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  1. Hi ricktendo64 , Been using your addons for a long time and really appreciate it. However your latest AS one's MD5 doesn't match and is not working with nLite 1.4.6 . I am using like 30+ other ones and also dnld from RyanVM and same thing. Thought I'd let you know. ----- While I'm writing this I am wrong. It doesn't work because I rename mine to the date they are released or posted by authors like you and then I add the dnld date to the end like this: WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-19-08.7z Even adding Addon at the end still doesn't let me do it: WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-19-08_Addon.7z or some other variations. I just like to know what forum I found the file from and the Author, release date and dnld date. If I slipstream a lot I can get a handle how often certain programs get updates. Anyway just curious why changed all of a sudden? Don't change this one on my account though. --- Update. Now I got it to work with nLite with my above renaming scheme. Also the MD5 works, no idea why HashTab is seeing it correctly now. Just figured it out, looking at Foldersize 2.4 it missed downloading about 15kb twice somehow. Also got it to work with my naming scheme for the most part, this works: WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner-2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-20-08_AddOn.7z But this doesn't (how I always do it): WinCert-Ricks_CCleaner_2.08.588_AS_r05-30-08_d06-20-08_AddOn.7z
  2. I've found File Scavenger to be helpful. Over a year ago I used it to get back my cousins My Documents files: MS Word and Excel documents etc. It did a great job at getting them back but I don't know exactly if they were overwritten or if they were how many times. I've also used it on my PC to recover some things, 99% of the time I just hit Shift + Delete to bypass the Recycle bin. Haven't used it in a long time, again I don't remember how many times those files I recovered were overwritten. I will be trying this one out though, since it's free and made by the creators of CCleaner.