Everything posted by h8isgr8
[Closed] XPtsp Green Batch v1.4.7.1
Thanks, that worked. Also, has anyone else mentioned anything about the battery meter icon not displaying the correct charge level? When I first unplug my laptop (battery at full charge), it shows it as completely empty. After the battery drains some it will show it at 50%.
XPtsp GUI v3.0.0.26 - February 27, 2012
I'm having a problem after installing v1.4.6.5. When trying to change my window theme I get the error "The visual styles could not be applied". The previous version I had installed worked fine (v1.4.6.0). Thanks for all the effort here though, it's really appreciated.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Well, I see why media center isn't getting patched by V'ISO live........ ehres.dll isn't even included in the batch file. I edited and replaced ehres.dll manually and it looks like it should now. Well, almost like it should; the media center home icon to the upper left is stretched. Does anyone know how I can get this modified ehres.dll back inside the Rollup2 KB900325.exe?
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
V'ISO (original) = Patches XP installation files. V'ISO (live) = Ability to apply V'ISO (original) to XP post installation (i.e. live). Someone smack me if I'm wrong. BTW, can anyone confirm that patching MCE2005 live actually patches media center and works?
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Yes, SFC is disabled and uxthemes installed. I have the VistaVG Ultimate theme install by default. V'ISO would patch MC perfectly before the addition of the Rollup2 addon. Obviously Rollup2 overwrites files that V'ISO previously patched. I just don't know why running V'ISO live isn't re-patching those files. Oh well, I guess I'm just happy to have MC + SP3 working.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Thanks, I didn't realize there was a "live" installer (even though it's mentioned on this page). I tried applying V'ISO with the live installer but MC still looks the same. The installer finished successfully and windows restarted after exiting so I don't know what the deal is.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
First let me say I LOVE this V'ISO pack. Thanks for all the effort that went into it. OK, now my problem. I'm using a custom XP PRO SP3 with NR_MCE_Installer_Addon_b2 because my real MCE2005+SP3 = Hell. Everything works perfect, but after MCE Rollup2 runs in replaces a bunch of files that V'ISO patched. Is there any way to re-patch these files once windows loads or maybe even patch the actual Rollup2? I just want my MCE to look V'ISOed again.
DOTNETAIO AddOn causing slow process starting?
Well it seems that it is the DOTNETAIO addon that is causing the problem. The processes start fast without it installed. Has anyone else had any problems with the DOTNETAIO addon and SP3? EDIT: I just wanted to report that installation of .net framework through windows update works perfectly fine. I would really like to know if anyone else has had this issue or if it has something to do with the order of hotfixes/addons in nlite.
DOTNETAIO AddOn causing slow process starting?
Hi, I've been trying to troubleshoot an annoying problem I've been having for awhile now and I finally have it narrowed down. The DOTNETAIO addon is causing a problem after install where the processes won't start up in a timely manner. It takes 2-3 minutes for them to load. If I don't add the addon everything works fine except one of my other addons causes an install error from .net not being installed. Here is a list of my addons.... Kels_VistaDriveIndicator_addon_v2.2.CAB Ricks_AIOVistaAeroCursors_AddOn_v7.07.03.rar Ricks_RecycleBin_SMD_AddOn_v0.6.rar Ricks_ToolTipFixer1.0.1_AddOn.rar Ricks_VistaRTMFonts_AddOn_v1.1.7z Ricks_WinRAR3.7Plus_AddOn.cab Ricktendo_VistasoundsAddOn.rar .... and after those are added with nlite I run V'ISO_b8.2.1.exe. Can anyone tell me which of the above addons would cause an "InstallUtil.exe" error from .net not being installed? Does anyone know why the DOTNETAIO addon is causing this problem? This is all done on a SP3 slipstream BTW. Thanks EDIT: OK, I found that it is the ToolTipFixer that uses the .net InstallUtil.exe. Now I just need to find out if its the ToolTipFixer that's causing the problem or DOTNETAIO.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
OK, forget I posted in this thread..... I'm a tard. I deleted everything, uninstalled nlite, reinstalled nlite, and started from scratch. I also installed the lasted version of WMP11 Slipstreamer as I was unaware the version I had was out of date. Everything seems fine running in VMWare. I'll try it on a real PC now and hopefully all is good. BTW, thank you Rick for making this patcher available. I love it. :thumbsup_anim:
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
In nlites unattended section I am doing "insert all local" themes and then setting it as my default . If I make two identical installs with nlite but using the previous V'ISO on one and the current V'ISO on the other, only the previous version works correctly.
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Yes, it is killing my default VistaVG Ultimate theme. When windows loads for the first time it loads with my default wallpaper, but with the windows classic theme. The VistaVG theme does not even show up in the drop down list. The last V'ISO release worked perfectly for me. This has been driving me crazy for last few days trying to figure out what was causing it.
[AddOn] AIO Vista Aero Cursors *Updated*
You have to make sure they are added to your default themes .theme file (if it has one). First select the cursors you want through the control panel. Then go to Display Properties -> Themes and select "save as". Save the theme to your desktop and then copy and paste the "[Control Panel\Cursors]" sections to your defaults themes .theme file. Mine looks like this... [Control Panel\Cursors] Arrow=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_arrow.cur Help=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_helpsel.cur AppStarting=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_working.ani Wait=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_busy.ani NWPen=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_pen.cur No=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_unavail.cur SizeNS=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_ns.cur SizeWE=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_ew.cur Crosshair=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_prec.cur IBeam=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_select.cur SizeNWSE=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_nwse.cur SizeNESW=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_nesw.cur SizeAll=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_move.cur UpArrow=%WinDir%Cursors\Aero\aero_up.cur DefaultValue=Aero (Alphablended) Link=
how to integrate custom reg tweaks?
I managed to do it in a very noob sort of way. I'm sure there is probably a much better way. I made an AutoIT script that runs regedit /s regtweaks.reg. I then added all 3 file (regedit.exe, regtweaks.reg, autoit.exe) to a SFX archive. You can then use the nlite addon maker to make an addon, or manually add it to the svcpack folder and put the entry in the svcpack.inf. This works, but like I said, probably a completely retarded way to do it. If for some reason you want to see my addon, let me know and I will post it.
Windows Live Photo Gallery Addon?
OK, so my above effort only works for the Photo Gallery, SQL Server doesn't install with the windows install. Since the above didn't work and after more reading I tried to use the nlite addon maker to make two separate addons. The Photo Gallery addon works fine, just like my first effort, but the SQL Server still doesn't install with windows. With both SQL Server addons I made they will install AFTER windows boots for the first time and I run the addons manually, but thats not what I want. So, can anyone tell me how to make an addon for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Compact? Or is there another way to slipstream it into the windows install? This is the last hurdle keeping me from finishing my custom install. Please help!
Windows Live Photo Gallery Addon?
OK, I've just completed my first ever attempt at an addon. I haven't tried it in an install just yet, but I'm sure it will work as planned. The only thing I would like to figure out now is how to add a registry entry to associate photo files with the program. Here is my oh soooo complicated AutoIT code. (please don't laugh) RunWait(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & @ScriptDir & '\sql.msi" /quiet') Sleep(10) RunWait(@SystemDir & '\msiexec /i "' & @ScriptDir & '\Install_{257E440F-781F-459B-9A68-A0872B80C1D6}.msi" /quiet') Here is a download link to the addon....
Windows Live Photo Gallery Addon?
I just tried to install the program right after my custom XP installed and it says that SQL Server Compact needed to be installed, so that's a definite. It runs fine after installing SQL Server, so it doesn't need anything else that isn't already in my windows install. Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 2005 is only 1.73MB. I don't think it would be to hard to integrate it into an addon for someone who knows what they're doing. I unfortunately have no clue what I'm doing. :confused02:
[AddOn] AIO Vista Aero Cursors *Updated*
I added this with nlite and it works fine, but is there a way to set a default cursor theme for the windows install? After windows installs I have to manually select the theme I want. EDIT: Nevermind, figured it out. Thank god for google.
Windows Live Photo Gallery Addon?
Is there a Windows Live Photo Gallery addon available? If not, how would I go about making one? It would also be nice if it could be made to automatically set photo file associations with the program. Thanks.