Everything posted by tosbsas
Notepad 2008
Check it out - looks awesome http://www.winmatrix.com/forums/index.php?...c=20152&hl= Ruben
[FINAL] Windows Easy Transfer (en es tr nl de)
any chance for german? Ruben
Vista Icons
forget vistamizer - sucks Viso is the way to go Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
netshell is your friend or xpresp2.dll Ruben
Vista for XP SP3 German - running system
Check it out http://tosbsas.deviantart.com/art/Vista-Pa...man-V2-92178957 Ruben
Vista Rainbar V4 by Gavatx
kind of complicated to configurate but really fast Ruben
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
its just I trust ricktendo more (.-)) Ruben
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
could you support it, please? Ruben
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
I did,but normally you include an inf file -wanted to use your ini,but it needs some inf -or am I seeing this wrong Ruben
[AddOn] exFAT File System Driver for XP/2k3
how do I install this, would like to try Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
@HJW Any news about the netshell? Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Here you go http://cid-58a89a2e6389422c.skydrive.live....ware/shell32.7z Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
@HJW You there?? Any answer? Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
sorry , I don't understand you (:-(( The files in the german viso are correct, I think there is some resources missing or at another place. I once tried with d2squared's shell32.dll and it had nearly all of the icons, only move was mising. I can send you an original shell32.dll if that helps? Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
is it only in the german version: Opening explorer - at the bottom I get commands like move or copy or mail -but no icons Ruben
[Updated] ViStart 2.0 (build 3468)
bad decision - in german for example there is cutoffs and stuff Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
ok, will try Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
@Amnesia Could you look in my netshell trouble too - its german xp, when using restorator to change language id and udpate resources from 8.2 I get a hanging Intel wireless framwork. Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
hm I need some help with netshell.dll and xpsp2res.dll - I would like to change the icons in the tray to vistalike network icons, but using icons from this package crashes my wireless intel framework. Iam on a GERMAN OS, so I changed the language id first, but ... I tried everything - is this only possible for englisch os? Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
yeah thanks, but your snd32vol doesn't change the tray icon, at least not here.I neded to chang ethat in stobject.dll Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
looks cool, but does it change the icon in the tray? Ruben Yeah - I found what I was looking for - to change the trayicon for sound you need to change stobject.dll - the res is in the package. You may ask why I don't just install the iso - well I have a german xp, and this is all in englisch and on a running system (:-)
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
@sull sorry but no, this doesn't change that icon (:-.(( Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
yeah I did the network icons on the taskbar - please anyone can tell me how I can get the speaker icon changed.Sndvol32.dll doesn't do that there Ruben
[Release] V'ISO b8.2.2 (Last)
Anyone knows which dll's to change to get the vistalike network Icons and sound icon on the taskbar? I tried netshell, but wouldn't work - no icons at all on my taskbar.German xp Ruben
[AddOn] Windows Sidebar v6.0.6002.18005
thanks, will try Ruben