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Everything posted by tosbsas

  1. hola ricktendo I have a german os - so how do I do that? Ruben
  2. @ricktendo I already have the english version installed, can I just copy the german files into the folder and re register? Or is it an uninstall/install? Ruben
  3. whats the file?? I can check with a friend hier - sidebar.exe only or all the others too? Ruben
  4. I am confused - those language updates are for the older version?? Ruben
  5. I tried to use the nehshell.dll.res, changed language, and merged it into original, but it didn't work out right. I actually only want the nice computer icons in the tray area (:-)) Ruben
  6. I'd like to second the Aero Ultimate Beta 4 - fediafedia got beaten by the guys on stardock forum about copyright and else, but it is a nearly perfect skin (:-)) Ruben
  7. I have older version installed - with sidebar (new version) - do I just install on top? Uninstall all? Sidebar too? Ruben
  8. @ricktendo64 And how do I do that update?? Just install on top? Or do I have to uninstall first and than install all of it again?? I mean Alky and the Sidebar Ruben
  9. Hey guys anyone knows of an app that would give us the same shutdown feature as vista has -arrow next to logoff dialog? I know vistart is doing that, but I don't like the rest of vistart - skinning is kind of slow and I prefer my wb skin, but that feature would be great Ruben
  10. @ricktendo64 Can you tell me in which file you found the - more information- bmp? I can access a german vista here right now and would like to get that one out. Ruben
  11. Hey do you know if I can use an english shell32.dll on a german OS?? Ruben
  12. what did I do wrong? I get a black background, sidebar has been repaired and all files have been patched succesfully Ruben
  13. german usable too? Ruben
  14. this one looks nice (:-)) http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/78f54d9fe6.jpg Ruben
  15. I'll ask when do you see that - I want to try too? Ruben
  16. Its version 2 now - with avis Ruben
  17. Here you can get them: Vista shell32.dll icons madeup in shell32.dll for XP sp2 There is a german and and english version. German versions without new avis and bmp's yet http://fishy-fish.deviantart.com/gallery/ Looks cool Ruben
  18. @Ricktendo Hey you gonna make a german sp3 version too?? Ruben
  19. (:-)) thanks Ruben
  20. but thats a whole story of patching,right.The styler is probably vista only too?? Ruben
  21. Can I use the sidebar styler on this one too -I mean on xp? Ruben
  22. hm,thats weird, cause Iinstalled your whole package in german for the first time.Never installed vaio Ruben
  23. works great here too -thing seems to be the intel wireless control -seemsto block gadget access Ruben By the way-how do you get the icon if its not in the tray?? Ruben
  24. here are the german 3300 http://rapidshare.com/files/91034352/ntosk...2600.300_deu.7z Ruben