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    jin1719 reacted to symbios24 in Driverpacks integration   
    Hello I currently having problem trying to integrate driverpacks to a windows 7 sp1 32bit iso using the SAD3 Tool( Stand Alone Driverpack utility )
    what i do is create the following folders in sources: $oem$/$1/D/SAD3/ and $oem$/$$/Setup/Scripts/
    after that i extract the tool in the folder sources/$oem$/$1/D/SAD3/
    and put the compressed "7z" driverpacks into the sources/$oem$/$1/D/SAD3/NT6/x86 folder and the setupcomplete.cmd script in the sources/oem$/$$/Setup/Scripts/ folder
    the script it self has the commands:
    @echo off
    START %systemdrive%\DP_Install_Tool.cmd /s
    after that i save the iso
    after the windows setup finish nothing happens no drivers installed
    what do i do wrong???
    Appreciate any Help. :g: