[Solved] WinToolkit 1.41.26 Unknown Mount Error
thanx wela, did solve the problem
All updates integration to windows 8.1 fails
Hi, Do I need to install this also on a Win7_SP1_X64??? Is this the reason why mine unattended win not install the integrated updates on VMWARE? thanx
Error Integration updates
Hi, I got a little bit same problem as above..some updates he won't integrate and then you get an x before the update. All the rest got a green V next of the update...but what I don't get, mine computer is 5Hours bussy with integration of updates from win7_SP1_x64 and when I install it on a VMWARE, I see the integrated updates aren't installed? Version WinToolkit = V1.4.32.2 All the rest seems to work fine. thanx.
Got problem with settings language
Hi, since short I use WinToolkit and I got a problem I can't solve yet. I want that the version of mine windows 7 is correct installed by Language and keyboard. The language I want is Dutch( Belgium) and keyboard = period. I can find on the internet the correct settings that I need, but I can't find the right way todo this into WinToolkit? The settings I find on the internet: UILANGUAGE = nl-NL Systemlocale = nl-BE Userlocale =nl-BE Inputlocale = 0813:00000813 Where or how can I set those settings please? Can I got a full detail where to change this please? Some people talk about OObe, but can't find it or it doesn't work for annyreason? When I install mine unattended version, I change this manualy! Thanx,
[Solved] WinToolkit 1.41.26 Unknown Mount Error
somebody has an Idea how to fix the error above?
Silent Install + keyboard language settings + Autounattended XML
Hello Ricktendo, Thanx for the help, when I use your command I get the information direct! But what does it mean if I get the Access Denied Error: Your mounth path seems to be the same path as your selected image DVD this is not recommended and Win Toolkit will abort! WIM FILE:[D:\.....] Mounth Path:[D:\...] Both are in complete different directorys! I see in the taskbar below that he rebuild WIM#1 Into mine settings, the Win Toolkit Temp folder is on C drive and Win toolkit mount folder on D drive! Where can I find the OOBE section? thanx and best regards,
[Solved] WinToolkit 1.41.26 Unknown Mount Error
Hi, I have the same error also above posted with the version (latest download). The error is: ACCES DENIED Your mounth path seems to be the same as your selected image DVD, this is not recommended and Win Toolkit will abort! WIM File:[D:\......] Mount Path:[D:\....] I did already also delete the settings.txt file and did configure again in Win Toolkit, but still same error? How can I solve this please? thanx,
Silent Install + keyboard language settings + Autounattended XML
Hi, I try to make mine own unattended ISO file and the basics of it seems to work,but when I use the option into win toolkit v1.4.33.7 to add some extra software and let that software install with silent switches, that doesn't work! The software I want to include is adobe reader, adobe flash player, bullzip pdf printer. I do know from those installers what there silent switches are, and I add those silent switch command also into win toolkit, but when everything is installed, I see those programmes aren't installed! I think I do something wrong, but I can't figure out what I do wrong! The windows installation on his self works perfect...but mine extra wanted software is not installed automatic. What I did also want, was setting mine language Dutch (Belgium) with Azerty keyboard and period. But I don't know where to configure this into win toolkit? Can it be, that this is not included into the software? and last question, If I let the programme create an Autounattended XML, will this work? Because, when I let create it by the programme win toolkit and save it at the root directory, I think this also is not activated into the installation. I did follow some examples I could find on youtube, but it seems it not works with me? Has somebody some advice, how I can solve mine troubles or a link to a guide with an example? Thanx & best regards, :gleam:
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