Everything posted by jogtx16v
icare [14 Jan 2020] SFX Microsoft
je n'ai eu aucun problème a télécharger le DNF 461 sur Googledrive merci
icare [14 Jan 2020] SFX Microsoft
bonjour icare, j'essait de télécharger l'outil pour Microsoft removal tool et son leurre, mais ca semble impossible sur box meme avec adblock désactivé. merci de ton aide
Project: ~FULL~ Updated 2014 ISO
to brokenzer0 : did you find how to automatically set higher process priority for setup.exe ? I now have my fully functional integrated updates x86/x64 on usb and I love that. thank you
- Windows 7 x64 error installing after integrating updates with Win ToolKit
first attempt to use wintoolkit and installation error help..
This is what I get in picture link attachement ... do you think my adobe reader and winrar silent installer can be the problem ? Its the first time I try a silent install. not 100% sure about it. The software I have use to download all update are : windows hotfix downloader . I have over 500 updates for x64 with this software but when I look to windows updates downloader 2.50 only 188 updates appears. thank for tips image link to onedrive.txt
first attempt to use wintoolkit and installation error help..
thank for your reply ! I already tried to install windows via usb key. but got an error at near the end of windows installation and I cannot continue installing. ( I will tried to take screenshot ). sorry for my english
first attempt to use wintoolkit and installation error help..
Hello ! Im new with the wintoolkit integrator and silent install. I made usb bootable with all windows 7 version, x86/x64, 2 language pack and all windows updates. After 25 hours to integrated all updates in x86 and approximately same time for all x64 windows version. I noticed 4 errors at the end of x86 and 4 others at the end of x64 integration . now the installation make an error at ¼ before the end of the installation. .txt file in attachement. thank you . This software rock ! all update x64 +winrar +adobe.txt errorintegrationx64.txt