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Everything posted by dacorsa

  1. is possible install this addon after windows installation? how can i start it? thanks!
  2. can you update to 6.9.99??? thanks!
  3. ciao a tutti, esiste una aio per x64??? ciao!
  4. this is the error: how can i resolve this?? i use the [Addon] Onepiece XP Post-SP3 AIO Update Pack v3.2.0 Ita... thanks
  5. another question: can i add an entry on right key mouse called "Edit with Notepad++"??? thanks!
  6. ok i'll try and tell if works! if i try to install 2_VC2005SP1VC2008SP1.EXE in windows already installed after install open a txt window called Install.vbs, not close automatically?? thanks
  7. i try to install this addon on italian xp, but i have an error...maybe i change program dir in C:\Programmi\???? how make this? thanks!
  8. how install in italian language? i have to change something in inf file? thanks
  9. is impossible download from rapidshare, please change site, magaupload or adrive is best, thanks.
  10. hi, thanks for your development, can you make this addon in svcpack mode (t13 minute) with default theme? thanks!
  11. hi, new version is out: 1.8.3, so i'll try to update with your method. thanks
  12. thanks! now is all ok!!! see you soon!
  13. hi thanks for your work! is impossible to download it from mediafire! see you soon!
  14. only english?? or there is more language?? thanks!
  15. hi to all, download link, not works, is possible update this addon?? thanks!! THE BEST FIREWALL OF THE UNIVERSE!!
  16. hi, in the readme there is: now Rezip with 7zip Makave's installer along with 'hidec.exe' and 'OODefrag.cmd' where is 7zip makave's installer???? thanks!
  17. i think that 22 mb is the micro version...lite should be 50 mb...or not??
  18. thanks, can you make a lite version too??? i hope is possible register too! see you soon!
  19. THANKS VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
  20. thanks!!! is the best player!!!!
  21. ahh good!! there is an italian version?? see you soon!
  22. where i can download your old version?? like this: Ricks_SpywareBlaster4.0_AddOn.7z thanks