Everything posted by jander44
[Addon] Kel's UberPacK v16.2 & Notepad2-Mod
Kel, In your UberPack.inf you have a [Regshot.DelShortcut4] that looks like it should be [ResHack.DelShortcut4] [resuninstall] BeginPrompt = BeginUnInsPromptResHack EndPrompt = EndUnInsPromptResHack DelFiles = CopyResHack DelDirs = ResUninstall.DelDirs DelReg = ResHack.addreg ProfileItems = reshack.DelShortcut,reshack.DelShortcut2,ResHack.DelShortcut3,ResHack.[b]DelShortcut4[/b] [ResUninstall.DelDirs] %16422%\%ResHack% [ResHack.DelShortcut3] Name = ResHack,0x00000003 SubDir = Utilities [b][Regshot.DelShortcut4][/b] Name = ResHack,0x00000002 SubDir = Utilities [BeginUnInsPromptResHack] Prompt = %UninsQuestResHack% Title = %UninsTitle% ButtonType = OKCANC [EndUnInsPromptResHack] Prompt = %UninsFinalResHack% Title = %UninsTitle% And thanks for this Addon
INF install from RunOnce
I forgot about WinRAR! That worked like a charm. I did not test the rundll32 method yet as I accomplished what I was looking for in the WinRAR SFX method. If I try the other method down the road I will post my results. I really appreciate your help on this ricktendo64.
INF install from RunOnce
The following works if the path to the .inf is true. rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 C:\<FOLDER>\<FILENAME>.inf However does anyone have any ideas how to run this code from within a temp folder?
INF install from RunOnce
Test on running OS completed successfully. Will test install from runonceex.
INF install from RunOnce
I would like to be able to select a few inf addons during the runonce stage of integration using a installer tool. Some inf addons are set up and installed perfectly to my taste as well as they are very customizable. If I could package the inf's into a switchless installer I would, unfortunately I do not possess that knowledge at the time. I am surprised [sourceDisksFiles] is not needed. I will test and respond. Thanks Rick
INF install from RunOnce
Thanks for taking a look at this. Any of you or kel's addons that are not dependant on the T13 stage can be used as an example. [Version] Signature=$Windows NT$ [defaultinstall] OptionDesc ="PowerMenu Visual Enhancement" Tip ="PowerMenu" Modes =0,1,2,3 CopyFiles =PowerMenu.copy ADDReg =Start [Optional Components] PowerMenu [PowerMenu] OptionDesc ="PowerMenu Visual Enhancement" Tip ="PowerMenu" Modes =0,1,2,3 CopyFiles =PowerMenu.copy ADDReg =Start [uninstall] BeginPrompt = BeginUnInsPrompt EndPrompt = EndUnInsPrompt RunPreSetupCommands=Kill.PowerMenu:1 DelFiles = PowerMenu.copy DelReg = Start DelDirs = folder.del [Kill.PowerMenu] taskkill.exe /IM PowerMenu.exe /F [folder.del] %16422%\%PowerMenu% [BeginUnInsPrompt] Prompt = %UninsQuest% Title = %UninsTitle% ButtonType = OKCANC [EndUnInsPrompt] Prompt = %UninsFinal% Title = %UninsTitle% [SourceDisksNames.x86] 1="PowerMenu Files","PMenu.cab",,"i386" [DestinationDirs] PowerMenu.copy = 16422,"%PowerMenu%" [SourceDisksFiles] PowerMenu.exe=1 PowerMenuHook.dll=1 readme.htm=1 [PowerMenu.copy] PowerMenu.exe readme.htm PowerMenuHook.dll [Start] HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","Comments",0,"PowerMenu Visual Enhancement" HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","DisplayName",0,"PowerMenu" HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","DisplayIcon",0,"%16422%\%PowerMenu%\PowerMenu.exe" HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","DisplayVersion",0,"1.5.1" HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","NoModify",0x00010001,01,00,00,00 HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","NoRepair",0x00010001,01,00,00,00 HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","Publisher",0,"Thong Nguyen" HKLM,"%RemoveMe%\PowerMenu","UninstallString",0,"rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\PowerMenu.inf,uninstall" HKLM,"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run","PowerMenu",0,"%16422%\%PowerMenu%\PowerMenu.exe" [Strings] PowerMenu = "Visual+\PowerMenu" RemoveMe = "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" UninsTitle = "KelCorp addon uninstaller" UninsQuest = "Uninstall PowerMenu?" UninsFinal = "Uninstallation is now completed!."
INF install from RunOnce
Any idea how to run a inf addOn from RunOnceEx? So far I have have extracted any cab files in the addOn into the same folder as the inf and tried running the following from a command line: rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 setup.inf Which resulted in the following "Files needed" notification: I think I have narrowed it down to the [sourceDisksNames.x86] entry in the inf. By deleting any reference to the .cab the installer seems to load with no "files needed" notifications. This has not been tested on a new install though it works on a pre loaded OS. If any of the resident inf addOn makers have any suggestions, tips or tricks I would be greatly thankful. -Thanks in advance