Everything posted by arkangelo22
Wintoolkit for Windows 10?
No one can answer me yes or no?
Wintoolkit for Windows 10?
Good to know if the latest version of wintoolkit can already be modified windows 10?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Hi is the upgrade because IE11-Windows6.1-KB3104002-x64.msu not installed when adding it to wintoolkit?
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Ok thank you very much for your attention and patience
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
So, i have formatted and follows the same blessed problem
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
I do not understand when you say legitimate? A untouched fully legal OS from Microsoft before you modified it. If in with wintoolkit DOWNLOAD when you could download
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
I do not understand when you say legitimate?
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Go discovered that my own operating system that will not let me change the orb windows 7, I installed the Theme Resource Changer and third issues patch and reboot whenever I get the orb Aero theme. Any solution?
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
I put a video so you can see what happens when I change the subject and when restarting Windows
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Nothing case when reset reappears happy orb windows 7
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Ok thank you very much and I try it and tell a greeting
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
dareckibmw Ok thanks, I'll try it without further modification I did with Windows AIK
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
apology to translate from English into Spanish, I do not understand if you ask me if the Orb when windows 7 restart when you restart, and I would have to aperecer the theme
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
I sent the item for private, if you mean that you want to try
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
That's right, but whenever I reboot windows 7 the orb does not appear, only the orb appears when I give in personalizing
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
I have a .bat file to take control of the explorer but not how to add wintoolkit
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
It took five days trying to resolve it and not get it, I'm desperate :ranting:
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
if you are 3 images in the theme folder in PNG a greeting dareckibmw
Error Windows 7 Start Orb
Hi there if you are so kind to help me, I added the Theme Resource Changer as addons and also the patch third-party themes in wintoolkit, and whenever you start Windows 7 for the first time Orb Windows startup not orb appears I put theme as predeterminado- A which is due?
Error: 0x8007065e
Hello in the latest version Toolkit v1.5.3.21 Win _portable, you get an error update KB2483139 Error: 0x8007065e Error: 1630 DISM failed. No operation was performed. For more information, review the log file. any solution?
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
ok merci
[14 janvier 2020] Update list GDR pour Windows 7 SP1 x86/x64 (Fr-En-De-Es-It)
Hello W10.vbs file must be added in silent installations? and if so use that command? If you have to put it somewhere else where I add in wintoolkit? a greeting
Win Toolkit
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