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  1. Thank you again! Great! P.S.: I just had to delete ",I386" in [sourceDisksNames.x86].
  2. Yeah, after making this comment, I saw cygnus made the thing, but you made the addon Anyway, this uberpack is so uber for me... There is so many things I got lazy to read and wonder what I need/dont need. I'm in process of testing things, cause I'm recent to this, then I have to go with calm, this packs with many patchs just confuse me ehehehhe. Thank you very much Rick. And cygnus
  3. No thanks, then I prefere yours lololol Couldn't I install it via WPI like you taught me with your WindowBlinds Addon?
  4. THAAAANK YOUUU!!! Edit.: By the way, what did you mean with that "obsolete..." on the first comment right after the topic introduction??? I must to know this :crying_anim02:
  5. Your addons are soooo cool How can I install this manually after windows inst? Is there a way to integrate to wpi? It's just good to do this Thanks.
  6. Please, answer this question: why did you create this addons since we can use the /s command to install the software? I'm just very curious. Btw, is there a way to install your addon like a silent installer, so I can add it to my WPI installation? Thanks a lot.
  7. Couldn't you help me? I'm lost here Your addon is so helpful (I've tested it with windows installation), but I really wanted a silent installer for this. I cannot even imagine how I can install this that way, neither windowblinds. Please, support me on this. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi Rick! I get a lot of your addons, and I shall thank you for this, they're very helpful! Anyway, I don't want to add software to my windows instalation, since I'd have to recreate it everytime a new version was out. Could you create a RunonceEX or WPI (it would work on both the same way, isn't it?), so I can add to my software installation cd? I couldn't find anywhere an addon for that neither a silent install, cause I saw comodo installs a different way. If you do, I'll be grateful. My english sucks!
  9. Huh? I didn't get it, isn't that for WB5 version? Mine is 6. Almost forgeting, 6.02 is out, could you update man? I really fell your addon is better than using /s switch, but I don't know why, but I'll wait your answer for my last question before doing anything. Thanks everyone!
  10. Hi! I'm new to this site, but not new modifyind my installation. Well, I just want to know: why did you create this addons since we can use the /s command to install the software? Will that activate screen appear? Thanks.