- ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
As it was simpler to implement than I thought, I replaced the processing of the environment variable by a simple switch: /silent: Silent installation. Error messages and reboot prompt are still displayed. /fullsilent: Silent installation, without error message or prompt. Any other parameter displays a description of the available switches. Don't know if it will be useful, but a trick that is often used to access the 64-bit System folder from a 32-bit application is to use the "Sysnative" alias, as it is explained here: 32-bit applications can access the native system directory by substituting %windir%\Sysnative for %windir%\System32. WOW64 recognizes Sysnative as a special alias used to indicate that the file system should not redirect the access. This mechanism is flexible and easy to use, therefore, it is the recommended mechanism to bypass file system redirection. Note that 64-bit applications cannot use the Sysnative alias as it is a virtual directory not a real one.
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
It is a point of view, but not a big deal in my opinion: cmd /c "set IMDISK_SILENT_SETUP=2&ImDiskTk.exe" The -y switch removes the message of the 7-zip SFX module, as described in the help of 7-Zip. But the following messages are done with the installer of Olof, this is why you also need the environment variable. You can now save the current config of ImDisk Toolkit. This can be done with the "General Settings" in the start menu, which saves in a .reg file the key HKLM\SOFTWARE\ImDisk and possibly some other values. If you restore this key before using the installer of ImDisk Toolkit, the installer will create and start automatically the service required for the ramdisks. This means you can install the Toolkit and define ramdisks in only one step. This is especially useful for users who define several ramdisks. For slipstreaming, this means you can get a ramdisk at the installation of Windows without any manipulation... But this requires to restore the appropriate key(s), by a way or another (e.g. the "reg" command). Yes. And depending of the selected options of the dialog box, the driver can be kept or not. This is why you can find the uninstall key of the driver: in fact, I only remove or restore the value "DisplayName" according to the situation. Of course, I could remove all the key, but this increases the amount of code... and most users don't care about what it can be found in the registry, as long as everything is properly removed when the program is uninstalled.
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
The ImDisk Toolkit is self-sufficient: it installs the driver if needed. There is not two installations to do. And you're wrong about the setup: the setup GUI is not displayed with IMDISK_SILENT_SETUP: this is a complete silent installation (if you use the value 2). This is one of the innovations of the current version... Of course, you need to define an environment variable, but it's not much less user-friendly than using something like a command line switch. About the driver (the package of Olof), along with the environment variable, you also need to add the -y switch to avoid a dialog box from the extractor (not the installer). But in fact, this is still not enough to have a silent installation in any cases, because if a reboot is needed, you will be prompted for that. This case is avoided with ImDisk Toolkit if you use the value 2 for the environment variable. In fact, it is because of the used value in the command rundll32 setupapi.dll,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 .\imdisk.inf You have to change 132 by 128 to make a complete silent install, as described here. That said, even as the author of the Toolkit, I cannot provide a silent package that requires no manipulation. So, your project is still interesting, but it would be more simple for you to use the integrated solution of the installer of the Toolkit. For information, if you need to extract the content of the installation package, the installer of setup.exe is started if there is an object named "driver" in the same directory (a file or a directory). But as I said, the GUI is not displayed if you use the environment variable. With that, you keep the possibility to rebuild instantly the previous ramdisks if parameters are found in the registry. This is another newness of this version.
ImDisk version 1.7.6 build 25 with ImDisk ToolKit
Tried ImDiskX64.exe on Windows 8.1 x64 and got an error: Error during execution ""C:\Users\-\AppData\Local\Temp\imdisk\setup.cmd" /y". Le fichier spécifié est introuvable. (= "File not found") Perhaps because of the user name which causes issues in a batch script? (-) The last version of ImDisk Toolkit (20140307) changed that: - installer: updating now asks for a Windows restart if required- installer: added silent installation (set IMDISK_SILENT_SETUP environment variable to 1 to keep error messages and reboot prompt, or 2 for complete silent)- installer: if previous parameters are found, the ramdisk service is recreated and started (for ramdisks created with Version 20130905 and later)- General Settings: added a button to save the parameters (and optionally the TEMP environment variables)- dynamic ramdisks: performance improvements- minor fixes and improvementsAnd the ImDisk Virtual Disk Driver uses a similar method, as we can see at the point 13 of the FAQ. Maybe not as handy as a dedicated package like yours, though.
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