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    ThuGie got a reaction from Ali Sahandi in Windows 10 - DISM   
    I noticed windows 10 preview had a higher version
    Any clue what the changes are, and if we can get it on windows 8.1 ?
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    If i am correct, you you can use virtualbox, to install windows 7, once reached the place where you enter a username,
    You use shift+ctrl+f3 to enter admin account and skip everything else,
    Install everything + do the updates you want, after you have done this make sure you enable geniralize or what it was called.
    And restart, you will get the language option if you got multiple languages installed + the ability to choose username and what not.
    But do not continue just shutdown, mount the image and commit it to the install.wim
    This is not a complete guide, have not used it myself fully. but i think he means this.
    You will end up with a iso with everything you added to the install in virtual box.
    Though i do not know how it go's about with system specific updates as drivers etc.