shortcut)
D:\Addon\Example.reg (optional)
Simply highlight all the files in the folder, right-click, 7zip > Add to Archive
Once its open change .7z to .WA make sure its on Ultra compression and click OK
Tasks.txt Example
7zip x64
Description=7-Zip is an open source file archiver designed originally for Microsoft Windows. Blah.
7-Zip::Program Files
7-Zip File Manager.lnk::ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
7zip x86 only
Description=7-Zip is an open source file archiver designed originally for Microsoft Windows. Blah.
7-Zip::Program Files
7-Zip File Manager.lnk::ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
Crap Cleaner for both x64 and x86
Name=Crap Cleaner
Description=Cleans all the crap on the computer
CCleaner::Program Files
CCleaner.lnk::ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
When it comes to the "Description" in tasks.txt it can only be one line, it can not be multiple lines.
For example:
This program has the following features:
The Addon Integrator will only display "This program has the following features:"