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  1. hey there, this is my first post on this forum. i tried and used the alky/sidebar combination on my windows xp pro (32bit) without any probs (finally i found the german hotfix needed for installation of sidebar and all went smooth). now i bought a new motherboard/processor which is x64-capable.. you guys be sure i wanted to switch on 64 bit xp asap.. there my sidebar probs began. after reading and reading i managed to install alky for applications, that part was somehow easy. yes, the right-click options show up when launching a 32-bit-shell. i tried to install sidebar with the inf-file. no luck. after reading here i found out the inf can't be used on a 64bit system. okay.. there must be another way. i saw talkings about the silent installer which just leads me to an error stating it can't fetch a system message and maybe i'm running out of resources.. haha.. no, that's not the prob. dumb error message. next i found a posting stating a former version of alky (vaio?) in combination with an old version of the sidebar can do the trick - but i also saw statements my preferred gadgets from hobbylounge won't run on them, so i even did not try that out. what irritates me is the instruction Install the Sidebar the original way. Download the Unpatched Sidebar and paste this code in Run... for the complete Alky instructions/documentation: what do you mean by "install the sidebar the original way"? i am not able to install it in any way.. is rafael reading/responding in here? i really like to see the actual version of the sidebar running on x64 xp..