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  1. The main problem is it: I want to make a fully integrated Win7 X64 system, but i have problem with some tools. 1. I use Windows Update Downloader. I download all of the updates. 2. I integrate them with the WinToolkit. 3. I add this dotNetFx452_x64.Windows7.AddOn.20140507.WA as addon in the WinToolkit. 4. Finally i make an usb disc, and try to install. At the first start of the windows, it say, that .NET Framework has problem, and stopped. After a new window comes in: Detecting Drivers, and here the PC freezes. What can be the problem?
  2. Hi there, Please take a look in Options , and check if Delete Silent Installers are Untick ! Hi! It was untick!: ( NewZoo
  3. Hello! I want to make a fully integrated Win7 X64 system, but i have problem with some tools. 1. I use Windows Update Downloader. I download all of the updates. 2. I integrate them with the WinToolkit. 3. I add this dotNetFx452_x64.Windows7.AddOn.20140507.WA as addon in the WinToolkit. 4. Finally i make an usb disc, and try to install. At the first start of the windows, it say, that .NET Framework has problem, and stopped. After a new window comes in: Detecting Drivers, and here the PC freezes. What can be the problem? Other problem: If i add some silent install programs they will not installed. I cant find them. Kind regards, NewZoo