Everything posted by sT0n3r
Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
Sun Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 19 is out, Anyone still working on this ?? Kel..... ? many thanks
Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
Sun Java Runtime Environment 6 Update 18 is out, Can we get an update please kel ?
Autoruns For Windows XP
- Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
Looks like v6 update 16 is out do your magic kel :thumbsup_anim:- Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
Thanks for the super fast update again kel its an essential option to everyone's wpi ps love the new site look :worthy:- [Closed] Xptsp theme neon blue BETA 1 (27-sept-09)
looks like things are moving on, cant wait to try final version keep at it guys :thumbsup_anim:- Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
Thanks for the superfast update again kel- [SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
thanks for the super fast update rick :thumbsup_anim:- Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
super fast update again kel just in time for my latest build thanks mate- [Closed] XPtsp Blue batch v1.0
yay version 1.0 is here thanks fixit and to everyone whos hard work has made this project possible- Non-Specific Theme Discussion....
amnesia really amazing job mate i love um, so are these bmps gonna be for a new version ? or the blue version ?- Non-Specific Theme Discussion....
i have winflip as an option in my wpi its a great program, it can have problems working with older laptops and pcs with internal gfx cards so i am not sure it should be a default option but defininitely have it as an option- Non-Specific Theme Discussion....
amnesia those bmps look f*****g amazing :thumbsup_anim: are they for the blue version ? or are you making something special for them ? and great job with the glass folders they look much better imo then the ones in the packs right now keep up the good work guys- [Closed] XPtsp Black batch v1.0
thanks for the animations amnesia, like fixit said we only need the last 2 the rest have been taken care of and very nice job done too oh i found a small bug with the animations in this pack in the very top left hand side when copying there is a white glitch in the animation it does move with the animation too not shown in pic- [Closed] XPtsp Black batch v1.0
i really like this black edition everything working me me so far just a quick note, i think the folder icons could be better tho and the animations from 165 to 170 so need to be redone just my 2 cents if we could get something like black icons then this would look really special, anyways keep up the good work guys.- Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86
wow thanks for the update that was super fast man :icon_cool: this always has a place on my unattended multiboot dvd great work Kelsenellenelvian- Non-Specific Theme Discussion....
yes yes and yes please :thumbsup_anim:- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
ahhh nice a black edition :icon_cool: i am gonna test it now thanks a lot fixit you are the master this little project has become quite big now ?? i have been using it since viso guys i have been learning joomla websites and have created a site, i would like to offer my time and some webspace for this project it seems to be to big for this forum now , and now we have 4 color versions, i have community builder in place on the site and think it would be very useful for this wonderful project. what do your guys think ? you can pm me or add me to your msn/icq if you think its a good idea ?- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
any updates for the blue pack please ?- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
alternate autorun Autorun here is an alternate autorun program i found its very easy to edit the .ini file, i have modded it for my needs and seems to work perfect on my multiboot dvd give it a try- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
thanks for the updates amnesia i hope you can work out the palette for the boot screen and thanks to fixit for the XPtsp_Blue_0.9b5_batch.exe but is it possible to change the folder icons to the ones in amnesias post bluefolders the ones in the pack now look a little plane, where the ones in the link look much better i have also included the original bmps for the black msgina and shell32 logoff from the above post, shell32msginabmp.7z keep up the great work guys :thumbsup_anim:- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
thanks for the updates amnesia things are looking really special now- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
oh another update already thanks amnesia i will add it to the pack now , things are looking really nice with this blue version now 1 big thing i found is the default folders are still green ? can i get an updated shell32.res with the blue versions of the default folders, the blue my docs, vids, music look awesome tho i will report other bugs if you are interested but i dont want to bother you to much, but thanks a lot for your help here is a work in progress screen if anyone is interested blue xp- [SVCPACK] VMware Workstation Lite 6.5.3 build-185404
thanks for the update to 6.5. 3d acceleration actually works for me now but i am having problems with my vmware not being able to go online, is anyone else having this trouble i am getting "there is an ip address conflict with another system on the network" i have tried various options in the vmware network options and have set up the ips manually but eiter still get the same error as above or limited connectivity i had no problems with any of the previous versions of this addon or vmware- [Closed] XPtsp General discusions
2 sT0n3r here it is, .res files updated with Blue resources. U'll need to change shell32 Avis, if U like... ResourcesBlue.rar 25.9 MB http://gettyfile.com/230884/ omg amnesia you made it for me thanks so much dude i cant thank you enough, i will test it on my latest build and see how things look - Sun Java Runtime 6 update 24 x86